Using Distributed Tracing in Microservices Architecture


Distributed tracing for Microservices architecture is an emerging concept that is gaining momentum across internet-based business organizations.

We know that microservices architecture introduced an all-new way to scale an application (cloud) with several independent services. It does facilitate high resiliency, scalability, productivity, and efficiency when compared to monolithic architectures. 

10 Commandments of Microservice Decomposition

While we are talking about microservices, we talk a lot about Domain-Driven Design, Event-Driven Architecture, Core Domain, Subdomain, Bounded Context, Anti-corruption Layer, etc.

Whether you are working in a Brownfield project or a Greenfield project, if your organization wants to adopt microservices, (assuming your organization has a compelling reason for adopting microservices, as it is not a free lunch), then you need to understand the above terms in detail to properly decompose your business domain logic (Business Space) and map it with microservices architecture (Code Space), so you can gain the benefits of microservice traits.

Circuit Breaker Design Pattern Using Netflix Hystrix

Check out this circuit design!
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1. Introduction

A circuit breaker is an electronic/electrical component that makes a circuit open so that no current can flow through it. It is used to prevent the damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit.

Generally, fuses are considered to be a circuit breaker, but there is a subtle difference between circuit breakers and fuses. Fuses operate once and must be replaced but the circuit breaker can be reset to resume the normal operation.