Microservices Architecture: Breaking the Monolith

This article summarizes the webinar ‘Breaking The Monolith’, presented by Daniel Gutiérrez Saavedra, Senior Software Engineer at Zartis. You can watch the full webinar, which also includes a Q&A session below!

Are you working with monolithic systems and legacy applications? Are you looking for ways to modernize your architecture and switch to microservices? This article will cover the ways you can break up a monolithic application into smaller pieces that make up a modular system.

Microservices Architecture

What is Microservices Architecture

The term “Microservice Architecture” has sprung up as a way to describe a specific way of designing software applications as independently deployable services in suites.

There are certain common characteristics of this architecture around business capability, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralized control of languages and data.

The Fundamentals of Software Architecture and Microservices [Podcast]

A lot of technologies, practices, and architectural patterns have emerged over the years — and one of these is the microservice architecture, which we’ll dive into in this episode of cocktails.

Joining us today is one of the authors of the popular book “Fundamentals of Software Architecture”, and we discuss whether microservices are evolutionary or revolutionary, the major hurdles of trying to implement this architecture, and discover why there really aren’t any “best practices” when it comes to software architecture.

Why Transition From Monolith to Microservices?

Microservices architecture is a way of creating applications through loosely coupling services. Every service represents a system component that can be created and maintained separately, executing an independent business goal. In this article, we’ll discuss why you should transition from monolith to microservices.

Monolith Architecture

The traditional application architecture is monolithic. The monolithic approach means creating the application as a single unit that contains all the functional components, including database operations, business logic, background processing, etc. They are all deployed together at the same time and running on the same servers.

Anypoint Deployment Models Which One to Go For?

Being an Architect, Product Owner, or a CXO of your organization has already purchased a brand new Anypoint platform subscription or planning to get one based on evaluation of the platform and now In dilemma which subscription model to go for?

This article will help you to provide a 1000ft overview of various deployment options available in Anypoint platform and which one to go for. 

The Concept of Domain-Driven Design Explained

Using microservices means creating applications from loosely coupling services. The application consists of several small services, each representing a separate business goal. They can be developed and easily maintained individually, after what they are joint in a complex application. 

Microservices is an architecture design model with a specific bounded context, configuration, and dependencies. These result from the architectural principles of the domain-driven design and DevOps. Domain-driven design is the idea of solving problems of the organization through code. 

Microservices Adoption Using Different Patterns

Microservice is an architectural style that made up of smaller (micro) applications that communicate with each other, through open protocols like HTTP. Microservices have a much simpler and direct communication mechanism. Microservices typically deployed Docker platforms in the cloud environment will get maximum benefit.

Microservices architecture's main aim is to break down the applications into smaller applications for maintainability and address the particular functionality. Microservices are scalable, and the maintainability of the application was as typical in monolithic applications. Below are some of the benefits of microservices architecture

How to build better Infra Microservices?: 3 Key Architectural Guidelines

Microservices are great and powerful. Microservices always need not be business scenario specific. When building scalable, large platforms, it is important to build several infrastructure level microservices which can be used in building solution/business specific microservices. 

what Is an Infra Microservice?

A microservice which may not directly handle the business use case but helps in rapid development of other functional microservices by handling generic things like user profiles management, Clickstream data pipeline, role-based access control, etc. Compare this with functional microservices that will handle business-specific use cases for example – Product rating microservice, Order delivery microservice.

4 Ways an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) Fuels Efficiency

One of the major challenges that many companies face nowadays is cloud integration. As a rule, most enterprises are known for using multiple systems, each of them operating separately on a different platform, each playing a significant part but none of them integrated. In such a case, the company has all the chances not only to lose important data but also to create chaos in the business processes. Integration technology will serve here as a great solution to allow companies to control all their work infrastructure.

Defining iPaaS

iPaaS is a sort of conduit that links separate applications that companies use. The platform unifies all the existing information, allowing enterprises to integrate all their data.

How to Use Spring Retry Template

In the cloud computing world, one of the pivotal parts is networking, the fact is that we cannot avoid network glitches and there will be temporary disconnection for a couple of seconds which makes the operations break while doing network-related configuration from the cloud-native applications. I am going to talk about one of the solutions in Java with spring-context on how to use the Spring Retry Template to handle the failure operations. We will build a small application and see how Spring Retry Template works.


