What Managed Kubernetes Service is Best for SREs?

Kubernetes in general is a boon for SREs. By making it easy to manage microservices-based apps at scale, Kubernetes helps SRE teams achieve reliability goals for complex, cloud-native environments.

But if you know anything about Kubernetes, you know that there are a number of different Kubernetes distributions and services available, each with different strengths and weaknesses.

Get Your First Container Up On K8s Using PMKFT

Kubernetes in the leading container orchestration platform that allows you to apply fast and streamlined infrastructure workloads using a declarative API.

In this tutorial, we are going to follow a step-by-step guide for signing in with Platform9 Managed Kubernetes Free-Tier Platform, creating a new cluster and deploying an example application. Then we will see how to scale-up/down our application instances and how to roll out a new updated instance of our app.

6 Enterprise Kubernetes Takeaways from KubeCon San Diego

Some of the lessons learned from KubeCon.

We just returned from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2019 held in sunny San Diego on Nov 18-21. KubeCon San Diego 2019 drew more than 12,000 attendees, a 50% increase since the last event in Barcelona just 6 months ago.

While at the event, we interacted with more than 1,800 attendees and had more than 1,300 attendees complete our survey at the booth to give us an insight into their use of Kubernetes.