POP and PUSH Testing Framework

The POP and PUSH (P&PT) testing framework's goal is to provide a platform for combining Six Sigma testing techniques with IBM App Connect microservices. In the same way that a recording reel of film records a snapshot of test case data, the P&PT will record a snapshot of test case data. It is digital proof captured throughout the lifecycle of an App Connect Enterprise application, from development to production (application lifecycle), using Git and Jenkins' workflow.


In reaction to the business scenario, the project's test case count increases. As the test case repository grows like the General Sherman Tree grows: the goal is to reduce the amount of time spent on manual testing (operations).

IBM App Connect Enterprise: Record and Replay [video]

In this video, we demonstrate a capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise called record and replay, which enables you to keep an audit record of messages that pass through message flows deployed to integration servers.

You may need to record messages to keep a history of messages for development and test purposes, or to help in problem determination.

IBM App Connect Enterprise [video]

In this video, we demonstrate a new capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise to create a subflow user-defined node using the toolkit. After creating the subflow user-defined node, we will use it in another installation of App Connect Enterprise in a message flow and deploy and test the flow.

You can learn more about installing a subflow user-defined node and subsequent authoring, testing, and packaging tasks in the IBM Documentation topics.