Flutter vs React Native. How to Cover All Mobile Platforms in 2022 With No Hassle

Mobile app development is a must for any business that pursues top-notch customer experience. When we hear about a new exciting product or service appearance, in most cases, we won’t ask ourselves whether the company provides mobile app support or not. Instead, we grub our smartphones, always at hand, to decide if a new app is worthy of becoming our day-to-day companion. The current state of technology frees us from the need to reinvent the wheel. There’s no more need to hire several teams to build mobile apps for different platforms since the cross-platform approach helps erase the difference between them. Today, we will look at Flutter and React Native to decide who outplays who in terms of community, performance, and other factors.

Who Is Who in the World of Cross-platform Development

Flutter is Google’s invention. One of the main distinctive features of Flutter enables programmers to use the same code base for creating an app that will work in browsers and on mobile devices. So if you're on a tight budget and want to cut costs of reaching both mobile and web users, it can be a decent choice.

How to Use Geofences for Precise Audience Messaging

Precise messaging is an important way for mobile apps to retain users and is usually achieved by segmenting users into different groups according to their preferences and then adopting different messaging policies for each user segment. However, if you want to push messages to users based on their precise locations, in-depth customization is usually required since most available third-party messaging services cannot narrow the target audience down to a specific business area or a small area. With geofences, this issue can be effectively resolved. A geofence is a set of virtual boundaries that define a given area on a map. When a user's device enters or leaves the geofence, or stays in the geofence for a specific amount of time, messages and notifications can be automatically sent to an app on the user's device. Geofence and messaging capabilities can work together to precisely send messages to target audiences in a specified area.

For example, suppose that a travel app wants to promote its ticket booking service in Paris. To do so, the app can create geofences for popular scenic spots in Paris. When a target user arrives at a scenic spot during a specified time range, the app will send them a promotion message such as "You have received a coupon for XYZ: Tap here to claim the coupon," increasing their willingness to buy a ticket.

What Is End-to-End Testing?

End-to-end testing, or E2E testing, is a type of performance test go-through during the cycle of mobile app development. All of the functionalities of the product are tested from one end to another to ensure that the entire application flow functions without setbacks. In fact, one of the primary goals of E2E testing is to provide makers with context about the user experience. The real user experience is simulated and all the integral components are validated under test.

What Are the Types of End-to-End Testing Methods?

Depending on the end goal of the developers, there are two kinds of testing methods:

Horizontal E2E Testing

This is a testing method that tests the application across various platforms and applications. This kind of testing can be easily conducted in the purview of a single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. It is the most well-known approach when it comes to E2E testing because it takes into account the perspective of the user. It checks whether the user is able to successfully navigate the app.

Vertical E2E Testing

E2E testing can also be carried out in sequential layers. This kind of testing is called vertical E2E testing since the system follows a strict vertical hierarchy. All of the different elements of the system are tested from one end to another, to ensure that proper quality is delivered. This kind of testing method is best applied to sophisticated applications that have a lot of moving parts. It is applicable for systems that don’t have user interfaces.

Benefits of Conducting E2E Testing & Performance Test Mobile App

There are various benefits you can take advantage of if you apply E2E testing. Apart from the basic benefit of providing a comprehensive, end-to-end test, here are the main benefits of conducting E2E testing.
  1. Reduces the Risk of Future Bugs: Properly conducted E2E tests also drastically reduce the risk of future bugs. The application is subjected to intensive testing after every iteration – thus ensuring that there are very less bugs in the future.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness & Time-Effectiveness: Properly conducted E2E testing can also increase the level of cost associated with the project. By reducing the amount of repetition, E2E testing can save you and your enterprise a lot of time and money.
  3. Expands the coverage of the Test: E2E testing also expands the coverage of the test by taking into consideration all of the sub-systems associated with the application. It’s a very enumerative form of testing that looks after the quality of each and every dimension of the application.
  4. Increases the Level of Efficiency: All of the professionals involved in the development process prefer E2E testing. Developers don’t have to worry too much about the testing process and the testers can conduct a thorough test of the product. Project managers benefit greatly from the valuable insight they receive.

Summing Up

To sum it up, E2E testing is a valuable form of testing that will allow your business to benefit from a comprehensive and highly developed app. When you conduct tests on your app, make sure to use E2E testing so that maximum coverage is ensured. It’ll also save you a lot of time and money.

Biggest Threats Application Development Companies Are Facing Today

Application development is a delicate process. To build high-quality applications, not only expertise is required, but also important measures and their proper implementation. Today, as the number of applications is increasing, problems apart from cyberthreats are increasing in parallel. These threats might cause applications to malfunction, slow them down, or just might make them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. However, there are precautions as well. Blockchain, for instance, is one of the safest servers that application development companies are preferring today. 

In this blog, we are discussing some crucial threats and hurdles for app development companies and precautions these companies are taking to avoid them. If you are a tech enthusiast, developer, or app development professional, stick with us until the end to have some amazing insights. 

Hiring the Top Mobile App Developers: Do’s and Don’ts

We are all surrounded by technologies and advancements in today's fast-paced era, and mobile apps are one of them. In today's competitive market, all firms recognize that simply having a web presence is insufficient.

And that's why they're relying more on mobile apps these days. According to an app development statistic, mobile applications are predicted to generate over $935 billion in revenue by 2023.  

Five Developer Secrets to Speeding Mobile DevSecOps

Mobile app dev teams looking to deliver innovative, high-quality mobile apps quickly to meet their business demands, must include security as early as possible and throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC). While mobile has become the dominant means of accessing information, mobile DevSecOps maturity frequently lags behind web DevSecOps. If the security strategy is to test right before release then rush to fix security bugs, releases are often delayed or insecure code ships — but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Imagine spending months designing and developing a mobile app. Suddenly your project grinds to a halt during late-stage testing because a third-party API or library leaks data or a mobile app to server connection is misconfigured. You miss the release date and tempers flare.

3 Areas of Focus to Consider When Selecting an Android Development Partner

If your business is considering an Android development project, it will want to select an expert with the right skills and experience. Android application development can help you to build your business with a consumer application or support your team with a business-focused mobile application. In this article, we review three crucial areas of focus you will want to consider when looking at prospective Android application development partners.  

"When considering an Android development partner, be sure to select a partner with the skills, experience, and references to complete your project and anticipate your need for growth, expansion, and change."

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native: When To Use Them

In this article, we will see what Cross-Platform App Frameworks: Ionic, Flutter, and React Native are and when to use them.

Each of these frameworks allows you to build an app for both the major platforms: iOS and Android. All of these frameworks are popular in the mobile app development world as they allow developers to build applications using a single source code for every platform. It costs less, hence, the demand for cross-platform app development has increased over the past decade.

Ionic App Development Over Other Frameworks: Is It Hyped?

Developing a mobile application involves several tasks. There are only two major platforms of mobile applications- Android and iOS. Developers use kotlin and Java to build Android applications while use Objective C and Swift to develop iOS applications. The native development process offers premium performance and API integration and easy to access hardware devices and much more.

One thing you need to keep in mind while doing native app development is that it’s costly, and it depends on the number of platforms you want to cover. This means different applications from different platforms, two codebases, two separate development projects, double the expenses.

AMP: An Amazing Web Component Framework

What Is AMP Development?

Accelerated Mobile Pages were launched by Google to ensure that mobile web pages operate at optimal speed. It also promises additional visibility on Google result pages. 

AMP is an open-source HTML framework that helps to create web pages and ads that are consistently fast and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms. In the search results, web pages built on AMP display a lightning bolt icon.