DevOps Roadmap for 2022

In the last few weeks, I met some folks in my mentoring sessions, who are new to DevOps or in the mid of their career, who were interested in knowing what to learn in 2022. DevOps skills are high in demand and there is constant learning required to keep yourself in sync with market demand.

This post is to share the notes that can help you. Let’s see some guidance based on my experience and understanding.

Finding a Software Developer Mentor When You’re a Newbie

Your first job as a software developer can be very challenging. There is so much to learn about coding and building a career in the technology industry. Doing it by yourself can be overwhelming.

When I started my first job, one of the senior developers at the company I worked for, offered to help me learn and grow into a good software developer. He was a more experienced guide who had overcome the same problems I was facing and provided an inspiring example to follow.

One-on-One Meetings in Agile

All managers struggle with the fine balance between doing work that achieves short term goals vs investing time in activities with long term benefits. Output that's immediately visible may give a feeling of satisfaction in the moment, but it soon fades away and demands more energy to keep up with the pace of growth and scale of the company. Focussing too much on progress in the short term eventually slows down every manager in the long run.

Energy spent in growing business may help you achieve some outcomes, but the same energy invested in growing people can produce remarkable results.

Master Shifu and His Cloud-Native Mentoring Sessions

Let’s start with a quick introduction of InfraCloud Technologies, shall we? (Master Shifu here; yep, we’re going the Kung Fu Panda route!). In case you’re wondering, in this story, we also have the warrior panda and the furious…..many!

Now, Shall We Begin?

Master Shifu has been in Cloud-native technologies even before Kubernetes had reached 1.0 milestone and Kubernetes was just one of the contenders in the orchestration game (Master Shifu has grey cells too). But the tide turned quite quickly.

Great Leadership Is All About (Their Own) Time Management

How are you spending your time as a leader? (And how's that working out for you?)

I keep hearing leaders say they're struggling to manage their organizations through change. They've had trouble getting their organization to adopt Agile. They're finding it challenging to find the right talent. They're struggling to establish the right level of transparency.

These are symptoms of the people in the organization not managing their time effectively.