7 Best Applications for Making Geographical Maps

Maps are used to depict the relationship between key elements. This might include objects, space, an area, etc. Spatial information has long been interpreted using cartography since at least 7 BC. However, it isn’t known when the concept might have originally taken root.

Geographical maps in the modern era are a key aspect for understanding spatial information to collect digital data for commercial reasons associated with places, people, and activities, and educational and scientific purposes. This spatial information can be best mapped using many handy applications. Below is our pick of the 7 best applications for making geographical maps. This list covers both basic and advanced applications, catering to different types of users and applications of geographical maps.

It’s About Location: Developers Draw on Geospatial Tech One Service at a Time

Apps that give users a good reason to keep coming back tend to operate with up-to-the-minute data to do everything from guiding a drone to tracking a global health pandemic’s path. That data is increasingly location-based, be it maps, demographics, routing, or geocoding. A developer might only need one or two of these location services to give users what they want, and that’s where pay-as-you-go location services have entered the market.

As location data is increasingly necessary for in-demand apps, developers at some of the most innovative businesses are already using PaaS to take advantage of location data.

MapLibre Launches as Official Open Source Successor to Mapbox GL JS

In December, Mapbox shocked its open source contributor community with the news that Mapbox GL JS version 2.0 would be released under a proprietary license. The JavaScript library powers interactive, customizable vector maps on many high profile websites like CNN, The New York Times, Ancestry, Strava, Shopify, Facebook, and more. Older versions remain open source but Mapbox will only be investing in developing new features for the proprietary version going forward.

Multiple parties started their own forks immediately following Mapbox’s announcement. In an effort to avoid fragmentation, the community worked together to merge their ideas under one project. One month later, MapLibre GL is now the official open source successor to Mapbox GL JS. The project’s founders represent a diverse group of companies who relied on the open source software, including MapTiler, Elastic, StadiaMaps, Microsoft, Ceres Imaging, WhereGroup, Jawg, Stamen Design, and more.

“In December 2020, Mapbox released the second version of their JavaScript library for publishing maps online,” MapTiler founder and CEO Petr Pridal said. “However, this time all the new features were overshadowed by a change in the license: previously free as in freedom, it became closed for external contributors and usage was restricted to people with active Mapbox subscriptions. One has to pay even for loading this JavaScript library.”

Pridal said the MapLibre project name is a shortened form of “Map library restarted (or reinvented),” with libre referring to freedom and independence. Its founders agreed that MapLibre should be provider-independent, so developers can load maps from their preferred providers or self-hosted maps.

The community-led fork may also become home to MapLibre GL Native, as contributors are considering a proposal to put MapTiler’s open source fork of Mapbox’s mobile map SDKs for Android and iOS under the MapLibre umbrella.

Mapbox is used by WordPress.com as well as in Jetpack for the Map block. The library is also used in many plugins on WordPress.org, some with tens of thousands of users. Plugin developers who have integrated Mapbox GL JS version 1.13 or older will want to check out the MapLibre project as an open source alternative to Mapbox’s proprietary 2.0 update.

Mapbox GL JS Is No Longer Open Source

Mapbox GL JS, formerly an open source JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps, has adopted a proprietary license in its recent version 2 update:

  • mapbox-gl-js is no longer under the 3-Clause BSD license. By upgrading to this release, you are agreeing to Mapbox terms of service. Refer to LICENSE.txt for the new licensing terms and details. For questions, contact our team at https://support.mapbox.com.
  • Beginning with v2.0.0, a billable map load occurs whenever a Map object is initialized. Before updating an existing implementation from v1.x.x to v2.x.x, please review the pricing documentation to estimate expected costs.

Versions 1.x remain under the 3-Clause BSD license, but Mapbox will only be investing in developing new features for the proprietary licensed version 2.0+. This news came as a surprise to many engineers who have built products on top of this previously open source library.

“This move has produced shockwaves in the geospatial industry,” Javier de la Torre wrote on the CARTO blog. “Many organizations are using Mapbox GL JS directly or fork from it. This library is responsible for the visualization of the so-called basemap, the cartography layer that underpins most maps. Previously Open Source, MapboxGL is a great solution, and could be used with many different data sources, so it became the de facto way to render basemaps.”