  • Spring Boot 2.3.x
  • Maven
  • IDE STS/Eclipse

Maven Dependency

Plain Text



The Challenges of Using Microservices in Software Development

Businesses around the world rely on various software and IT products to help them achieve their business needs. In order to facilitate the development of such products, companies use a microservices architecture which simplifies a lot of processes across the board. Not only will this expedite time to market, but it also makes it easy for companies to test their products and provide maintenance as well. Still, companies will encounter many difficulties while working on microservices architecture and we would like to tell you about some of the most common issues you might encounter. 

Managing a Complex Infrastructure

One of the big advantages of microservices is the ability to deploy small independent units. However, as you start deploying more and more microservices, the entire system becomes more complex and you will need a lot of expertise to handle such complications. Also, even though each service is now smaller, it is not necessarily less complex, it simply shifted to the communication between each individual microservice. Therefore you will need to choose the service boundaries very carefully and have the necessary tools and expertise to handle such complexity. Most importantly, there needs to be good collaboration between everybody involved in the development process, otherwise the microservices will not be set up correctly. 

The Dark Side of Microservices

There is an endless supply of blog posts, white papers, and slide decks, evangelizing the virtues of microservices. They talk about how microservices “increase agility,” are “more scalable,” and promise that when you make the switch, engineers will be pounding at your office door looking for a job.

Let’s be clear, though occasionally exaggerated, the benefits of microservices can be real in some cases. Particularly for large organizations, with many teams, microservices can make a lot of sense. However, microservices aren’t magic — for all of their benefits, they come with significant drawbacks. In this article, I’ll describe how the distributed nature of microservices makes them inherently more complex.

How to Design an Optimal Microservice Architecture

Learn how to design an optimal microservice architecture.

Microservices architecture is being fast adopted by enterprises to create flexible, scalable applications that can be iterated fast, with high fault tolerance and low downtimes. How do you build the right microservices architecture?

While the exact architecture will vary, there are certain best practices that help design effective and optimal microservices architecture.

Breaking Down a Monolith Into Microservices — an Integration Journey

Learn how to break down a monolith!

Wondering How to Secure the Microservices You Are Working On?

Ironically, few characteristics of a Microservices architecture which consider as its benefits can also contribute to its disadvantages. While Microservices provide greater flexibility in overall application development and management, it also increases the complexity of the same actions due to the need for more coordination and communication for deploying Microservices.

Migrating to Microservices — It’s Easier Than You Think

Migrating to the microservices roadmap.
You may also like: Moving to Microservices

Migrating to Microservices — A Roadmap

Migrating to microservices often sounds like a huge and complex task. While there are complexities in the process, it's actually easier than you might think. This blog creates a basic roadmap for migrating to microservices using a standard J2EE application from a monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture. We will start by first containerizing our Java application and end with auto-deploying to a Kubernetes microservice environment.

Step 1: Containerize Your Java Application and Runtime

Start your migration journey by first containerizing your Java Application (.jar, .war or .ear). This will involve building a container that includes the Java runtime as well as your application. When you do this, remember the following:

Estimating ROIs to a Microservices Migration

Estimating ROIs is stressful!

Microservices has been making waves among leading application development organizations. One survey found that 68% of organizations were using or investigating Microservices. The advantages are well-documented: increased resilience, improved scalability, faster time to market. Transitioning to Microservices creates significant challenges for organizations. Here are some of them and proposed solutions that organizations can adopt in their Microservices journey.

Bring Your Monolithic Applications Back From the Dead

It was the early 2000’s, your .NET application was the best thing to hit the streets since the IBOOK G3 came out. Let’s just say that your application was so money, it didn’t even know it. It had its shiny new (insert any sweet .NET functionality here) and all of the Java-based applications were jealous of it. Those were the days…

Now turn to today. You feel like John Ritter and your application is the problem child from hell. It’s stuck in the past; it won’t allow you to update it. You’re constantly supporting all of its bad consumption habits and it won’t play nice with your other applications.