Performance Tuning in Microservices

Microservices architecture offers various advantages over Monolithic Architecture, some of which are listed below:

  • Loosely coupled architecture.
  • Easy to scale based on demand.
  • Small individual services based on business functionality.
  • The technology stack of each microservice can be different.

However, when transforming from a traditional monolithic architecture to microservices, the common bottleneck is performance. According to Perforce Developer (Perforce Survey) Survey:

Optimize Java serverless functions in Kubernetes

A faster startup and smaller memory footprint always matter in Kubernetes due to the expense of running thousands of application pods and the cost savings of doing it with fewer worker nodes and other resources. Memory is more important than throughput on containerized microservices on Kubernetes because:

  • It's more expensive due to permanence (unlike CPU cycles)
  • Microservices multiply the overhead cost
  • One monolith application becomes N microservices (e.g., 20 microservices ≈ 20GB)

This significantly impacts serverless function development and the Java deployment model. This is because many enterprise developers chose alternatives such as Go, Python, and Nodejs to overcome the performance bottleneck—until now, thanks to Quarkus, a new Kubernetes-native Java stack. This article explains how to optimize Java performance to run serverless functions on Kubernetes using Quarkus.

Event-Driven Architectures: 5 Myths

Event-Driven Architecture: Bust or Fact?

Alright, let's face it—there is a lot of content talking about how REST vs messaging APIs and how one is more fir than the other for a microservices architecture design. I wrote a blog post about My journey to learning EDA that highlights what event-driven architecture is. Whether you are new to event-driven architecture (EDA) or have some background with it via dabbling with gRPC, kafka, rabbitMQ, Solace, or whatever messaging API, I am here to share with you 5 claims about EDA that I will be busting or confirming. 

I Will Have to Re-Design My Rest-Heavy Architecture From Scratch To Adopt EDA


Advanced event brokers allow for protocol translation within the broker. What does this mean you might ask? Well, it is very common in any software architecture design approach to have a polyglot of protocols and APIs in an application. Whether you are using REST, or different messaging protocols (MQTT, AMQP, Solace, Kafka...etc) you would want your different microservices to communicate with each other. 

Kind : A New Kubernetes Cluster

In this article, I would be talking about my experiences with a new local Kubernetes cluster call Kind.

Recently I wanted to experiment with something on a Kubernetes cluster, and I didn’t want to spin up a new cluster on AWS and wanted something quick.

Learn Quarkus faster with quick starts in the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift

Java developers are usually required to take many actions before we can begin developing and deploying cloud-native microservices on Kubernetes. First, we have to configure everything from the integrated development environment (IDE) to build tools such as Maven or Gradle. We also need to configure the command-line tools used for containerization and generating the Kubernetes manifest. If we don’t want to spin up a Kubernetes cluster locally, we also must connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster for continuous testing and deployment.

Developers should spend less time on configuration and more time accelerating the inner-loop development cycle of building, testing, and deploying our applications. Ideally, we should be able to continuously develop applications in a pre-configured Kubernetes environment.

Top Microservices Frameworks

Microservices architecture is a methodology wherein fragment monolithic single application into small applications and services which executes lightweight applications. Business capabilities and independently deployable models are the primary goals for Microservices development. Microservices architecture built using different programming languages and deployed them and connect.

Benefits of Microservices

  • Adoption of New technology and process.
  • Independent scaling of applications.
  • Cloud-ready.
  • Seamless integrations.
  • Effective Hardware utilization.
  • Service level Security.
  • API-based functions for reuse effectively.
  • Independently Develop and Deploy applications.

Selection Criteria for Framework Selection

The following are some of the critical aspects that can be considered while choosing the proper framework:

What is serverless with Java?

For decades, enterprises have developed business-critical applications on various platforms, including physical servers, virtual machines, and cloud environments. The one thing these applications have in common across industries is they need to be continuously available (24x7x365) to guarantee stability, reliability, and performance, regardless of demand. Therefore, every enterprise must be responsible for the high costs of maintaining an infrastructure (e.g., CPU, memory, disk, networking, etc.) even if actual resource utilization is less than 50%.

The serverless architecture was developed to help solve these problems. Serverless allows developers to build and run applications on-demand, guaranteeing high availability without having to manage servers in multi- and hybrid-cloud environments. Behind the scenes, there are still many servers in the serverless topology, but they are abstracted away from application development. Instead, cloud providers use serverless services for resource management, such as provisioning, maintaining, networking, and scaling server instances.

