The Anatomy of a Microservice, Defining the Domain

Find out what's going on inside your Microservices.

Part 1 of this series, Microservice Definition and Architecture, I provided an overview and some guidelines for consideration when building and deploying microservices. As we work our way to microservice deployment, we’ll begin with a review of microservice development principles and patterns. As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, the project is written in Java using the Quarkus framework and is available GitHub at

You may also like: Microservice Definition and Architecture

Avoiding Pitfalls When Doing Microservices

Make sure to avoid these pitfalls!

After being associated and worked on a Microservices based solution for more than a year both as a developer and leading development of a few services, I have more bad experiences to share rather than good ones. I understand that 'Microservices' when done better, results in great return (NetFlix, Google, Amazon, etc.) but there are many pitfalls in this journey.

Apparently, this journey when it becomes long enough makes executive management run out of patience and we start "Doing Microservices" rather than "Being a Microservices solution team".

Microservice Definition and Architecture

Hmmm...what are microservices?

Deploying Microservices

You may be asking yourself, “Why another series of articles on microservice?” Yes. Microservices are a popular topic. Yes. Containerization has pushed the microservice discussion even more to the forefront. Why another series? It’s certainly not the case that other articles, blogs, books, etc. are not good. Most are very good. Then, why another series?

You may also like: Microservices: Are They For Me?

Breaking the Monolith

Read on to find out more about the monolithic codebase!

A monolithic codebase is a very well-recognized problem many production systems that are existing for a long time are facing today. Re-architecting it with a completely new system comprising of domain-isolated microservices implemented from scratch is very rarely possible. Primarily because it's impractical to the business folks to shut down the existing system which ultimately has to fund this exercise and also because of the risks of failure associated with such a big-bang cutover.

Breaking Down a Monolith Into Microservices — an Integration Journey

Learn how to break down a monolith!

Wondering How to Secure the Microservices You Are Working On?

Ironically, few characteristics of a Microservices architecture which consider as its benefits can also contribute to its disadvantages. While Microservices provide greater flexibility in overall application development and management, it also increases the complexity of the same actions due to the need for more coordination and communication for deploying Microservices.

Business Impact: Before and After Microservice-Based APIs

IBM, UNISYS, HP, Digital, Siemens, Honeywell — Big global brands still depend on their legacy systems.
You may also like: The Role of APIs in a Microservices Architecture

Using data storage and access methods — like VSAM, IDMS, IMS, DB2, Oracle, and ADABAS — to store and rapidly access data through mission and business-critical applications are written in COBOL, Assembler, Fortran, ADS, RPG, and Natural, these business giants now find themselves unable to stay on the cutting edge in terms of speeding delivery of innovative digital channels and applications.

When you have legacy systems and must cater to customers and prospects that are heavily reliant on digital services delivered via mobile or Web, you need to find a way to close that gap between old technology and modern demands. The answer is microservices.

Estimating ROIs to a Microservices Migration

Estimating ROIs is stressful!

Microservices has been making waves among leading application development organizations. One survey found that 68% of organizations were using or investigating Microservices. The advantages are well-documented: increased resilience, improved scalability, faster time to market. Transitioning to Microservices creates significant challenges for organizations. Here are some of them and proposed solutions that organizations can adopt in their Microservices journey.

The Path to Application Modernization

Is THIS the path to application modernization?

Recent research says that the global market for application modernization services is poised to reach $25.6 billion by 2024, compared to $10.5 billion in 2019. This shows that organizations are willing to spend top dollar to remain competitive in their chosen domain of expertise.

Scaling Microservices: General Strategy

When designing distributed systems it's important to understand that explicit design decisions must be made to enable scalability within components. These applications must be engineered from the beginning with the requirement to meet anticipated needs with options that facilitate future growth. We build our systems in anticipation of scaling because we anticipate the platform will grow, which means more users, features, or data.

This is the first article in a series of posts where we will discuss topics which include:

How Are Your Microservices Talking?

Microservices communication

In this piece, which originally appeared here, we’ll look at the challenges of refactoring SOAs to MSAs, in light of different communication types between microservices, and see how pub-sub message transmission — as a managed Apache Kafka Service — can mitigate or even eliminate these challenges.

If you’ve developed or updated any kind of cloud-based application in the last few years, chances are you’ve done so using a Microservices Architecture (MSA), rather than the slightly more dated Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). So, what’s the difference?

7 Benefits of Microservices Architecture

The popularity of microservices, or microservices architecture, is growing rapidly. The global cloud microservices market is forecasted to grow to $1.8 billion over the next five years – a 22.4 percent growth rate between 2018 and 2023.¹

Microservices architecture is gaining traction because of its inherent benefits for database and application development. A modular approach, microservices architecture breaks large software projects down into smaller, independent, and more manageable pieces. As a result, it offers a number of key benefits to IT teams and their enterprises. Here are seven of the top advantages of microservices.

A Quick and Practical Example of Kafka Testing

1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we will quickly explore some basic to high-level approaches for testing microservices applications built using Kafka. Also, we will learn about the advantages of the declarative way of testing Kafka applications over the traditional/existing way of testing.

For everything explained here, you can find a running code example in the "Conclusion" section of this post.

Top Microservices Interview Questions for 2019, Part 1

survey by Nginx shows that 36% of enterprises are currently using microservices, while another 26% are doing research on how to implement them. So now could be a good time to get into microservice development. Read on for an overview of some of the most common microservices interview questions. 

1. What Is Spring Cloud?

 Spring Cloud, in microservices, is a system that provides integration with external systems. It is a short-lived framework that builds an application, fast. Being associated with the finite amount of data processing, it plays a very important role in microservice architectures.