Microservice Configuration: Spring Cloud Config Server Tutorial

Configuring Microservices: The Challenges

Managing application configuration in a traditional monolith is pretty straight forward. The configuration is usually externalized in a properties files on the same server as the application. If you need to update the configuration you simply amend the properties file and restart the application. Things can get a little tricker with microservices, but why is that? 

Microservices are composed of many small, autonomous services, each with their own configuration. Rather than a centralised properties file (like the monolith), configuration is scattered across multiple services, running on multiple servers. In a production environment, where you likely have multiple instances of each service, configuration management can become a hefty task.

Microservics Architecture: Introduction to Spring Cloud

In this article, we focus on Spring Cloud. We talk about the various components under its umbrella.

You Will Learn

  • What Spring Cloud is.
  • The typical challenges in microservices architectures.
  • The challenges that Spring Cloud solves.
  • The important projects under the Spring Cloud umbrella.
  • How Spring Cloud helps you build your microservices architecture.

Introduction to Cloud and Microservices: Challenges and Advantages

This is the second article in a series of five articles on cloud and microservices. Part 1 can be found here:

Improving the Developer Experience of Writing Cloud-Native Java Microservices

In the third of our new 4-weekly Open Liberty releases, we have a full implementation of MicroProfile 2.2. MicroProfile 2.2 focuses on improving the developer experience of writing cloud-native Java microservices with MicroProfile. It includes updates to the MicroProfile Rest Client, Fault Tolerance, OpenAPI, and Open Tracing features, and is based on Java EE 8 technologies.

If you're using Maven, here are the coordinates:

Example Java Microservices App Running in the Cloud via Kubernetes

Over the last few weeks, I’ve worked on a new sample application which demonstrates how to build microservices-based architectures. While there are still some minor things I’d like to add, I think the sample is pretty comprehensive now and a good option for developers, especially Java EE developers, to learn microservices and cloud-native patterns.

The example is available as open source. The GitHub repo is called cloud-native-starter.

A Bootiful Podcast: Data Sovereignty, Microservices, Cloud Foundry, and More

Hi Spring fans! In this installment of a Bootiful Podcast, I, Josh Long, welcome Josh Mckenty - or “better Josh,” as I affectionately call him - to the show to discuss Pivotal, Cloud Foundry, Python, microservices, and data sovereignty, among other things.

A Bootiful Podcast: CQRS With AxonIQ’s Steven van Beelen and Pivotal’s Ben Wilcock

Hi Spring fans! In this week's installment Josh Long talks to AxonIQ's Steven van Beelen, lead of the Axon project, and Pivotal's Ben Wilcock, on CQRS, event-sourcing, event-storming, microservices, Spring Boot and the long camaraderie shared by Axon and Spring.