Deploying an Apache Kafka mock service with Microcks

Developers are working with new applications every day using Apache Kafka as the backbone to implement an event-driven architecture (EDA) to support distributed systems. However, this adds new challenges when sharing across teams, even within the same organization. What endpoints are available? What is the structure of the message? That’s why payload examples became critical to speed up development. For this reason, having a reliable and enterprise-grade service to mock Apache Kafka should be an item in your EDA checklist. This post will do a quick review of the Microcks General Availability (GA) version and their support to Kafka.

What is Microcks?

Simulating CloudEvents With AsyncAPI and Microcks

The rise of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a necessary evolutionary step toward cloud-native applications. Events are the ultimate weapon to decouple your microservices within your architecture. They are bringing great benefits like space and time decoupling, better resiliency, and elasticity.

But events also come with challenges! One of the first you will face when starting up as a development team — aside from the technology choice — is how to describe these events' structure. Another challenge that comes very quickly after is: How can we efficiently work as a team without having to wait for someone else's events?