Micronaut: Rapid Development With MicrostarterCLI

MicrostarterCLI is a rapid development tool for Micronaut applications. It helps you as a developer to generate standard reusable codes, configurations, or patterns as you need in your application. 

Application Description

In this article, we will develop an ArabicNames service that has REST and GraphQL endpoints. To begin with the development, we will generate a Micronaut application project from Micronaut Launch. Then, we will use MicrostarterCLI to develop the following: 

Brain to the Cloud: Examining the Relationship Between Brain Activity and Video Game Performance

A few months back, I read a really excellent (but pretty old) blog post that explained how to hack a toy called a Mind Flex to extract and analyze the data within it. At first, I couldn't believe that such a thing existed. I mean, sure — gimmicky toys have been around for ages, so I wasn't shocked that the toy claimed to read the user's mind. It's not uncommon to fake this kind of gimmick. But, the fact that the Mind Flex contains a real, legit EEG chip that read your mind seemed almost too good to be true. I wondered if it was possible to take this hack a step further. Instead of just reading the data, or using the data to "control" something else, what if I were to read the data while performing some task and see what the data reveals about my performance during that task? I would need to complete an activity with quantifiable data to properly compare the brain activity to the task results to see if my attention levels correlated to the task's success or failure. Deciding on the actual action to measure wasn't tricky. I am a pretty avid video game player and had recently been trying to think of a way to integrate my gameplay statistics into a project, so I surmised that the combination would be an intriguing one.

So I asked myself: "if I could hack the Mind Flex and wear it while playing Call of Duty, what would the data show?" Could I establish a relationship between cognitive function and video game performance? In other words, when I'm focused and attentive, do I play better? Or, when I'm distracted, do I play worse? Is there no connection at all? I wasn't sure if my tests would succeed, but I decided to find out.

Backend Interview With Oriol Saludes: Fullstack Developer at Apiumhub

We are continuing with our interview series.  Previously we had interviewed Diego Ojeda, Android Lead at Apiumhub;  Serhii Zabolennyi, QA Automation engineer at Apiumhub; Javier Gomez, Backend developer at Apiumhub; and Cuong Le, Backend developer at Apiumhub. Today we interview Oriol Saludes, Backend developer at Apiumhub, and talk about key lessons learned in Backend architecture.

Interview With Oriol Saludes, Fullstack Developer

Question #1: List Your Top 5 Backend Frameworks and Explain Why

1. Symfony, PHP

Symfony is a framework for PHP with a great evolution over the last few years. It has evolved to a componentization style, and now, some Symfony components can be used as standalone libraries in any PHP project. With this idea in mind, they even closed the Silex project, a microframework based on Symfony that the same community was maintaining. This is because since version 4, when building a new application, you can choose to start using the whole framework or a minimal part if you are building a microservice or a simple API.

Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot Help You Develop Native Java Apps

For decades, Java has been able to invoke native programs on an operating system. JNI (Java Native Interface) and JNA (Java Native API) are commonly used to invoke native programs (Java Native Access). In recent years, Java has gained the ability to run JVM apps natively. In other words, the JVM apps are binary executables with no dependency on the Java runtime.

Now Java apps start up in milliseconds, instead of seconds. seconds. This is a game-changer if you're scaling up to accommodate millions of requests, while saving money by adopting a serverless environment. For years, developers have chosen to use serverless environments with Node.js, Python, and Go. The ability to go serverless with Java (or Kotlin) brings the opportunity to an important developer community.

Micronaut JPA Application Performance in AWS Lambda


In this article, we will be looking into how we can deploy a Micronaut application using GET, PUT, and POST, which can be called using an API Gateway. Then we will compare its performance when deployed with JVM runtime and as a native image.

We will also be focusing on creating an application that can be deployed on AWS Lambda and then calling the application as if it's being called using an API Gateway. 

A Spring Boot Developer’s Guide To Micronaut

This is a guide for Spring application developers who want to get started with using Micronaut. With this guide, you will get enough information to work with the Micronaut framework.


Micronaut is a framework, which has gained its name for faster startup time and is usually preferred for solutions with AWS Lambda. It uses Ahead Of Time (AOT) Compilation to determine what the application needs. The result of this is an application that has a smaller memory footprint, fast start-up time, and is reflection-free.

Enterprise Messaging With Autonomous DB and Micronaut

I’ve written about messaging many times on my blog, and for good reason, too. It’s a popular subject that developers can’t seem to get enough of. In this world of distributed architectures, it’s critical that services communicate with each other to ensure the application's business logic is implemented properly. It’s well established that messaging is crucial for modern applications, so let’s look at a messaging solution that exists in the Oracle Cloud that you may not be aware of. In fact, if you’re already using Autonomous DB, then this solution is available to you at no additional charge! Allow me to introduce you to Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ). 

