Microsoft Releases Pricing Info for Surface Tablets, Taking Pre-Orders

Earlier today, the Microsoft Store updated with pricing information and details about the new Microsoft Surface tablets running Windows RT. We haven't yet seen pricing information about the Surface Pro, but today's update shows us details about three versions of the Surface running Windows RT, which is the low-end version of the upcoming Windows 8 operating system.


There will be three options for the Surface tablet with Windows RT:

Microsoft Information Leaker ‘Exiting the Game’, But Not Without Spilling More Beans

A reliable source of Microsoft-centric information leaks, MSnerd has announced he is exiting the arena.  But before he goes, he's decided to answer any and all questions related to Microsoft and their place in the industry in a Q&A session on Reddit.  Of particular interest are the topics of Silverlight and potential Windows Phone 'Apollo' upgrades for 1st and 2nd generation Windows Phone users.


Rumors have been swirling for some time now that Silverlight might be on its way out of the Microsoft product line.  However, MSnerd says that Silverlight will continue to be utilized in three areas:

Live-updated Apple Announcement Coverage

 Apple is expected to make a big announcement today, holding a special press event that has generated a lot of buzz in the past few weeks.

Rumors abound about what Apple will announce, with popular speculation that two new iPhones will be revealed -- the iPhone 5S, the successor to the current-gen iPhone, and the cheaper iPhone 5C, an economical version of the iPhone meant to compete with Samsung in emerging markets.

JavaFX Goes Mobile

Today sees the release of JavaFX 1.1, allowing developers to put their JavaFX RIA applications on mobile phones, as well as the desktop. I talked with a few of the folks at Sun, including Param Singh, Senior Director of JavaFX at Sun, John Burkey, JavaFX Architect and Mandini Romani, who runs the JavaFX platform.

In this article I'll go through what's included in this release, as well as ask find out a little more about the things in JavaFX that I've wondered about - mostly the integration between Swing, or SWT, and JavaFX.

Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android – Second Edition Announced

Book titled “Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android” – Second Edition is announced and is available to pre-order. This book is expected to be published in September 2015.

If you are a C# developer who wants to develop Android apps and enhance your existing skill set, then this book is ideal for you. Good working knowledge of C#, .NET, and object-oriented software development is assumed.

7 Tips for Mobile App Project Management

[This article was written by Monique Rivers]

It’s safe to say that mobile app development is just as complex a process as any other IT project. That’s why strategies used in projects aimed at developing mobile apps are to a large extent similar to those used by managers in other fields. Here are practical tips for making sure you pass the 7 following steps of app development smoothly and efficiently.

Android Cloud Apps with Azure

a  recent study by gartner  predicts a very significant increase in cloud usage by consumers in a few years, due in great part to the ever growing use of smartphone cameras by the average household. in this context, it could be useful to have a smartphone application that is able to upload / download digital content from a cloud provider.

in this article, we will construct a basic android prototype that will allow us to plug in the  windows azure  cloud provider, and use the  windows azure toolkit for android (  available at  github  ) to do all of the  basic cloud operations  :  upload  content to cloud storage,  browse  the storage,  download  or  delete  files in cloud storage. once those operations are implemented, we will see how to enable our android application to receive server  push notifications  .

Apple Vs Google: War of the Wearables

In one of Apple’s latest TV adverts, ‘Strength’, they showcase some of the most popular fitness apps, integrating smart technology with tracking and analysis.

The ad shows people using iPhone as part of their daily fitness routine – weighing themselves, swimming, running, doing weights – all with apps connected to iOS.

Android SMS popup – Part Four: Implicit Intents

in part one , we captured sms messages using a broadcastreceiver. in , among a set of options, we chose to pass the needed sms information (sender, message and timestamp) as a serializable 'popmessage' object from the background to the foreground alert dialog that we constructed in :

in this last section, we will complete this basic application by handling the user actions through button clicks. there are two actions the user may perform:

Using the TabControl on Windows Phone 7

By default, the Windows Phone 7 SDK doesn't have a TabControl. It is a quite useful component already available in Silverlight and although it doesn't quite follow the Metro style, it can have its use. For example, some Android applications have a similar UI:

Adding Relevant Features

It is so very important to remember that relevant features sometimes need to be added to a phone to make it as fully operational as we would all like for it to be. Sadly, there are some people who don’t realize that they need to put this kind of time and effort in, and they may end up using a phone that doesn’t have all of the functionality that they deserve it. 

Using the LongListSelector control on Windows Phone 7

Yesterday I looked into the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone and I covered some of the controls that are included in the current build. One of the controls that might be a bit unusual to configure and get working is LongListSelector, which allows you to group items inside a list. With a regular ListBox, you can display data but there is no way to jump directly to an item set, and there is no way to group items.

Clumping Items Together

One of the best features of any phone is the ability to clump together large lists of items so that they become easier to sort through. Not every phone has this ability though, and it can be very frustrating for some phone owners who are just trying to go through their lists in the easiest ways possible. 

How to Build a Custom Application Bar for Your Windows Phone App (the Easy Way)

There is nothing quite like building the perfect customized application bar to help you feel like you have made something truly special for your users. Indeed, many users report that they appreciate the efforts that companies go through to create useful utilities within the products that they already use.

A customized application bar is a wonderful tool to include because it can be used to create something that users absolutely need, and also something that they have been requesting from the companies that they work with for quite some time. 

Google Cloud Messaging with Android

You have probably heard a lot of talk about the wonderful things the cloud can do for you, and you are probably curious about how those services may come into play in your daily life. If this sounds like you, then you need to know that cloud services are playing an increasingly important role in our lives, and we need to look at how they can change how we message one another. 

Many people are looking at Android cloud messaging as the next leap forward into a future where it is possible to reach out to the people we care about and save those messages directly in the cloud. Never miss the opportunity to communicate with someone who truly matters to you, and start using cloud storage to back up your messages. It is as simple as that!