How Prototyping Saves You Key Development Time

Developing websites and apps for your business takes time. Don’t waste precious time relying only on developing alpha, beta, and final release models. There are more than 3 stages when developing a website or app. Prototyping is the blueprint stage of creating a product when designers go from laying the foundation for the design to creating a lifelike replica of how the website or app should work.

When prototyping, there are many stages, such as creating the user journey, creating basic sketch outlines, and creating the prototype app with real animations and interactions. Using prototyping is faster than developing because of basic concepts such as drag and drop that help product teams quickly develop a webpage from scratch. Below are five ways prototyping helps a product team and the overall product be more impactful on the targeted audience.

Google Material You: Changes in App Development


Google continues to reveal the details of Android 12, and so far we’ve seen two betas released in May and June. Material You, a new Google material design language that is a great part of Android upcoming update, has been getting a lot of buzz in the digital community.

“We rethought the entire experience, from the colors to the shapes, light and motion, making Android 12 more expressive, dynamic, and personal. This work is being done in deep collaboration between our software, hardware and Material Design teams, and we’re unifying our software and hardware ecosystems under a single design language called Material You.” This is how a new UI by Google is introduced by the Android Developers Blog.