Considering Microservices? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Monoliths Just Yet

In a Cloud Microservices Market report, it was found that the cloud microservices market was valued at USD 831.45 billion in 2020, and it is expected to reach USD 2,701.36 billion by 2026. This is a clear indication of how microservices are currently driving the market, encouraging organizations to break their applications into smaller components and leave their "traditional" monolithic architecture behind.

However, before we dismiss monoliths entirely, cloud architect and author Rahul Rai argues how microservices aren’t a cure-all to the challenges and pain points associated with monoliths.

Getting started with Java Serverless Functions using Quarkus and AWS Lambda

The serverless journey started with functions - small snippets of code running on-demand and a short period in Figure 1.  AWS Lambda in the “1.0” phase made this paradigm very popular, but it had its limitations around execution time, protocols, and poor local development experience. 

Since then, developers realized that the same serverless traits and benefits could be applied to microservices and Linux containers. This leads us into what we're calling the “1.5” phase in Figure 1.  Some serverless containers here completely abstract Kubernetes, delivering the serverless experience through an abstraction layer that sits on top of it, like Knative.

Processing Messages in Order With CompletableFuture

When Performance Is the Main Consideration

In the microservices world, we receive messages from different sources like JMS, AMQP, EventBus and try to process them as quickly as possible. Multithreading with Thread Pool can help us to do that.

But if we want to treat messages of the same categories (same users, same products...) in the order we receive them, it could get more complicated.

Spring Boot Microservices + Apache Camel: A Hello World Example


In this tutorial, we will be implementing a Spring Boot + Apache Camel Hello World Example to copy files from one location to another. In a previous tutorial, we had looked at enterprise application integration and how Apache Camel helps achieve it. In this tutorial, we will have a brief look at why we need to use Apache Camel in microservices architecture. What benefits it provides. 

Video Tutorial

Why You Should Care About Service Meshes

Many developers wonder why they should care about service meshes. It's a question I'm asked often in my presentations at developer meetups, conferences, and hands-on workshops about microservices development with cloud-native architecture. My answer is always the same: "As long as you want to simplify your microservices architecture, it should be running on Kubernetes."

Concerning simplification, you probably also wonder why distributed microservices must be designed so complexly for running on Kubernetes clusters. As this article explains, many developers solve the microservices architecture's complexity with service mesh and gain additional benefits by adopting service mesh in production.

Serverless Integration With Salesforce Using Kumologica

Salesforce is a popular CRM platform used by many enterprises. Integration of salesforce modules with different enterprise systems is very common. There are multiple ways by which salesforce objects can be integrated.

  1. SOQL query (Pulling the records)
  2. Platform Events (Pushing the events)
  3. CDC (Pushing the events)
  4. OutboundMessages (Pushing the events using webhooks)

Most of the real-time integrations with Salesforce work with PE (platform events), CDC, and OutboundMessages. There are also solutions where SOQL query works in complementary with PE, CDC, or OutboundMessages (Webhooks).

Rapidly Develop Java Microservices on Kubernetes With Telepresence

Many organizations adopt cloud native development practices with the dream of shipping features faster. Kubernetes has become the de facto container orchestration platform for building cloud native applications and although it provides great opportunities for development teams to move faster, the learning curve can be steep and the burden often falls on application developers who have to learn new processes and tools. 

Challenges of Developing Locally With Kubernetes

For larger enterprises, Kubernetes and cloud architectures present a critical challenge compared to monolithic legacy applications. As Kubernetes applications evolve into complex microservice architectures, the development environments also become more complex as every microservice adds additional dependencies. These services quickly start to need more resources than are available in your typical local development environment. 

HTTP for Inter-Service Communication?

After the evolution of distributed systems, microservices-based applications attracted the interest of nearly every organization wanting to grow with time and survive the market competition. Microservices allows us to scale and manage systems easily. Development time reduced due to distributed effort among many teams and time-to-market new features reduced significantly.

Due to distributed nature, communication among different components is over the network. And there are so many factors that can affect communication, either it can be security, added latency, or abrupt termination of ongoing communication, leading to increased infrastructure cost. Hence either we can fix the network, which exists with numerous problems or we can architect our system to be resilient and reliable over time.