Mapbox powers all sorts of maps for high profile websites like CNN, The New York Times, Ancestry, Strava, Shopify, Facebook, and more. It is also used by WordPress.com and Jetpack for the Map block. The library is used in many plugins on WordPress.org, some with tens of thousands of users. Developers using versions 1.x will want to be aware of the future of the Mapbox GL JS library.

“Mapbox’s decision this week to release a brand new version of Mapbox GL JS and keep it proprietary stunned me,” Azavea product specialist Joe Morrison wrote on his personal blog. “Not only was v1 already a wildly popular open source library, but Mapbox’s reputation as a prolific creator of open source software is a cornerstone of their whole identity. Describing what makes Mapbox special without mentioning ‘open source’ is like trying to describe chocolate milk to an alien without using the word ‘liquid.'”

Mapbox hasn’t formally clarified why it went proprietary with the library so speculation abounds. Morrison theorizes that cloud providers are killing the open core business model of software companies. Crunchy Data Geospatial Engineer Paul Ramsey responded to Morrison’s article, contending that Mapbox is not an “open core” company and that the business of selling location based services may not be panning out for them:

But like Google, the value proposition Mapbox sells isn’t in the software, so much as the data and the platform underneath. Mapbox has built a unique, scalable platform for handling the huge problem of turning raw OSM data into usable services, and raw location streams into usable services. They sell access to that platform.

Mapbox has never been a software company, they’ve always been a data and services company.

Mapbox employee Saman Bemel Benrud said the company is finally moving to make its products sustainable:

This change has the potential to negatively impact the developers and companies that built products on top of Mapbox GL JS, thinking its open source licensing was set in stone.

“The change says nothing about ‘open source’ in the large as a model, and everything about ‘single vendor projects’ and whether you should, strategically, believe their licensing,” Ramsey said.

“I (and others) took the licensing (incorrectly) of Mapbox GL JS to be a promise, not only for now but the future, and made decisions based on that (incorrect) interpretation. I integrated GL JS into an open source project and now I have to revisit that decision.”

Some community members have already forked Mapbox GL JS to maintain the 1.x version, but the vast majority of contributors to the original library were sponsored by Mapbox. The immediate future of the MapLibre GL fork may not include many new features, as the initial roadmap’s stated goal is “consistency and backwards-compatibility with previous releases and continued bug-fixes and maintenance going forward.”

A lengthy discussion on Hacker News drew a response from former Mapbox engineer Tom MacWright, who wrote the company’s open source policy as a founding member of the team.

“I won’t get into all the context, but I think we should consider whether a community without contributors is a community,” MacWright said. “GL JS never had major active contributors outside of the company, and there are no self-funded webgl experts with lots of time who are ready to maintain a fork.

“OSS, we hoped, was about enabling people and unlocking people’s ability to collaborate. It turns out that in 2020, it’s mostly helping companies and getting nothing in return. That’s not a dynamic you can build a sustainable business on.”

The MapLibre GL fork may gain some momentum and emerge as a viable alternative to Mapbox’s closed source library, but it will take time to see how well it is maintained. In the meantime, the existing version 1.x can meet most users’ needs. Mapbox has burned through a lot of good will with this controversial licensing update, which some perceive as a “bait and switch” offense. Rebuilding community trust, after removing the freedoms granted by the previous license, will be an uphill battle.

How to Embed Bing Maps in WordPress

Do you want to embed Bing Maps on your WordPress website? If you are looking for a Google Maps alternative, then Bing Maps is the right candidate for you.

Similar to Google Maps, you can use Bing Maps to show directions, traffic, routes, and navigation instructions on your WordPress site. Since it is owned by Microsoft, it is a great map application with a ton of useful data.

In this article, we will show you how to easily embed Bing Maps in WordPress, step by step.

How to embed Bing Maps in WordPress

Adding Bing Maps in WordPress (No Plugin Required)

First thing you need to do is go to Bing Maps website and search for the location or map you want to embed.

Once you have found the location, click on the ‘More’ option with three-dots icon, and select ‘Embed a map’ option.

Embed a Map option in Bing Maps

After that, it will open a new tab where you can customize the map to embed in your website.

Customize Bing Map to Embed in WordPress site

You can choose map size, map type (static or draggable map), map style (road or aerial), and map links. Review the customization options and then click on the Generate Code.

After that, it will provide you a code snippet. Go ahead and copy the code because you’ll need it in the next step.

generated Embed Code for Bing Maps

Now, switch back to your WordPress site and create a new page or edit an existing one where you want to add the map.

