Decoding the Merits of MEAN Tech Stack for Your Organization

This decade has witnessed numerous shifts in the technological domain resulting in quick and sustainable advancement. One of such advancements in the arena of technology is the MEAN tech stack which resonates with a pioneering version of web development. 

Being an abbreviation of MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js, MEAN stack stands to synergize these components and make them easy to use for developers. Many of the brands or companies that we know today have used MEAN stack for seamless development, quick speed, user convenience, and performance enhancement. A few of such names are Gmail, Netflix, Forbes, YouTube, LinkedIn, PayPal, and The Weather Channel. 

Choosing the Right Stack For Your Next Web Project: Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack

It is obvious that before starting any web development project, choosing the best technology is one of the major concerns. Today, different technologies are being used for mobile application development. So, reading about those technologies in this blog is our motive. 

Here, in this blog, I am going to make a decision about which technology is the best if we have the choices like Full-Stack vs MEAN stack vs MERN Stack.

MEAN Stack and Startups: Are they Made for Each Other?

The MEANing of the MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack is an assortment of various technologies — MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js — bound together by a single, dynamic programming language, JavaScript, for building a robust web application. From client to server to database, MEAN is used for full-stack JavaScript development.

MEAN Stack Architecture

Netflix switched from Java on the server-side and JavaScript on the client-side side to Node.js because they had to write everything twice for error handling, activity tracking, and debugging. As Node.js acts as a common language for both the server-side and client-side, it brought down the startup time to under a minute from 40+ minutes.