POP and PUSH Testing Framework

The POP and PUSH (P&PT) testing framework's goal is to provide a platform for combining Six Sigma testing techniques with IBM App Connect microservices. In the same way that a recording reel of film records a snapshot of test case data, the P&PT will record a snapshot of test case data. It is digital proof captured throughout the lifecycle of an App Connect Enterprise application, from development to production (application lifecycle), using Git and Jenkins' workflow.


In reaction to the business scenario, the project's test case count increases. As the test case repository grows like the General Sherman Tree grows: the goal is to reduce the amount of time spent on manual testing (operations).

Using Distributed Tracing in Microservices Architecture


Distributed tracing for Microservices architecture is an emerging concept that is gaining momentum across internet-based business organizations.

We know that microservices architecture introduced an all-new way to scale an application (cloud) with several independent services. It does facilitate high resiliency, scalability, productivity, and efficiency when compared to monolithic architectures. 

How to build better Infra Microservices?: 3 Key Architectural Guidelines

Microservices are great and powerful. Microservices always need not be business scenario specific. When building scalable, large platforms, it is important to build several infrastructure level microservices which can be used in building solution/business specific microservices. 

what Is an Infra Microservice?

A microservice which may not directly handle the business use case but helps in rapid development of other functional microservices by handling generic things like user profiles management, Clickstream data pipeline, role-based access control, etc. Compare this with functional microservices that will handle business-specific use cases for example – Product rating microservice, Order delivery microservice.