8 Top Metrics for Measuring Your Technical Debt in 2022

Much like running up bills on your credit card, technical debt can easily get out of hand. To avoid this happening, you need to keep track of how much debt you’re building up.

Technical debt metrics are designed to help you make sense of all the data you collect. There are many different metrics to choose from nowadays, and plenty of tools for recording the data.

How to Write Self-Documented Code With Low Cognitive Complexity

In this article, I will share practical and straightforward advice on how to stop (holy wars) arguing about code quality and find measurable arguments about the necessity of refactoring, simplification, adding comments or documentation for the code. While I’m going to refer to exact commercial tools in the second half of the article, I should say that I’m not affiliated anyhow with the tool's authors. The tools are available via free community licenses as well as commercial licenses.

The goal of this article is not the tool itself but to tell you about useful metrics that will allow your team to write self-documented code, produce better software and improve the programmer's life.

Engineers, Stop Hoarding Your Metrics

Metrics are the golden ticket to knowing what’s going on with your system… or so everyone thinks. But there can be too much of a good thing. Are your metrics really doing you any favors? Are they letting you see into what your customers truly want from you? If not, you might have a problem. You might be fetishizing your metrics. The good news is you’re definitely not alone

Like The Hobbit’s dragon Smaug laying on his pile of gold, never spending and only hoarding, many of us often stockpile pretty, feel-good, but useless metrics that never make a difference. In fact, they could actually be clouding your ability to get the context and clarity you need from your metrics. In this blog post, we'll help you kick your fetish and move away from Smaug-ing up all your metrics.

Understanding Software Quality Metrics With Manual and Automated Testing

Learn more about manual and automated testing!

Quality is the true measure of product success. Poor user experience or application performance negates any advantages you achieve in delivery speed or production cost. Put simply, if it does not work, it is not worth producing.

It is, therefore, critical to our product success that we can accurately measure and track test results to ensure our testing is delivering against our business goals. Understanding software quality metrics, especially in automated testing, helps us identify what is working well and what needs improvement.