What’s AQ? It’s exactly what it sounds like: a full-featured messaging solution right inside the database. Point-to-point, pub/sub, persistent, and non-persistent messaging are all supported. There are tons of ways to interact — including via PL/SQL, JMS, JDBC, .NET, Python, Node.JS — and pretty much any popular language can interface with AQ. Demos tend to be the best way to understand concepts like this, so in this post, we’re going to look at how to enable AQ in your Autonomous DB instance, create a queue, and enqueue and dequeue messages with PL/SQL. To complete the demo, we’ll look at publishing and consuming messages from AQ from a very simple Java application written with Micronaut.

NoSQL, the Cloud, and Java: Part 2: The NoSQL Platforms

Within the world of NoSQL solutions with Java, there are several solutions and different types, which was the first part of this article. However, in addition to the keys, there are also platforms. The platforms are a set of tools that help to work with NoSQL databases. In this post, you will have the objective of talking about the platforms: the definition and the existing solutions in the current environment with Java.

An important point to start the discussion about NoSQL platforms is that, like NoSQL description themselves, there is no single definition. It can differ according to the literature and experience of each author. In a general way, NoSQL solution platforms are a set of tools to deal with databases. That is, in addition to the API, there will be other tools.

Monitoring Across Frameworks

Gone are the times when developers' jobs ended with the release of the application. Nowadays, developers care more and more about the operational side of IT: perhaps they operate applications themselves, but more probably, their organization fosters increased collaboration between Dev and Ops.

I started to become interested in the Ops side of software when I was still a consultant. When Spring Boot released the Actuator, I became excited. Via its convention-other-configuration nature, it was possible to add monitoring endpoints with just an additional dependency.

Spring vs Micronaut vs Quarkus: Which One Is the Best Framework for You?

With the introduction of Spring, developing services in Java became easier and more productive. More specifically, REST APIs have improved, and the years since Spring's introduction have only added to the new frameworks that have emerged in the community.

Micronaut is one of the most known frameworks—developed by OCI, the company also responsible for Grails. Their goal is to assist developers to create serverless applications and microservices. 

Micronaut With Relation Database and…Tests


I am writing this article as I was starting to read about Micronauts.

I have been working with spring-boot over the past years, which seems very complete from my point of view. But, as I was hearing about the Micronauts project I wanted to go through and compare what I would find there with my current experience.

Deploy Friday EP — 16 Micronaut: A Modern Full-Stack Framework for Building Microservice and Serverless

A Question and Answer session with guests: 

Micronaut is an open-source, JVM-based framework for building full-stack, modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks that load and cache reflection data for every single field, method, and constructor in your code, with Micronaut, your application startup time and memory consumption are not bound to the size of your codebase. Micronaut's cloud support is built right in, including support for common discovery services, distributed tracing tools, and cloud runtimes. 

Micronaut in the Cloud: Intro to MongoDB in Microservices

Micronaut is an open-source, JVM-based framework for building full-stack, modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.

Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks that load and cache reflection data for every single field, method, and constructor in your code, with Micronaut, your application startup time and memory consumption are not bound to the size of your codebase. Micronaut's cloud support is built right in, including support for common discovery services, distributed tracing tools, and cloud runtimes.

Micronaut in the Cloud: PostgreSQL with JPA

Micronaut is an open-source, JVM-based framework for building full-stack, modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.

Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks that load and cache reflection data for every single field, method, and constructor in your code, with Micronaut, your application startup time and memory consumption are not bound to the size of your codebase. Micronaut's cloud support is built right in, including support for common discovery services, distributed tracing tools, and cloud runtimes.

J-Spring Digital 2020 Impressions

This year’s edition of J-Spring, organized by the NLJUG, went digital due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the 23rd up to and including the 26th of June, every day two technical talks have been held. We attended this digital version of J-Spring and want to share some of our impressions. Enjoy!

1. Introduction

Due to the Corona virus, the NLJUG (the Java User Group in the Netherlands) decided to turn the J-Spring one day physical conference into a digital event. They spread the conference over multiple days in time blocks of 2 up to 2,5 hours. This was a good idea because attending a virtual conference for a whole day can be very exhausting. The event consisted of a fixed program of two talks at the end of each day. A nice ending of every day, we must say! In the following sections, we will share some of our impressions of the several talks.

Hello World: Micronaut in the Cloud

Micronaut is an open-source, JVM-based framework for building full-stack, modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.

Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks that load and cache reflection data for every single field, method, and constructor in your code, with Micronaut, your application startup time and memory consumption are not bound to the size of your codebase.