Multi-tenancy authentication through Kong API Gateway

The API Gateway pattern implements a service that’s the entry point into a microservices-based application from external API clients or consumers. It is responsible for request routing, API composition, and other edge functions, such as authentication.

When working with a microservices architecture, either on a greenfield project or during migration from a monolith, a best practice is to start addressing cross-cutting concerns. Authentication is such a concern, and in this article, we’ll cover the authentication of a multi-tenancy application.

Microservices Identification Approach

Identifying microservices.Identifying microservices.

Organizations are working to transform their legacy applications to cloud-native architectures to be competitive in the marketplace. Microservices architecture should help in this transformation journey. Microservices is a popular technique or architectural style to structure application as a collection of loosely coupled services.

Scaling Microservices: Identifying Performance Bottlenecks

Design for Scale: Identifying Performance Bottlenecks and Refactoring

Before any work can be done on improving the performance of our applications we must first decide what areas we want to improve. When analyzing data collected either in test or production you will want to focus on metrics which can help you decide whether or not your efforts to scale have been effective.

Can you find the bottleneck?

Monorepo’s for Microservices Architecture

As enterprises modify and optimize their architecture for the customer-centric digital commerce boom, many enterprises lack the institutional knowledge necessary to quickly make the transformation. Here at commercetools, we have built a cloud-first API only commerce architecture that most companies wish to emulate within their own ecosystem. Thus, our customers frequently ask us to help guide them in their transformation.

This leaves us in a difficult position. Developers are always trying to find the balance between extremely opinionated systems and being forced to reinvent the wheel. commercetools strives to allow developers total flexibility when leveraging its API, from programming language, to SDK options, to choosing REST or GraphQL. The unopinionated nature of commercetools leaves developers with the responsibility of choosing frameworks, cloud architecture, and configuring all the tooling necessary in between.

Best Practices for Instrumenting Applications With OpenTracing

When we talk about instrumentation, we’re mainly focused on the OpenTracing API. It was created by industry experts to solve a growing and recognized problem — how to gain visibility into distributed systems. The OpenTracing API is a layer that sits between the origin of the data that we want to gain visibility into (such as the application logic, microservices frameworks, and RPC libraries), and it feeds it to the LightStep tracer system.

Getting Started

To begin instrumentation, we recommend identifying the relevant frameworks. Modern distributed systems consist of large, shared libraries. Often, the OpenTracing community has already provided some helper plugins that can add tracing and instrumentation to these libraries. Anything that can’t be covered with these libraries can be instrumented directly with the OpenTracing API, so there are no gaps in tracing and instrumentation. Finally, we provide the LightStep tracer library in order to send the data to our SaaS backend and present it for analysis.