Ultra-Fast Microservices in Java: When Microstream Meets Open Liberty

Microservices have become a buzzword when we talk about creating a scalable application. But is that enough? The simple answer is no. As with any software architecture decision, it has a trade-off and several challenges. Lucky for us Java developers, there is a combination of two tools to make our life easier: Microstream and MicroProfile. This article will cover combining Microstream and Open Liberty to create a microservice application that is easily stable and ultra-fast.

Microservices With Open Liberty

Microservices provide several challenges to us software engineers, especially as a first step to facing distributed systems. But it does not mean that we're alone. Indeed there are several tools to make our life easier in the Java world, especially, MicroProfile. 

High-Performance Persistence With MicroStream (Part Three)

Learn how to keep your apps performing!

For some time, there has been a new competitor in the field of persistence and serialization. We are talking about Project MicroStream. What is it exactly? MicroStream claims to be a high-performance and, most importantly, developer-friendly solution for the challenges of serialization and persistence.

High-Performance Persistence With MicroStream (Part Two)

Keep pushing for the best performance possible!

For some time, there has been a new competitor in the field of persistence and serialization. We are talking about Project MicroStream. What is it exactly? MicroStream claims to be a high-performance and, most importantly, developer-friendly solution for the challenges of serialization and persistence. How easy, fast and comfortable that is, we will look at in detail in a multi-part series.