Installing Private S3 Storage With MinIO on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes

In this article, we will explore the step-by-step installation of private S3-compatible storage server MinIO on Alibaba Cloud Container Service Kubernetes.  We will expose MinIO web UI to the internet and make MinIO API available for MC CLI in the Cloud Shell.

MinIO is an open-source, high-performance, S3-compatible object storage. It allows building AWS S3 compatible data infrastructure.

Backing Up K8ssandra With MinIO

K8ssandra includes Medusa for Apache Cassandra® to handle backup and restore for your Cassandra nodes. Recently Medusa was upgraded to introduce support for all S3 compatible backends, including MinIO, the popular k8s-native object storage suite. Let’s see how to set up K8ssandra and MinIO to backup Cassandra in just a few steps.

Deploy MinIO

Similar to K8ssandra, MinIO can be simply deployed through Helm.

CockroachDB CDC Using Minio as Cloud Storage Sink – Part 3

This is the third in the series of tutorials on CockroachDB and Docker Compose. Today, we’re going to explore CDC capability in CockroachDB Enterprise Edition using Minio object store as a sink. To achieve this, we’re going to reuse the compose file from the first two tutorials and finally bring this to a close. Without further ado

You can find the first post here and the second post here.

Running CockroachDB With Docker Compose and Minio – Part 2

CockroachDB, Docker Compose, and Minio

This is my second post on creating a multi-service architecture with docker-compose. We're building a microservice architecture with CockroachDB writing changes in real-time to an S3 bucket in JSON format. S3 bucket is served by a service called Minio. It can act like an S3 appliance on-premise or serve as a local gateway to your cloud storage.

You can find the first post here.

An Efficient Object Storage for JUnit Tests

One day I faced the problem with downloading a relatively large binary data file from PostgreSQL. There are several limitations to store and fetch such data (all restrictions could be found in official documentation). To resolve the problem it was suggested to find more suitable data storage.

For some internal reasons well known Amazon S3 bucket was chosen for this purpose. The choice affected the project's unit test base. It's still not possible to continue using light-weighted databases such as HSQL or H2 to implement tests. It is a key problem which we will try to resolve in this article.