Learn How to Create a Messaging App in 2021

Look around and tell me what you see; you may find people with smartphones in their hands. What are they doing? Most likely, they are texting. Indeed, messaging has become the modern way of communicating.

If you have a concept for a new chat app for the mass-market or want to get messaging software for your organization, here are some facts and insights on how to create a messaging app.

How to Split Up Synchronous and Asynchronous Parts of Your System in Java

A lot of developers say that it's very complicated to switch their applications over to asynchronous processing because they have a web app with naturally synchronous communication. In this post, I would like to introduce one way to do it using a few well-known libraries and tools to use while designing their systems. The example below is written in Java but I believe it's more about the basic principles and the same app can be re-written into any language.

Tools and libraries needed:

An Overview of the Team Messaging App Security, Increasing Concerns and Emerging Solutions

Team messaging apps are no longer confined to small teams but have to facilitate global enterprise level adoption with multiple teams collaborating real time. Globally distributed teams transferring considerable size of data has widened the threat landscape considerably and many experts are also expressing significant concerns over it. Nemertes report indicated clearly that security concerns are one of the major constraints that are prohibiting many enterprises to adopt team collaboration, especially the ones dealing with private and mission-critical data.

Plenty of team messaging apps or team collaboration platforms are available in the market, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex Teams, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to security. The key to defending the enterprise’s collaborative environment and mission-critical data lies in the choice of the collaborative platform or the tool. First, we have to ask which them is the most suitable candidate capable of supporting the inherent workflow of your organization and has the most competent and fitting security system to match your enterprise’s operational style.