A Better Google Analytics Alternative


Our recent migration to GA4 left a lot to be desired and led us to explore for better google analytics alternatives. We tried just about everything out there, including Plausible, Fathom, and several others, all with their own pros and cons. The biggest hurdles were: limited features and higher costs.

That’s why we were so excited when we stumbled across Fullres recently. Not only do they have the best pricing around but they’re bundling multiple tools we use—ad revenue, analytics, web vitals—all into a single platform. Usually, you have to subscribe to multiple services and jump between browser tabs to see that amount of data together. Looking at their roadmap, there’s a lot more coming too.

Fullres also stood out with their quick 5-second installation setup. You get instant access to audience statistics in a GDPR-compliant manner and built-in Web Vitals data to continuously improve key metrics such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and other more.

For those who found the switch to GA4 challenging, Fullres is worth a try. It’s currently invite-only, so join the waitlist as soon as possible to get early access.

The Role of Social Proof in Web Design

Social proof is the psychological phenomenon where individuals follow the actions of others, believing that those actions represent the correct behavior.

Think about the long lines outside an Apple Store during a product launch. Those lines make us believe that the product is valuable and desirable because so many people want it. The same concept applies to the web where social proof can take various forms.

Your Web Designer Toolbox

Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets Starting at only $16.50/month!

Harnessing the Power of User Testimonials and Reviews

Trust is intangible, yet it can make or break the relationship with your users.

One of the most compelling forms of social proof comes from testimonials. When potential customers see positive statements from those who have used your product or service, it helps ease their decision-making process. These endorsements act as assurances of your product’s value.

In addition to testimonials, other user’s reviews, and ratings can greatly influence prospective customers. Collective user feedback often offers an unbiased perspective on your offerings, making potential customers feel more confident about their purchase decisions.stars lined up diagonally

Boosting Your Online Credibility with Endorsements and Affiliations

An endorsement from a reputable figure in your industry can significantly bolster your brand’s credibility. Such approvals validate your offerings and can set you apart in a crowded market. Your alliances also reflect your credibility. Displaying logos of esteemed clients or partners you’ve worked with can subtly yet effectively boost your brand’s trustworthiness.

hand gestures

Showcasing Popularity and Expertise

Your social media presence can reflect your brand’s popularity. Showcasing follower counts, likes, or shares illustrates your brand’s reach and influence. Your accolades and certifications showcase your commitment to excellence in your industry. These badges of honor provide further assurance of your expertise.

brand logos

Leveraging Social Proof Strategically

Successful implementation of social proof requires careful planning and execution. Every audience is different, and the types of social proof that resonate can vary greatly. It’s crucial to identify what appeals most to your target demographic. For maximum impact, social proof elements should be placed in high-visibility areas on your website, such as landing or product pages.

Always prioritize genuine content, especially when it comes to user testimonials and reviews. Authenticity not only upholds ethical standards but also strengthens your brand credibility. Affiliations with authoritative figures or organizations in your industry are a testament to your brand’s credibility and should be prominently featured.planing designs in front of a PC

Final Thoughts

Social proof, when used right, can turn a skeptic into a believer. It’s more than just showing potential customers that others approve of your product or service. It’s about strategically showcasing that your offerings are trusted, credible, and desirable—thereby nudging users to follow suit. Remember, you can also employ tactics such as time-limited offers, exclusive content, or highlighting limited stock. After all, when users see others seizing an opportunity, they feel the urge to jump on the bandwagon.

How Spark Writer Can Help Improve Your Web Design Business

If you are running a web design business, your portfolio website is one of your most important tools to attract new clients. In order to actually generate leads through your website, you have to get people there, and that means you need to continually generate new content along with having it optimized for search engines. If you’re a freelancer or small business, that means you are not only a web designer or developer, but you also have to wear the hat of the content creator. How are you supposed to find enough hours in the day?

This is where Spark Writer comes in. Spark Writer is a GPT-3 writing tool that allows you to create texts such as articles, blogs, ads, and even SEO meta descriptions in an instant. In this post we are going to take a look at how Spark Writer can make your life easier and help you grow your web design business.

Spark Writer for your web design business

What Is Spark Writer?

Spark Writer is a creative tool that helps you write better, faster and more easily. It provides you with a range of templates, tips and resources that makes writing easier and more fun.

The previous paragraph was actually written by Spark Writer in a matter of seconds using the paragraph tool. That summarizes it pretty succinctly, but there is much more to this AI writing tool. There are a variety of ways to use it for your web design business blog, including generating titles and ideas, introductions, outlines, conclusions, listicles, and more – all the way to even a full article generator.

So you can see how this tool could save you a significant amount of time when creating content. Let’s take a look at several ways in more detail.

Create Catchy Titles

With the Article Title / Idea Tool, you can take your blog topic idea and generate several catchy titles easily. For example, we put the title of this post in and Spark Writer popped out the following:

  1. How to take your web design business to the next level with Spark Writer
  2. How Spark Writer can help you stand out from the competition
  3. Create better content and improve your web design business with Spark Writer
  4. The secret to success: How Spark Writer can help improve your web design business
  5. How to improve your web design business with Spark Writer

In literally seconds we have five alternate titles we could use instead of what we started with! Coming up with ideas or refined, catchy titles no longer has to consume your time when writing new content for your blog.

Write Article Outlines

Many blog posts and articles start with an outline in order to better organize your thoughts and map out the sections and main points. With the Article Outline Tool you can type in what your article is about and in seconds have an outline of it right in front of you. If you prefer to do the actual writing of the article yourself, this would be a great way to get started and save you tons of time along the way.

Generate Listicles

One of the most popular types of blog posts is listicles, offering, for instance, “10 top web design tools of the year” or any other idea you can come up with. Spark Writer’s Listicle Tool can generate these for you in seconds.

Take a look at what we got when we typed in “Top Web Design Tools of 2022”:

  1. Adobe XD
  2. Figma
  3. Sketch
  4. Invision Studio
  5. Protopie
  6. Adobe Photoshop
  7. Adobe Illustrator
  8. Adobe After Effects
  9. Cinema 4D
  10. Blender

Just like that, the research has been done for us instantly. Then we could take this list, fill it in with descriptions of each tool, add an introduction and conclusion, and presto! Another way to come up with a quick blog post for your web design business!

Write Full Articles

If you’re really in a hurry, you can elect to use the Full Article Generator from Spark Writer to generate a complete, unique, and SEO friendly article in 30 seconds or less. While this may not be the best way to make sure your blog has your own unique “voice” in its writing, it can definitely save you hours per post. You could also take what the tool produces and edit it to your liking to make it more your own, which would still be a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend creating blog content.

