Circuit Breaker Design Pattern Using Netflix Hystrix

Check out this circuit design!
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1. Introduction

A circuit breaker is an electronic/electrical component that makes a circuit open so that no current can flow through it. It is used to prevent the damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit.

Generally, fuses are considered to be a circuit breaker, but there is a subtle difference between circuit breakers and fuses. Fuses operate once and must be replaced but the circuit breaker can be reset to resume the normal operation.

Microservices and the Saga Pattern, Part 1

Microservices are not new in the market, they have been a part of our day to day life for a while now, so here in this post, I would like to share with you my understanding of what microservices are and what the Saga Pattern is, which is widely used with the microservices. We will start with what exactly we mean when we say: (i) we need a microservice, (ii) what it means to be reactive, and then (iii) dig into the concept of Saga patterns, with respect to a distributed system along with an easy to understand real-life example.

So let’s get started.