Is Mathematics Crucial as a Software Developer?

Mathematics has been seen as a universal skill that every industry can benefit from, but how crucial is it exactly when put into practice? Software developers may seem like a highly technical field in which math skills will come in handy, but the truth is that while it can be beneficial, it isn’t highly necessary. However, it also depends on which facet of software development you are talking about. When it comes to networking or performance, maths may not be high on the list of necessary skills, but if the developer is focused on creating algorithms and trees or graph theory, it may be something that you cannot do without. 

According to professionals in the field, there are certain math-heavy niches in software development that may require the use of maths such as statistics and probability, but if you’ll be largely dealing with data science, it may accelerate your grasp on certain concepts as well as evaluating your data and results, but you can also use A.I. or machine learning techniques in order to bypass the need for mathematics. 

Contention, Coherency, and Math Behind Software

Today I want to tell you a few words about how you can describe your system through mathematical equations — at least to some degree. You will get familiar with terms like Contention, Coherency, and Coherency Delay. Additionally, I want to show you laws and their mathematical equations that can help you calculate the impact of these 3 mechanics on your application.

This article is more focused on overall system design and architecture than any other written by me till today — so consider yourself warned. In the article, I will try to answer a question: Can we scale systems indefinitely? 

Mathematical Notation for Python Developers (Part 1)


As a self-taught developer, I struggled most of the time reading whitepapers, or going through data science courses that contain incredible amounts of mathematical jargon (mostly weird and magic symbols).

This tutorial is going to be focused on translating mathematical notation to Python.

Can You Really Have a Ton of Testing To Do?

I heard someone say that they had a ton of testing to do to me recently as they entered another weekly test cycle, and I pondered whether testing could be measured in tons. And since mass and energy are irrevocably connected, I wondered whether it could be true, as we are happy to talk about the energy expended in testing.

The standard definition of a kilogram changed late last year from the physical platinum prototype kept under lock and key near Paris, to a calculated value based on Planck's constant. With this new definition of the kilogram, a precise definition of Planck’s constant is required, 6.626070150×10−34 Joule-seconds. So does it help to plagiarise his equation for our purposes?