Spark Writer options that will help your web design business

How Will You Use Spark Writer To Grow Your Web Design Business?

Although we’ve touched on just a few ways this new tool can be used to greatly increase your efficiency as a content creator, there are many more options to look into beyond what we’ve described here. Best of all, Spark Writer is 100% free to use, so you can take it for a spin right away!

It’s a brave new AI-generated content world we’re stepping into. We recommend you give Spark Writer a try and see how it can be used to help you save time, inspire creativity, and grow your business.

How to Monitor Website Page Experience with Lighthouse

The world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has evolved dramatically in recent years, compared to the black box it once was a decade ago. One of the hotter topics broadcasted from Google is about a set of metrics reflecting “page experience” referred to as Web Vitals, which now play a part in search ranking. One way to gather insight into factors that encompass Web Vitals metrics is to utilize Google’s Lighthouse tool.

What is Lighthouse?

How to Monitor Website Page Experience with Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool that collects and utilizes lab data to measure web page quality. It determines quality based on a set of metrics and categories of metrics that can be thought of as a reflection of “page experience”. Lab data from Lighthouse mirrors Web Vitals and in fact include certain Web Vitals metrics.

How to Use Lighthouse

There are several ways one can run Lighthouse – the most commonly known being directly from the browser in Google Chrome’s DevTools. Upon running Lighthouse, you specify the URL and type of device (desktop or mobile) to run against. When Lighthouse completes, it provides a report with audit scores and detailed diagnostics on how to improve.

How to Use Lighthouse

How to Use Lighthouse

You can run Lighthouse manually, from Chrome DevTools for example, or in an automated fashion. Below are the available ways to run Lighthouse.

How to Monitor Page Experience with Lighthouse and Foo

How to Monitor Page Experience with Lighthouse and Foo

Out-of-the box Lighthouse can only run manually, but with a bit of crafting and resourcefulness, you can run Lighthouse automatically! Foo is a service that provides a way of monitoring website quality by automating Lighthouse and watching for change in results.

Check out this post for more details about setting up Foo to monitor page experience with Lighthouse.

10 Email Marketing Platforms for Building an Audience in 2022

If you’re looking to build an audience in 2022 and beyond, you’ll need to set up an effective email marketing campaign. Often, this involves using an email marketing platform to automate your campaigns, contact your subscribers, and track your results.

There are a number of great email marketing platforms out there, but which one is right for you? To help you decide, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best email marketing platforms for building an audience.

Your Designer Toolbox Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets


MailChimp - email marketing

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms on the market, and for good reason. It’s easy to use, has a wide range of features, and it’s very affordable. It’s often a favorite of those just starting out with email marketing due to its low price point and ease of use.

But beyond the fact that it’s easy to setup and use, this platform also has some great features that make it ideal for building an audience. For example, it offers a wide range of templates to choose from, so you can create beautiful emails that match your brand. Plus, its autoresponder feature allows you to send automated emails to new subscribers, which is a great way to welcome them to your list and start building a relationship with them.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact - email marketing

Constant Contact is another popular email marketing platform that’s known for its ease of use. Like MailChimp, it offers a wide range of features and templates, making it a great choice for those just starting out with email marketing.

One of the things we like about Constant Contact is that it offers a free trial, so you can try out the platform before committing to it. This is a great way to see if it’s the right fit for you and your business.


AWeber - email marketing

AWeber is another excellent choice for those looking for an email marketing platform that’s easy to use and packed with features. It offers a wide range of templates, autoresponders, and tracking tools to help you grow your audience and track your results.

AWeber’s customer service is one of the features that sets it apart from other platforms. Their staff is always ready to answer any queries or resolve any difficulties, which is why they’re one of the most popular email marketing services on the market.


Get response - email marketing

GetResponse is a great all-in-one email marketing platform that offers everything you need to grow your audience and track your results. It has a wide range of features, including autoresponders, landing pages, and webinars, making it a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

Like AWeber, GetResponse also offers excellent customer service. So if you ever have any questions or need help with anything, their team is always quick to respond.


iContact - email marketing

iContact is a great email marketing platform for businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of features, including autoresponders, landing pages, and social media integration. Plus, it has a wide range of templates to choose from, so you can create beautiful emails that match your brand.

One of the things we like about iContact is that it offers a free trial, so you can try out the platform before committing to it. This is a great way to see if it’s the right fit for you and your business.

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is a fantastic option if you’re searching for an email marketing platform that provides everything you need. It has features like autoresponders, landing pages, and social media connections, which allows it to serve businesses of all sizes. Its large range of designs also enables you to create emails that represent your business identity flawlessly.

Campaign Monitor offers a free trial, which we appreciate. This allows users to test out the platform and see if it would be a good fit for their business before making any long-term commitments.



With HubSpot, you get a comprehensive email marketing solution that has everything you need to expand your audience and track your success. It has a deep roster of features and offers a wide range of templates to pick from, so you can create beautiful emails that represent your business.

Build stylish autoresponder series, create newsletters, or even manage lead generation forms all from within this one tool.



Drip is a wonderful email marketing software for those looking for an easy-to-use and feature-rich platform. It gives you lots of templates, autoresponders, and analytics tools to help you increase your audience and track your progress with a special emphasis on eCommerce websites.

Drip’s customer support is one of the features that sets it apart from other platforms. Drip’s staff is usually quick to reply and assist you if you have any questions or run into difficulties.



SendinBlue is an all-inclusive email marketing platform with every tool you need to increase your following and track your success. From autoresponders to landing pages, social media integration to a wide variety of templates, SendinBlue has everything you need to create stunning emails that represent your brand.

SendinBlue offers a free trial so that you can test out the platform before making a decision. This is an excellent way to figure out if it would work well for you and your business interests.



Lastly, there’s ConvertKit, which provides businesses of all sizes all-encompassing email marketing features to streamline their efforts. Just a few of these features include autoresponders, landing pages, and social media tools. On top of that, there’s a beautiful selection of templates to choose from so you can create emails that match your brand perfectly.

The Right Email Marketing Platform Makes All the Difference

These are just a few of the best email marketing platforms out there. If you’re looking to grow your audience and improve your results, be sure to check out one of these platforms. And, don’t be afraid to try out a few to see which best suits your brand and business.

Good luck!

How to Use Envato Elements to Create Online

When presented with the task of creating things for the Internet, knowing where to start can be half the battle. If you lack design skills or if you’re pressed for time, using some premade resources can be extremely helpful. The first order of business is locating a resource that has what you need. The second? Searching within this resource for templates, tools, and items that can aid you in making content.