On the page edit screen, click on the Add New Block icon and select the Custom HTML block.

Add Custom HTML block in WordPress Page Editor

After that, paste the Bing Map embed code that you copied earlier in the HTML field.

Bing Map Embed Code Added in WordPress Editor

You can now save or publish your page and click on the preview button to see the map embedded in your page. Here is how the Bing Map appeared on our demo website.

Bing Map Embedded in WordPress Manually -preview

Adding Bing Maps Using a Plugin

If you need to embed only one map on your website, then the manual method shown above is the best option.

However if you run a website where you often need to add maps, then using a plugin to add Bing Maps would be easier.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Ultimate Maps by Supsystic plugin. For detailed instructions, you can see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

It is a free WordPress map plugin that lets you embed Bing maps, Leaflet maps, and other Google Maps alternatives in your WordPress blog.

To use this plugin with Bing maps, you will need to have a Bing Map API Key.

Simply create an account on Bing Maps Dev Center website. If you already have a Microsoft account, then you can simply sign in with your account credentials.

Sign in to Bing Dev Center

Once you have signed into your account, you need to click on the ‘My Account’ menu and select ‘My Keys’ option.

Bing Maps Dev Center My keys Option

On the next screen, you need to fill out your website information to create a key.

Create Bing Map API key to Embed in WordPress

After that, you can see a message ‘Key created successfully’ and the key details in a box.

Bing Maps API Key Created

You can simply click on the ‘Copy key’ link or ‘Show key’ link and copy the Bing Maps API key.

After that, you need to paste the key in your plugin settings.

Visit Ultimate Maps by Supsystic » Settings from your dashboard and select ‘Bing Microsoft’ as your maps engine. After that, paste the API key you copied earlier in the Bing Maps API key field.

Paste your Bing Maps API key in Ultimate Maps by Supsystic plugin settings

Don’t forget to save your plugin settings.

After that, you need to add marker categories by visiting Ultimate Maps by Supsystic » Marker Categories » Add Category.

Add Marker Categories for Bing Maps

Create as many marker categories as you need.

Next, click on the Add Map menu to create a new map. Enter a name for your map, define the width and height of the map, choose navigation bar mode, etc.

Add Bing map using a plugin

You can also configure options to make the map draggable, use double click to zoom, and more. Most important of all, enter the location to display in the map center.

Next, scroll down and configure more options below. Once done, click on the ‘Save Map’ button below the map preview box.

After that, you can add markers to show the main location points in your map. Click on the Markers tab, and then add a name for your maker.

Add new Marker for Bing Map in WordPress

You can use the name of the place or organization as a marker name.

For example, we used ‘University of Florida’ as a marker name because we want to show some of the best colleges in Florida in our demo map.

After that, you can add marker description text as well as image.

Scroll down and choose an icon for your new marker. Next, you need to enter the address to point the marker. And, also select the marker category.

Save Marker for Bing Maps

Review all the other options, and then click the ‘Save Marker’ button.

You can add more markers by following the same steps.

As you add the markers, you can preview them live on the preview box. Once you are happy with your map, navigate to the ‘Map shortcode’ option at the top, and copy the shortcode.

Copy Bing Map Shortcode to embed in WordPress

After that, create a new page or edit an existing one to embed your new Bing map.

Once in the page editor, click on the Add New Block icon and choose the Shortcode block under Widgets section.

Add Shortcode Block in WordPress

Now you need to paste the Bing map shortcode that you copied before.

Paste BIng Map Embed Shortcode in WordPress Page Editor

Once done, save or publish your page, and preview how the Bing map looks on your website.

Here is how the embedded Bing map appeared on our demo website.

Bing Map Embedded in WordPress using a Plugin

We hope this article helped you to learn how to embed Bing Maps in WordPress easily. You may also want to see our guide on how to embed actual tweets in WordPress blog posts.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Embed Bing Maps in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

Enriching GeoJSON Data to Render a Map of Smart City IoT Sensors

The City of San Diego deployed the world’s largest smart city platform where thousands of streetlights around the city have been equipped with IoT sensors. These sensors collect metadata that can be fetched from a set of public access web services providing traffic, pedestrian flow, parking, and environment data.

It can be hard to get your head around how immense this network is until you look at it on a map. Let’s look at how to do that, first fetching and scrubbing the data with Python and then using JavaScript, Tangram, and HERE XYZ to visualize the results.