Step-by-Step Guide to Use Anypoint MQ: Part 4

This is the last part of the Anypoint MQ Series. You can read previous parts here: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3. In this post, we will learn about message exchanges and how we can use the  to send messages to multiple queues. We will also see how we can bind queues and publish messages to a message exchange. We may need to send the same message to more than one queue (to broadcast the message); in that scenario, message exchanges can be used.

What Is a Message Exchange?

A message exchanges bind one or more queues so that the message sent to exchange appears in all the queues bound to it simultaneously. In other words, with message exchanges, we can send the same message to all the queues which are bound to it.

A Covert Channel Over the Telegram

We used to think of Telegram as a reliable and secure transmission medium for messages of any sort. But under the hood, it has a rather common combination of a- and symmetric encryptions. Where’s fun in that? And why would anyone trust their messages to the third-party anyway?

Covert Channels

There are many workarounds to transmit data between two users avoiding direct contact. You can use middlemen, crypto-, and steganography methods, broadcasting relay networks, and other extensions of existing protocols. But sometimes, it’s useful being able to establish secure contact using only officially documented features. Or, as one should say, set up a covert channel.