Thankfully, we can handle the first part easily. Envato Elements is truly a one-stop resource for so many templates, themes, graphics, illustrations, photos, and more that you can use immediately in your work. Once you sign up, you gain access to thousands of items.

But if you’re not convinced, let’s talk about some of the ways you can use Envato Elements to make stellar online content starting immediately.

Your Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets

Build a Website Using a Template

If you’re creating online, you need a website. And Envato Elements makes it super easy to do this. It features a wide array of templates that make it easy to build and launch a site quickly. There’s no shortage of options as well, so you can choose anything from an HTML template to a full CMS template. Here’s the full breakdown of the types of templates offered here:

And within these options you can narrow your search by features (responsiveness, eCommerce, PSD files included) by focus (admin, landing page, or site) and topic (beauty, corporate, fitness, etc).

WordPress Themes at Envato Elements.

Create Presentations to Accompany Online Courses

If you want to offer or sell online courses, you may wish to create and share this content via presentations. This means you’ll need some solid templates on hand if you want to make a real impact. Lucky for you, Envato Elements offers these as well. You can select from templates for Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides, all of which are super professional-looking and easy to use. Just download the template, add your custom content, and export it. That’s all there is to it.

The crux of the situation here is that you shouldn’t have to labor over these elements of your work if you don’t have to.

Presentations at Envato Elements.

Create Graphics for Social Media

If you run a business online, you should have a social media presence. But yet again, that’s another thing you have to create consistent content for. If coming up with an endless supply of compelling graphics doesn’t sound fun to you, Envato Elements can help. Its graphic templates section is loaded with a wide variety of options including templates for infographics and logos.

They also have scene generators or mockups, which make it easy to display your product or app on a background that’s been carefully (and stylishly) presented.

You can pair these templates with some other resources as well like the selection of graphics available. You can select from graphics that encompass the following categories:

They also have a dedicated Social category that you can browse for social media platform specific templates.

As if all of that weren’t enough, there’s also a Photo category that includes thousands of photographs you can use for anything under the sun.

A Social Media Resource from Envato Elements.

Make Explainer and Promotional Videos

The last thing we’ll discuss here today is how you can make videos using resources on Envato Elements. If you haven’t already dipped your toes into the video-making market, now’s the time. Video is extremely popular and it’s been proven to increase visitor engagement. Because of this, many opted to create promotional videos or explainer videos that describe something practical. And while you may need to film some footage yourself, having stock footage on hand is beneficial. Wouldn’t you know it that Elements has this as well?

Hundreds of thousands of stock videos and motion graphics are available to choose from to add to your creations.

Or, if you need a templated solution, there are thousands of video templates to pick from as well. They cover categories like:

And you can find specific options for the likes of After Effects, Premiere Pro, Apple Motion, and Final Cut Pro.

When you’re in edit mode, you can add in sound effects or music as well. The sky’s the limit here.

Video Intro Template from Envato Elements

Don’t Wait to Start Creating

So you see, you really have no excuses not to start creating unique content for your online presence, whatever that may look like for you. From websites to videos, Envato Elements has you covered from top to bottom.

What will you create next?

16 Pitch Deck Templates You Need to See

When you find the need to put together a presentation, it’s vital to have a solid template at your disposal. This is especially the case when preparing a pitch deck. After all, this is going to be someone’s first impression of you, your business, or your project. It’s key that whatever template you choose is high-quality and eye-catching.

That’s why we’ve done the hard part for you and sourced 16 pitch deck templates that offer real functionality and look great doing it. Each of these have a slightly different look that can be utilized for a wide range of businesses or projects.

Your Web Designer Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, Icon Sets, Themes & Design Assets

Pitch Deck Keynote Presentation

Example of Pitch Deck Keynote Presentation

This pitch deck offers a clean layout with a definitive style that can serve your presentation well. It’s got a lot of whitespace but plenty of key feature sections that can make your content stand out.

Nia Pitch Deck

Example of Nia Pitch Deck

The Nia Pitch Deck is lovely to look at. The layouts utilize angles to stunning effect to make your content look unique. It can be used for corporate work but skips the traditional boxy design.

Business Pitch Deck Keynote

Example of Business Pitch Deck Keynote

Another option is the Business Pitch Deck Keynote. This one makes stunning use of a grayscale layout with colorful punctuation to make a statement.

Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Example of Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

If you’re looking for something clean, the Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template is a nice choice. Create bulleted lists, colorful charts, graphs, icons, and more.

Pitch Werk

Example of Pitch Werk

Pitch Werk is another great option for making a presentation that makes an impact. Drop shadow effects on images, unique chart options, and image gallery layouts offer diversity in presentation.

Manola Pitch Deck Keynote Presentation

Example of Manola Pitch Deck Keynote Presentation

Or you can use the Manola presentation that offers an all-business pitch deck layout that gets your point across without being boring.

Lyon – Presentation Deck Template

Example of Lyon - Presentation Deck Template

The Lyon pitch deck is super simple but has the benefit of offering plenty of color options for backgrounds, text, and charts.

Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Example of Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Your pitch deck will look professional and sophisticated if you use this option. It offers interesting design elements, however, that make it stand out. Check out the angular graphics on that pricing table slide, for instance.

Matrix – Minimal Powerpoint Presentation Template

Example of Matrix - Minimal Powerpoint Presentation Template

If a darker look is more your thing, the Matrix PPT is lovely. Use full-width images, add delicate overlaid text and icons and more to get the effect you want.

Startup Pitch Deck Presentation

Example of Startup Pitch Deck Presentation

The Startup Pitch Deck Presentation offers plenty of colorful backgrounds, text options, and stylized numbering and graphics to keep your audience engaged.

Pitch Deck

Example of Pitch Deck

The Scofe Pitch Deck is corporate-looking, with lots of whitespace, room for charts and maps, as well as a unified color story.

Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Example of Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Another option worth checking out is this Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template. With curved graphical elements and interesting image segmentation, your presentation will be as engaging as it is informative.

Pitch Deck Keynote Template

Example of Pitch Deck Keynote Template

This option includes 32 slides with a variety of style and layout choices. Include images, statistics, maps, charts and graphs, image overlays, bullet points, and more.

Spielburg – Pitch Deck

Example of Spielburg - Pitch Deck

Still another choice is this Spielburg pitch deck. Its large, bold headings make it easy for your audience to stay abreast of the topic at hand. In addition, the easy flow of information is concise and attractive.

