Data Collection Techniques for Market Research

Market research is critical for every type of business. It gives you insights into your target audience and how you should present your products. 

Unfortunately, 95% of new products fail. However, with the right data collection techniques, you can make your product unique and better than what is already present in the market. 

One in a Million: How to Survive as a New Cloud Vendor

Over the last few years, the adoption of cloud has significantly grown to become a norm among both large businesses as well as SMBs. According to RightScale’s 2019 State of the Cloud Report, 94% of enterprises around the world are using the cloud. Further, Gartner predicts that the global public cloud services market will be worth $331 billion by 2022.

Profitability for Cloud Sellers in 2019

With the growth in cloud adoption, a lot of service providers see opportunities in selling cloud to other businesses. Therefore, more and more of them are entering into the managed cloud services’ business.

Facial Emotion Detection Using AI: Use Cases

emotion detection

Sentiment Analysis is already widely used by different companies to gauge consumer mood towards their product or brand in the digital world. However, in the offline world, users are also interacting with the brands and products in retail stores, showrooms, etc., and solutions to measure users' reactions automatically under such settings has remained a challenging task. Emotion detection from facial expressions using AI can be a viable alternative to automatically measure consumers' engagement with their content and brands.

In this post, we will discuss how such a technology can be used to solve a variety of real-world use-cases effectively.