Migration From .NET5 to .NET 6: Performance Benchmarks

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This post continues the series of articles (Migration from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.1 and How to Migrate a Project From ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core) on upgrading the nopCommerce project – a free .net eCommerce CMS with an open-source code for creating online stores. This article discusses why we continuously strive to upgrade our application’s platform. 

Here we tell you what we achieved with migration to .NET 6 in terms of performance and try to evaluate our results practically.

Top 3 Challenges That a CTO Will Face While Migrating a Database

The competitive world demands that applications be more performant, bringing pace to the overall functioning of the application. Well, adopting new technologies and moving away from the legacy system can be miraculous. Migrating to a new database is one such miracle that can help applications leverage the overall performance and functionality. But, the process of migrating databases is a challenging task. Let us explore the top 3 challenges that are faced by the CTO while performing a migration.

1. Devising a Migration Strategy

Database migration is a strategic process. It is fraught with a lot of risks. Devising a plan for safe, secure and efficient migration of databases is really important for the migration to be successful. Well, for many teams, deciding whether to pursue a “big bang” migration — a single step process or to leverage a more methodical, incremental approach called a “trickle” or “parallel run” migration. 

The Best Cloud Migration Approach: Lift-And-Shift, Replatform, Or Refactor?

Migrating to a new infrastructure or environment is both thrilling and challenging. It is exciting because the move is usually accompanied by additional resources and new features being made available. These additions are almost always good for the app and the developers behind it. At the same time, the actual process of migrating to the cloud is cumbersome and often difficult to handle.

Cloud migration doesn’t always have to be a hassle though, you simply need to strategize for the move appropriately. Which is why one of the things you need to do when planning for cloud migration is to weigh up the best approach to use. However, there are so many approaches to choose from. In this article, we are going to focus on three of the main trends. Rehosting, replatforming or refactoring. Which of these methods is the best?