Bright Pitch Deck Keynote

Example of Bright Pitch Deck Keynote

You may also wish to consider the Bright Pitch Deck, which uses bold and bright colors to draw you in. Who ever said presentations have to be boring?

Fintech Startup Pitch Deck Presentation

Example of Fintech Startup Pitch Deck Presentation

Last on our list is the Fintech Startup Pitch Deck Presentation. This one offers bright, solid color to engage the eye, all while using subtle color variants to overlay text boxes, charts, and graphics. This one uses the best of web design to create a familiar presentation layout that works.

Getting Started with Pitch Deck Templates

Pitch deck templates can help you immensely when trying to put together a presentation that appeals to your target audience. Without it, you’ll be tasked with spending a lot of time custom designing something when you could be spending that time carrying out other operations of your company.

Hopefully, this collection of pitch deck templates will guide you toward an option that suits your needs and truly best represents what you’re about.

Boost Your Brand with a .design Domain

In a crowded marketplace, web designers need to take advantage of every opportunity to stand out. And the right domain name can play a significant role. However, the traditional .com, .net or .biz extensions aren’t necessarily the best options for those of us in the industry. They lack the context that really hits home for potential clients.

But that’s all changing, thanks to the growing popularity of .design domain names. They offer a novel and unique way to promote your business. Why, just imagine the brand synergy of using one in your printed materials and email address. It sends a clear message to potential clients about you and your business.

And to make this a truly amazing opportunity, you can now register your own .design domain name for free! That’s right, a free .design domain that you can use in any way you like. Point it to your existing website or use the available site builder to start something new.

Get your free .design domain name from Porkbun.

Stand Out in Style

.design is unique from other domain extensions in that it so easily identifies with the core of your business. They provide a perfect complement to your new or existing brand.

Plus, you’ll find a number of additional benefits to owning one:

Find the Right Name (While They Last)
Since it’s fairly new to the market, there are still a number of great .design domain names available. But they are going fast! Therefore, you’ll want to reserve your name in short order.

Need more proof? Companies such as Adobe, Facebook and Uber are using .design domain names right now.

Make Your Brand Memorable
In general, shorter domains are easier to remember. And an industry-specific option such as .design creates an opportunity to shorten your name in some unique ways.

For example, johnsmithdesigncompany.com could be shortened to just johnsmith.design. In this case, the domain is both shorter and more memorable.

Redirect Anywhere
You may consider using your .design domain name for your main business website. It’s a great strategy and can be very effective. But you also have the flexibility to redirect it to other valuable resources. For example, you might consider pointing it towards your Dribbble portfolio or LinkedIn profile. It makes sharing that much easier, while looking highly-professional.

Register your FREE .design Domain Today

We at 1stWebDesigner have teamed up with Porkbun to offer our readers a FREE .design domain name. The first year is free, and yearly renewals are just $35 – a bargain compared to the $70 offered at some registrars.

You’ll also get:

Free Email Hosting Trial
Your domain comes with three months of free email hosting. Using your .design domain for email is a great way to add that professional feel to your business. For example, john@johnsmith.design or info@johnsmith.design. Use any name you want!

Free SSL Certificates
Get a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to provide your visitors with peace of mind. Porkbun will even renew your certificate free of charge.

Free WHOIS Privacy
Most registrars charge for WHOIS privacy protection, but not Porkbun. They’ll protect your private contact information from scammers and marketers.

Free Website Builder
Build your new .design website without code. Your domain registration earns you a free three-month trial of Porkbun’s site builder, powered by Weebly. You even get free hosting!

Connect Your Domain to Any Outside Service
A .design domain name from Porkbun can be pointed to any outside service. So, whether you’re building a website with Wix, SquareSpace or WordPress, simply point the domain to your website via an easy-to-use domain management panel.

To claim your free domain:

  1. Click here to claim & search for your .design domain name
  2. Click on the pink + icon next to your desired domain
  3. Finally, click the checkout button & complete the checkout process. The domain is yours!

This offer does not apply to premium names.

How to Find a Marketplace to Sell Your Designs

Once you have finished your batch of logos, website design, or whatever creative work you made, you need a marketplace to sell it on. There are a vast number of websites out there for you to choose from.

Selling your designs is a very easy way to make some extra money and to expand your brand. Whether you are an illustrator, 3D artist or logo maker, there is a demand for your creative work.

There is no longer a need to build your own website to sell designs. Now, it is easier than ever to list your work on ecommerce websites to help you reach thousands (if not millions) of people. This article will help you find the one that best suits your needs.

Creative Market

Screen from Creative Market

“Empowering creators to make a living doing what they love” is a phrase that Creative Market uses to describe what they offer and this holds very true. Creative Market has a network of about 5.9 million potential customers that could be interested in purchasing your work.

This marketplace is used to sell graphics, WordPress themes, stock photos, and many other digital goods. There are many success stories from sellers using Creative Market to sell their goods and making a lot of money doing so. Stories such as Nicky Laatz, a South African shop owner, who has earned more than $1,000,000 selling her work on Creative Market.

Envato Elements

Screen from Envato Elements

Envato Elements is a digital marketplace that allows creators to sell multiple digital goods such as graphics, fonts, WordPress themes, web templates and photos – along with many more digital items.

The company believes in supporting independent designers and that when the community succeeds, the company succeeds. With this belief they share an even 50% of the net revenue with their designers and sellers. This marketplace is driven exclusively by the community of designers who sell their work with them. Envato Elements is a great way to get paid for your creative work.


Screen from DesignCuts

DesignCuts is a digital marketplace that is driven by the community. They are very selective in who they allow to sell on their marketplace. Taking a visit to their website, you will see the quote “We’re very exclusive and work with only the best designers in the world, curating the highest quality marketplace around.”

This means it is tough to become a seller on their marketplace. But once you do, you will be part of a small group who has access to a large share of potential customers.

The Hungry JPEG

Screen from The Hungry JPEG

The Hungry JPEG began in late 2014 as a website to help designers and crafters navigate the design world. By mid-2015, they launched a shop to give designers a way to make money from their craft.

They offer a wide range of products, from handmade goods to website templates. If you choose to sell on The Hungry JPEG, you will earn 70% of every sale you make – one of the highest numbers of all the websites on this list.

Also, they do not ask for an exclusivity deal – meaning you can list your products on their website and any other websites of your choosing. They also offer an automated product delivery system so your items are always selling, even when you are away.


Screen from YouWorkForThem

YouWorkForThem has been around since 2001 and is one of the oldest online marketplaces. They are privately owned and run by a group of designers who know what is best for the designer.

