Service Discovery From Within the Kubernetes Cluster

It is probably not common to write your own code to perform service discovery from within the Kubernetes cluster. It is better to delegate that responsibility to an ingress controller or a load balancer. However, ever the adventurer, I stumbled onto the Java Kubernetes Client.

The project was an investigation into using Spinnaker as a CI/CD tool for a new micro-services architecture. My adventures of getting Spinnaker to run on Minikube have been documented as a three-article series on DZone and can be accessed from my profile page. 

Spring Cloud Stream Channel Interceptor


A Channel Interceptor is a means to capture a message before being sent or received in order to view it or modify it. The channel interceptor allows having a structured code when we want to add extra message processing or embed additional data that are basically related to a technical aspect without affecting the business code.

The Message Interceptor is used in frameworks like Spring Cloud Sleuth and Spring Security to propagate tracing and security context through message queue by adding headers to message in the producer part, then reading them and restoring the context in the consumer part.

Health Monitoring of Mule Applications

Health check of an APIs allows near-real-time information about the state of your containers and APIs/microservices. It is critical to multiple aspects of operating APIs and is especially important when orchestrators perform partial application upgrades in phases. It also helps to determine if a running API instance is unable to handle requests.

The health check API operation performs a variety of internal metrics including:

Using RESTful APIs and Microservices to Work With Db2

The new Db2 Data Management Console is a free browser-based user interface included with Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. It's more than a graphical user interface to monitor, manage, run, and optimize Db2. It is a set of open RESTful APIs and microservices for Db2. 

Anything you can do in the user interface is also available through REST. You can also embed parts of the user interface into your own webpages, or Jupyter notebooks.

Planning and Designing Your Docker Image Hierarchy

Design Docker images with a heirarchy in mind.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the need to create Docker images for various applications/microservices. In my case, the most predominant use cases were Java and Python. Of course, there are a myriad of Java and Python images available on Docker Hub, and often these images can be used as a good basis for applications. However, as time goes on, I found myself having to manage multiple applications requiring different versions of these platforms.

It’s easy enough to reuse and customize a base image, but it tends to lead to repetitive work in configuration. Over time, like many open source projects, Docker Hub images evolve. That is to be expected. However, challenges arise when that change breaks the way dependent images are assembled or required versions aren’t available. In addition, I have also worked in environments where regulatory considerations were a priority and pulling images from Docker Hub tended to generate questions regarding the source and assurances of meeting specified guidelines. Anyone whose been involved in compliance and security audits understands that the use of external resources always requires some type of additional validation demonstrating the authenticity of the source. It can be done, but, with audits, the fewer questions raised are and the more straightforward the process.

Service Integration With Netflix Feign and Ribbon

The guys at Netflix have developed and open sourced (among many other things) Feign and Ribbon. These libraries can help you as a developer to build robust, fault-tolerant service integrations. Best of all, they've been tested in the wild by Netflix, who use both libraries extensively in their own microservices architecture. In this post, we'll look at Feign and Ribbon to see how they can be used in the context of a Spring Boot application.

What Is Feign?

Feign is a library that helps developers create declarative HTTP clients by simply defining an interface and annotating it. At runtime, Feign creates the HTTP client implementation for the interface. We'll look at this in detail with some sample code later.