Using ML Predictions in Mobile Apps With Couchbase Lite’s Predictive Query API

Couchbase Lite is a full-fledged NoSQL JSON document database for mobile and desktop applications. Couchbase Lite’s Predictive Query API allows applications to leverage pre-trained, Machine Learning(ML) models to run predictive queries against data stored in application's local Couchbase Lite database in a convenient, fast and always-available way. These predictions can be combined with predictions made against real-time data captured by your app to enable a range of compelling applications. 

In this post, I provide an overview of the feature including context around why we built it and the kinds of applications that it can enable. I also demonstrate the use of the Predictive API with an example. 

Web Services or Mobile App Testing — The Prioritization Matrices

Web Service and  Mobile App Testing

Generally, we can say that: Web services are packet sized applications that communicate with each other via network but in a precise format. The output of one software used as an input to another reciprocally and the whole process executed with interface language like XML.

Mobile app testing is a strategic approach to detect bugs and fix them before users identify them. It’s evident that scalable and user-friendly applications win the race and gives your product wide recognition. Mobile app testing does it with it’s set of approaches right from installation, the target device and OS, UI/UX usability, functionality, interrupts, data network, hardware, and performance, and many other parameters.

Top 6 Programming Languages for Mobile App Development

Mobile application development industry in the last five years has multiplied in leaps and bounds, changing the way businesses function worldwide. With enterprises aligning mobile apps to their productivity in recent times, and with the rapid innovation in mobile devices across platforms, it calls for mobile app developers to write several versions of an application for many different platforms using a single language and many pieces of reusable code. Are you game for that?

Once you intend to realize your mobile app idea, it's time to validate it, understand the target market, and narrow down the platform on which you ideally would like to build your mobile application. As soon as that is decided, it’s time to select a programming language, keeping in mind your business strategy to make either native, hybrid, or cross-platform apps.

Navigation in a React Native Web Application

“React Native for Web” makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM.

Setting up navigation in  react–native–web  is challenging as the navigation system works quite differently in  apps vs  browser. In this article, we’ll set up the most popular react-navigation on to react-native-web.

Using React Navigation in React Native Web

React navigation is the most famous library for navigation in reactnative. In this section, we’ll try to integrate react-navigation in reactnativeweb.

Platform Channel in Flutter — Benefits and Limitations

One of the biggest challenges for mobile cross-platform frameworks is how to achieve native performance and how to help developers create different kinds of features for different devices and platforms with as little effort as possible. In doing so, we need to keep in mind that UX should remain the same but with unique components that are specific for each particular platform (Android and iOS).

Although cross-platform frameworks (in most of these cases) can resolve platform-specific tasks, there is a certain number of tasks which, with custom platform-specific code, can be achieved only through native. The question is, how can those frameworks establish communication between the specific platform and application? The best example is the Flutter's Platform Channel.

React Native Plant App UI #2: Implementing Custom Components

This tutorial is the second part of our React Native Plant App tutorial series. In the previous part, we successfully set up the overall project structure, navigations, constants, and implemented image caching. 

These app templates allow us to implement our own apps and even start our own startups. And, this second part is also the continuation of coding implementations and designs from the Youtube video tutorial by React UI Kit for the Plant App. The video tutorial delivers the coding implementation of the overall app very thoroughly. This tutorial series is the implementation of the same coding style and designs in the form of the article. Thus, the learners can go through each step and take their time understanding the implementations.

Line of Business Skeleton for Xamarin App, Part 1: A Brick in the Wall

Hello developers and software designers. I'm writing this article to open a discussion about the idea of developing a skeleton for Xamarin applications with pluggable components and services. I've finished writing a technical document after we — as a team — finished delivering a line-of-business mobile application to oen of our clients. We planned from the beginning to shape a skeleton inside this project that can help us later with the next projects. Let's share it with you.

This is a technical article that demonstrates the architecture and designs used to implement the desired features. I tried to illustrate each piece of code, designs, thoughts, and decisions visually with diagrams.

Professional Spotlight: Frank Bach, Lead Product Design at Headspace

In a world where we are constantly hit with digital stimuli, we all just need to take a moment to relax. Mobile apps might seem like unlikely allies in silencing all that noise, but in fact, the self-care trend in mobile apps is booming. One of the apps leading the charge is Headspace.

Headspace is the brainchild of former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe, who returned from a Tibetan monastery with a drive to spread the word about meditation, and advertising executive Richard Pierson, who needed a way to relax from the stress of his job. They decided to do a skill-swap, and Headspace was born. The Headspace app now ranks as one of the top 10 apps in the Health & Fitness category and has over 30 million users and 1 million subscribers.

Block Editor Now in Beta for WordPress Mobile Apps

The new Gutenberg block editor that arrived in WordPress 5.0 is now in beta testing on the mobile apps. The editor will be available in version 11.9, which is planned to be released to the public on March 11.

“For this first version, our main focus was to build a pleasant writing experience with support for the most basic types of content,” WordPress mobile engineer Jorge Bernal said.

“Our data showed that 90%+ of the posts created on the mobile apps consisted of basic text and images, so we decided to focus on supporting the Paragraph, Image, and Heading blocks on this version.”

The interface looks similar to using Gutenberg on desktop, but it has been pared back to allow for only the most commonly used blocks and access to simple block settings.

Block editor v1 0 demo FINAL 2019 02 26 08 29 03

The block editor in the Android app feels noticeably slower on mobile than the previous editor. It’s not yet an improvement on the existing mobile editor but it’s still in beta. Even though it’s still rough around the edges, the posting interface is more consistent with what users experience on the desktop. During this transition time, users will retain the ability to use either editor, since the Gutenberg implementation just provides the basics for now.

After version 11.9 rolls out to the apps, users can choose if they want to use the block editor. The app detects which editor a post was created with and will automatically open it when a user attempts to edit a post. Users can manually switch back to the old editor for posts that have blocks by selecting “Switch to Classic Editor” under the ellipses menu. New posts will still use the Classic Editor by default but users can change the default to the block editor by going to Me > App Settings and enabling the “Use Block Editor” option.

After 11.9 is released the team plans to work on UX improvements and bug fixes before moving on to add support for the most common blocks and use cases.