They are used by many major brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Whole Foods Market, Starbucks, Amazon, Samsung and many others. YouWorkForThem splits the profits 50/50 with all the designers who sell fonts and stock art. On top of that, they will market your designs on their social media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter, that have a combined audience of nearly 80,000 people.


Screen from Etsy

Etsy is one of the largest global marketplaces around. With a concentration on handmade goods, jewelry, and clothing, you can also find digital goods such as website designs.

They are also one of the easiest places to sell your work, but this ease and large user base also creates more competition. Etsy does offer affordable ways to list your work with prices as low as $0.20. With the many tools that Etsy provides, it is very possible to become a successful seller on their website.


Screen from Society6

Society6 is very similar to Etsy in that it focuses on selling handmade crafts and goods. Their market mostly consists of artwork that goes on products like mugs, phone cases, and t-shirts. This is the place to get your work in front of thousands of people and a network that grows every day.

Template Monster

Screen from Template Monster

Template Monster has been in business since 2002 and from the get-go they changed the way websites are built. They specialize in offering web templates and other related digital goods.

You’ll find WordPress themes and plugins, CMS templates, fonts, and illustrations along with many more digital products to sell and buy. Every month they add nearly 400 new products in all the categories mentioned above.

They also offer 24/7 customer support for sellers and buyers, making it easy to handle any problems you may come across when using their marketplace.

Big Cartel

Screen from Big Cartel

Big Cartel has been around for 14 years and in that time, they have helped artists sell over $2.5 billion in creative work. They enable sellers to create their own store with many customizable features to make the experience as personal as possible.

The freedom they allow you to have with selling your work is everything a designer could want from a marketplace.

The Power of Community

One of the common threads of each of the marketplaces above is their reliance on a community. The strength of these virtual places, and the work they produce, is what keeps them going. The stronger the community, the bigger potential audience you’ll find.

In that way, deciding where to sell your own work is just as much about deciding which community is the best fit as it is about profits. Fortunately, there are a lot of high-quality options for just about every designer!

Represent Your Business with a Free .design Domain Today

The right domain name is a vital part of your overall branding strategy. It should be both easy to remember and reflect what you do. Yet, for years designers have settled for domain extensions that really don’t fit in. While .com, .net or .biz work well enough, do they really provide users with context?

Thankfully, we no longer have to settle. Now that .design domains have arrived, they offer a unique way to promote your business. They look great on all of your branding materials, such as business cards, resumes and even as your custom email address.

And, best of all, you can register your own .design domain for free! If you already have a website – not to worry. You can simply connect your new .design domain to your existing site. Or, use the available site builder to start from scratch.

Porkbun .design domain

Why .design Stands Out

Having your own .design domain name presents quite an amazing opportunity. After all, it’s rare that an industry has such an easily identifiable domain extension.

Not only that, but there are several other reasons to go with .design, such as:

Great Names Still Available
Because .design is fairly new, there are still plenty of outstanding names available to register. However, that won’t always be the case – so consider getting yours as soon as possible.

Unique Branding Opportunities
A great rule of thumb is that, the shorter your domain, the easier it is to remember. And since .design is so industry-specific, it allows for some clever name shortening.

For example, janedoedesign.com can become janedoe.design. Not only is this shorter in length, it also makes for more memorable branding.

Perfect for Redirecting
Even if you don’t use your .design domain for your main website address, it can still be a valuable resource for redirecting elsewhere.

If, for instance, you have a profile at a design community such as Behance or Dribbble, you can point your .design domain directly to your portfolio page. This makes sharing your profile with others super simple.

Get Your FREE .design Domain

We have teamed up with Porkbun to offer all 1stWebDesigner visitors a FREE .design domain name. The first year is free, and yearly renewals will be just $35 instead of the $70 offered at some registrars.

You also get:

Free Email Hosting
You can add an email address (or multiple!) that matches your domain name. For example, anne@goldsmith.design or info@goldsmith.design, or any other name you want.

SSL Security
An SSL certificate will encrypt your visitors’ sensitive data, and also display your site with “HTTPS” in your address bar, which will let visitors know that you’ve made their security your top priority. You’ll also avoid the “NOT SECURE” label from Google.

Free WHOIS Privacy
Your contact information will be private, and protected forever. Other registrars charge you for this. PorkBun won’t.

Free Website Builder
If you want to build your .design website with no code, you can build it for free using their site builder, powered by Weebly. And with this option you don’t have to pay for website hosting.

Free Domain Connection
Whether you built your website (or plan to build it) with other services like WIX, SquareSpace, or Weebly, you can easily connect your .design domain to your website platform. Your website content will stay exactly the same, but you’ll have a modern .design domain name for your website to show off!

Here’s your chance to get a free website domain name that reflects what you do and helps you showcase your work.

To claim your free domain:

  1. Click to claim & search for your domain name
  2. Click the pink + icon on the desired domain
  3. Click the checkout button & complete the checkout process.


This offer does not apply to premium names.

Let Business Name Generator Inspire You with AI

Choosing the right name for your business, service or website can be frustrating. It’s not uncommon to think of the “perfect” name, only to discover that it’s already being used. Or, on second thought, perhaps it just isn’t the right fit for you. This trial-and-error process slows down your progress and keeps you from getting things done.

Wouldn’t it be great to speed up that process and have some help in finding that perfect name? It’s now possible with Business Name Generator – and it’s incredibly easy to use.

Its powerful AI has built-in intelligent word recognition that will generate thousands of potential names, each one relevant to your industry. Plus, it searches through multiple domain extensions in order to show you what names are available.

Instead of coming up with ideas on your own, you can now take inspiration from this free tool. Want to see how it works? Let’s take a look!

Step 1: Enter Your Keywords

To get started, enter a few keywords that relate to your business. You can be as general or specific as you like. Business Name Generator will use these words to determine what you do and the industry you’re in. From there, it will direct you to a results page that allows for further tweaking.

Business Name Generator Search

Step 2: View the Results

Your results page will show you the number of names generated, along with some other helpful information. For instance, you’ll also see a listing of suggested industries for your name, to which you can add or subtract. This will help you narrow down results to find even more relevant names.

Business Name Generator Search Results

Plus, there are a few other important settings to know about:

Character Count

Optimize your results to include names that are of a desired length. Want to limit your name to no more than eight characters? Change the slider to the appropriate number and your revised list of names will be automatically generated.

Changing the Character Count with Business Name Generator

Insert Keyword

Business Name Generator will place relevant a keyword from Step 1 with your name. You can choose to have it added before or after the name to get a better feel for how it fits.

Changing the Insert Keyword Setting with Business Name Generator

Step 3: Find Matching Domains

See a name you like? Click on it and Business Name Generator will search for available domain names using a variety of different extensions. This is a huge timesaver and will help to ensure that both your business and domain names are a perfect match.

If you’ve found a domain you love, you can even start the registration process right then and there.

View Matching Domains with Business Name Generator

Hint: Just searching for a great domain name? Then check out the free Domain Name Generator.

Step 4: Star Your Favorites and Share

Of course, there’s no need to rush a decision this big. That’s why Business Name Generator lets you create a list of favorite names – just click on the star next to the names that interest you.

Once your list is complete, click on the Saved Ideas icon. You’ll have the choice of emailing your list or sharing it on social media. You don’t even have to register for an account. It’s that simple!

Viewing and Sharing Saved Ideas with Business Name Generator

Start Brainstorming with Business Name Generator

Think of Business Name Generator as your super-creative virtual friend. Give it a few basic ideas about your business and it will provide you with an in-depth listing of potential names. And it doesn’t even mind if you ask it to narrow down the results.

What’s more, this incredible tool is completely free and doesn’t require registration. It makes use of powerful AI and even works in six different languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German and French).

Try it today and let Business Name Generator inspire you.

Bannersnack is an Online Design Tool for Professionals

Banner ads made simple – That’s the Bannersnack promise, and the app delivers on that promise.

Any new tool in your design arsenal must excel in areas where other programs are lacking. Bannersnack reduces your time investment when making animated and static banner ads or social media headers and other images.

Banner Ad Problems

Designers must address a range of issues when designing banner ads:

  • Clients want everything done today
  • Clients want multiple sizes of banners
  • All banners must be responsive
  • Clients require banners in numerous formats
  • Animated banners are challenging to make
  • Finding templates to base a design on
  • Clients want you to use their fonts and photos
  • You need analytics and heatmaps

Bannersnack addresses each of these problems and allows you to meet client expectations quickly and efficiently.

Check out Bannersnack for yourself to see everything it can do. (Hint: All of the above)

Short Deadlines

All things are possible if you use the right tools. Bannersnack lets you produce more designs in less time, meaning you earn more and clients are happy with your fast turnaround time.

Template-based design can save you hours on a project, while the results are of similar quality to designing from scratch. There are thousands of Bannersnack templates, and each has been created by professionals. You can search by user category to narrow the choice and quickly find a template you can adapt by using your own photo and font choice.

Bannersnack’s templates cover a wide variety of banner ads and social media posts.


When you examine the templates above, the quality of the designs leaps off the screen at you. These templates will work, and no client will know you haven’t done their project from scratch.

Sets of Banner Ads

A Pro-Bannersnack subscription includes the use of an ultra-simple banner generator tool that lets you produce sets of different-sized ads based on one design. Imagine the time this would save you. Imagine how happy your client will be when you send a link to preview your work in a seemingly impossible timeframe.

Check out this preview to watch a quick ad generator in action.

Responsive Ads

Everything you design in Bannersnack is responsive. This allows your users to see ads that are optimized for their device and screen size.

Straightforward Animations

Just as video is more effective than still images, animated ads work better than static ones in some situations. Clients will need to run split tests to determine whether static or animated ads have a higher click-through rate in their market. If you can produce animated ads quickly and cost-effectively, clients are more likely to test animated versus static ads.

The key is to be able to produce animated ads without breaking the budget. Bannersnack has three methods you can use to achieve this:

  • Pre-set animations
  • Custom variables
  • Magic single-click text animations

Pre-set Effects

With 32 pre-set transitions including fades, blurs, and bounces, you’ll be able to produce ad animations very quickly.

Custom Effects

If none of Bannersnack’s built-in pre-set transitions meet your needs then use custom animations to find an animation that works perfectly.

Magic Single-Click Animations

The “Magic” animator is perfect for simple text transitions, with 12 pre-sets to choose from.


Every client needs ads that are unique. Bannersnack lets you import clients’ images, or you can use photos from free photo sites in both banner ads and social media headers or posts.

Similarly, ads can be customized with any font you or your client own, or any web font not already included in the extensive library of Bannersnack fonts.


Speed matters. If ads are slow to load then the user will close the page and go elsewhere. AMP HTML ads solve the speed issue, meaning more users see the ads and your client is happier. With our AMP-compatible ads, you can create them quickly and easily without touching any code.

Bannersnack Subscriptions

The table below shows the main features of each subscription level.

Bannersnack also has pricing plans for teams, if that is what you need.


Bannersnack is a productivity tool for professional designers. It does one thing and does it better than anyone else: banners.

Massive programs like Photoshop have their place on any graphic designer’s computer but single-purpose programs like Bannersnack often offer shorter production times in their specialty areas. This is the case here. Bannersnack excels at producing animated ads quickly, allowing you to run split tests quickly and without over-running your client’s budget.

Game Changing Email Marketing Trends in 2019

There are now close to 4 billion email users worldwide – that’s almost half of the entire world population! And with an average ROI of 3,800%, you should be doing your best to hone your email marketing craft.

Here are some email marketing trends that could take your business to the next level in 2019.

AI Infusion

If you haven’t started yet, 2019 should be the year you begin implementing AI into your email marketing efforts. There are plenty of available tools on the market that can help you do the following:

  • Coming up with subject lines and images
  • Customizing content based on an individual’s past interactions with previous emails
  • Predicting when users could unsubscribe
  • Curate nurture emails
  • Provide insights into which types of content leads to website traffic

These are just a few examples among a whole host of features that AI could bring to your email marketing. But before you jump into a solutions provider, take a look at what elements you think can help your campaign and make a decision based on need.

Brain Diagram

AMP for Email

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a Google initiative designed to speed up the rendering time of web pages on mobile devices. The tech allows marketers to create website-like experiences within an email. These could include:

  • Use of carousels and accordions
  • Accepting user input
  • Browse content straight from the inbox

But the most exciting possibility brought to email by AMP is the ability for content to be updated. For example, if you visit the Ritz Carlton website today, the following day, the hotel could email you a list of available rooms. When you return to the same email the following week to find the hotel’s contact info, you find that the content has been updated with the latest available listings.

Email that doesn’t get stale – that would be a blessing to marketers.

Additionally, because it is yet to be available to all email service providers, AMP is also backwards compatible with unsupported email clients. This means content would only fall back to older markup language if it’s unsupported.

Google AMP Home Page

Increased Segmentation

If you’re not segmenting your list in 2019, you’re not doing it right. According to HubSpot, segmented and targeted emails account for an estimated 58% of all earnings. This is mainly because it allows you to target highly specific groups of people with a personalized message relevant to their individual needs.

For example, you can segment a group based on preferred content streaming services, geographic location, and email opt-in dates. So if, say, a marketer is organizing a music festival in Calabasas, California, they can target a campaign based on:

  • People who live within a 200-mile radius of Calabasas
  • People who regularly open promotional emails from the company
  • People who have purchased a music-related product from the company
  • People under 40

Because you send targeted segmented emails to people who are actually interested in receiving them, this will lead to higher open rates, higher click-through rates and better customer relationships.

Dart Board

Interactive Content

SnapApp defines interactive content as content that requires participants’ active engagement, beyond simply watching or reading. Those who engage, in return, will receive real-time, hyper-relevant results they care about.

The Geek's Guide to London

The animated infographic above goes beyond the generic image slide shows of travel and lifestyle content. For example, if you click on “Walking Tour,” you’ll be presented with a suggested tour provider, why it’s different from the usual tour, and a CTA to check the tour’s availability. It’s not only highly-engaging and visually appealing, it’s extremely useful.

According to Martech Advisor, interactive content increases click-to-open rate by 73%. And if you’ve ever interacted with it yourself, you’ll understand why.

Hand Touching an Email Icon

More Storytelling in Content

Speaking of engaging content, emails in 2019 will be shifting from hard selling to more storytelling. Storytelling in email means that you’re providing content that engages audiences by creating an emotional connection.

As noted by Benchmark, these types of email content:

  • Provide stories focused on a customers’ pain points
  • Furthers the connection between the brand and its customers
  • Reduces the spam/promotional vibe of brand emails

In the “More Storytelling in Content” example mentioned in the Benchmark link above, Patagonia talks about their efforts to champion environmental sustainability. This subject resonates with their audience as they’re outdoors enthusiasts who care about their playground.

Paper That Reads "Once Upon a Time"

Countdown Timers

Countdown timers create a sense of urgency, which has been a proven technique to increase sales and conversions. These attention-grabbing timers also create a strong, visual CTA that can be processed by email recipients in an instant.

As well, countdown timers serve as a great tool for building anticipation, which would then increase the open rates of your successive emails. For example, if you send an email with a timer for a flash sale, if your recipient has been carefully targeted, chances are they’ll be looking forward to the next email with more info on the sale. This could then lead to future emails being instantly noticed in their inboxes.


Human Conversations

As people lean more and more toward authenticity, they prefer to engage with other people as opposed to a corporate message. This means that your email content should have more personality in order to create a genuine connection with your audience.

It’s important to note, though, that the tone of your emails should still take into consideration the target audience.

In the “Writing in Conversational Tones” example mentioned by Benchmark, Chubbies plays into their brand personality of being the carefree person who likes to chill and enjoy a few beers. While they’re essentially nudging their customer towards a purchase, they make it sound like a buddy just making a friendly suggestion.

Coffee Cups on a Tray


Email marketing will continue to be a valuable tool into the foreseeable future. Taking advantage of trends and technological innovation will elevate not only your email marketing, but your business as well.

What do you plan on implementing in 2019?

Is Social Media Still an Effective Means to Promote Your Design Business?

Running your own web design business often means adopting some guerilla marketing tactics. Most of us can’t afford to buy billboards or 30-second television spots. Therefore, we need to take every cheap or free opportunity to get our names out there.

When social media services like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn started to take hold, business owners of all stripes were thrilled to jump on board. It was essentially free advertising – who would be foolish enough to turn it down?

But the game has changed. These services have come to the point where they are literally saturated with noise from marketers, activists and those who take pictures of their lunch.

Sure, we still use social media, whether out of perceived necessity or addiction. But is it even worth trying to promote your business through these channels?

Eyeballs Aren’t Free

The early days of Facebook pages were great. People subscribed to your feed and chances were that they would actually see your latest posts. It was an effective way to communicate with existing and prospective clients. Content such as your latest blog post, product announcement or even a holiday greeting reached the intended audience.

These days, not so much. Now, a post to Facebook reaches a mere fraction of those who “like” your page. Unless, that is, you’re willing to spend money to “boost” that post to gain more views.

Of course, maybe it was a bit naive to think that Facebook wasn’t going to try and monetize business pages at some point. But it seems like having a page is pretty much worthless if you aren’t prepared to spend a modest amount of funds to promote it.

The same now goes for Twitter as well. Our feeds are filled to the brim, and the service seems to have lost at least a little of the “live and instantaneous” qualities that made it a hit in the first place. Want your tweets seen? You’re going to have to pay up.

Indeed, social media has reached a saturation point. There was once a time when some thought websites would become a thing of the past, what with the ability to just get your message out there for free. Those claims seem a bit quaint in retrospect.

Facebook app loading on a mobile device.

Look for ‘Promotion-Worthy’ Content

So, we’ve now established that anything we post on social media for free isn’t likely to be seen by many users. It’s going to take some hard-earned money to find those eyeballs. The question is, what is actually worth promoting?

For small design agencies and freelancers, that’s a tough question. Potentially, you may want to show off a shiny new project or that blog post that you’re hoping will go viral.

But it really depends on what you want to accomplish. The items above could be worth a few dollars if the idea is to impress others in the industry. Making new connections is always welcomed. However, if you’re hoping to attract new clients, how effective will this be?

This is where a change in thinking can help. Rather than promote one-off content, it’s better to show that you can be a problem solver. For example, perhaps you have a website maintenance package or SEO service that you’re looking to grow.

Using the targeting tools these services offer can help you to find an audience that may well have a need for what it is you’re selling. The trick is in promoting the right thing to the right people.

Opportunity lies in what you can do rather than what you have already done. We’re so used to posting the daily minutiae in our lives and our business. However, that simply adds to the noise and will most likely be skipped over by potential customers (if they see it at all).

People fitting puzzle pieces together.

It’s More Traditional Than We Thought

Years ago, it felt like the smart move was to promote ourselves on social media in a more casual way. It was an ad that really wasn’t.

However, as our feeds have swollen to the point of digital chaos and with services charging us to reach users, this approach doesn’t seem to make as much sense. Instead, it actually feels like the opposite is true.

Promoting our design businesses on these platforms might actually require a more traditional form of advertising. While we can still be creative and take advantage of internet culture, we can’t expect users to pay attention to just any old content we throw out there – no matter how much money we spend.

For better or worse, the social media we grew up with has changed. The value for business owners has in many ways dropped off dramatically. Worst of all, it’s no longer a simple proposition.

Still, there is the potential to use social media to fuel growth. It’s just going to require more effort and at least a little bit of financial investment.

10 Tips for Effectively Promoting Your Brand with Video Content

Whether you’re just getting started with website videos or you think you’re a veteran, there is always something you can learn. Web design and content marketing trends shift on a dime – and your business must be aware of the changes on the horizon.

It’s vital to connect with your audience in meaningful ways, and video content offers a fantastic medium for doing just that.

Videos on your website have proven results in terms of leads and conversion rates. YouTube reports mobile video consumption increasing by 100% every year, and analysts predict video will comprise 80% of all web traffic by 2019. Companies are already seizing this immense opportunity, and video ads now account for roughly 35% of all online ad spending.

Perhaps the most compelling statistic to encourage you to explore video content for your own brand is that an entire third of the time people spend online is spent consuming video content. If you haven’t considered what video content can do for your brand, you’re missing this third of internet traffic.

If you want to implement video content or improve your website’s existing video content, consider the following tips for marketing video content more effectively.

1. Assess Your Current Content Marketing Strategy

Modern marketing professionals understand the need to constantly benchmark their campaigns’ progress, assess the returns on their various marketing investments, and measure engagement among their audiences. If you want to improve your site’s video content or wonder what kind of video content would work well for your brand, start by assessing your current content marketing strategy. Figure out what works, what doesn’t work, and what may work better with some adjustment.

Once you assess your current situation, expect opportunities for improvement to crop up throughout your marketing campaign. Take the time to explore video content related to your industry or niche and see what your target consumers seem to enjoy, and then start brainstorming ways to generate compelling, engaging video content of your own.

2. Make Your Content More Interesting

Video provides the perfect opportunity to recycle popular pieces of content and augment existing content in various ways. For example, did you have a blog post last year that was particularly popular? Did a social media post go viral? Think of the marketing success you’ve seen recently and see whether any specific pieces of content jump out at you. Consider repurposing older content into new, engaging video content that will delight your audience.

video production

Consider live events as well. The Periscope app for Twitter and Facebook Live has proven very successful to various marketing campaigns. Live events encourage your target audience to quickly find you and engage with you, and they are far more likely to share these events on social media. Even after the event concludes, you can use the recording on your site or your company’s YouTube channel.

3. Encourage Sharing

Live events lead to the next tip, which is to make your video content shareable. Social media may be the most powerful marketing tool since the invention of the World Wide Web, and it is foolish to discount or undervalue the impact social media has on modern life. Maintaining a social media presence for a business can be difficult.

You need to determine which platforms and networks your customers prefer and focus your attention there. While it may be tempting and even seem logical to create profiles for your company on every social media outlet, casting a wide net like this is far more trouble than it’s worth.

Additionally, your audience will more than likely prefer one or two outlets. Younger crowds will typically appreciate Twitter and Instagram, whereas older audiences tend to prefer Facebook and LinkedIn for the professional end of things.

social sharing

Once you’ve committed to a social media platform, fill your page with compelling content. Video is incredibly shareable, and your target consumers can enjoy video content while working or performing other daily tasks, making it a great opportunity for you to engage with your audience on a consistent basis.

Videos typically go viral faster than any other type of content, so don’t forget this when generating video content for your audience. A fantastic video could quickly spread across social media and provide an incredible boost to your brand recognition and conversion rates. However, a gaffe or poorly timed video could be fruitless or, worse, endanger your brand’s reputation.

4. Stay in Touch with News

Some of the best video content campaigns are in touch with the times and popular culture. For example, the Arby’s marketing team regularly releases short stop-motion videos of its food and branded paper products. In these shorts, an artist uses Arby’s bags and boxes (and sometimes condiments) to create portrayals of scenes and characters from new movie and video game releases.

These clips delight younger audiences, and if you browse Arby’s social media profiles, you’ll more than likely see quite a few comments from consumers saying things like, “I’m buying Arby’s today just because of this ad.”

5. Know Your Audience

Arby’s video marketing tactics are successful, because it knows it younger audience members and their interests. The company found a way to capitalize on this using a few bits of paper and cardboard and a video camera. That is an incredible return on investment for a large company, and its content reaches droves of fans.

6. Be Authentic

Modern audiences and consumers are very discerning and wary. The average person on the internet has learned to ignore things like banner and sidebar ads automatically unless they’re immediately recognizable and valuable.

Strive for authenticity in your video content. You might consider doing a tour of your company grounds or a behind-the-scenes look at some of your processes. You may also want to livestream company events or find other ways to incorporate video content into the other ways you engage with your audience.

video editing

Your consumers will appreciate seeing the more human side of a brand and can sniff out dishonest marketing easily. Authenticity and honesty are the keys to generating interest and enthusiasm around your brand.

7. Generate Brand Awareness

Two of the biggest benefits of video content are its shareable nature and the higher-than-average propensity for going viral and reaching hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of people. To have a compelling effect, create video content that generates excitement and enthusiasm around your brand.

Instead of encouraging your consumers to share your content simply by asking them to do so, make them want to share your content by creating fun and valuable videos.

8. Reap the SEO Benefits

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a mainstay of modern marketing. Marketers are always tweaking their sites’ keywords, keyword density, content refreshes, link history, and various other elements to achieve the most positive SEO results possible. On the flipside, search engines Bing and Google are constantly adjusting their algorithms to keep the playing field as level as possible for everyone.

youtube mobile app

Video content is valuable, and there is so much video traffic that search engines now incentivize companies to feature videos on their websites for better SEO. You may want to invest in a video hosting provider or simply embed videos form your company’s YouTube channel.

9. Multi-Device Engagement

One of the best aspects of video content is that consumers can enjoy it on various devices. Mobile devices have finally overtaken desktop computers and comprise the lion’s share of internet traffic, so make sure your video content responds beautifully across devices.

10. Stick to Short and Sweet

Creating effective video content doesn’t have to be a large-scale production. Some of the most successful video marketing campaigns didn’t cost any more than the time it took to record them. When creating video content for your brand, keep things short and simple. A curious consumer is far more likely to watch a two-minute video than a 10-minute one, so get your point across quickly and effectively, and don’t rely too heavily on pageantry.

Ultimately, every brand will have different opportunities and face different challenges in the effort to create effective video content. These tips are just to get you started thinking about ways to create or improve video content.

Your biggest opportunities lie in your existing content strategy, how well you know your audience, and your business goals. Approach video content with a clear goal in mind and filming will be much easier than you may expect.