Legacy in Your Cloud: Top AWS Unmanaged Resources That You Should Know About

Cloud operations are complex. There are a lot of reasons for this complexity, but in this post, I want to focus on how resources and services are managed in today’s clouds. Cloud today is oftentimes comprised of a large number of heterogeneous resources that have altogether different methods for managing them.

This diversity of resources is in large part the byproduct of cloud practices that predate infrastructure as code (IaC). Before automation and IaC, many companies would configure resources and services manually, without any alignment to best practices, based on internal processes that are unique to the organization. As companies evolved, and adopted IaC for codifying and managing cloud resources, this created a mishmash of services that are managed and unmanaged. 

7 Key Services You Need Around Bare-Bone Kubernetes

Enterprise IT does not question the value of containerized applications anymore. Given the move to adopting DevOps and cloud-native architectures, it is critical to leverage container capabilities in order to enable digital transformation. Google's Kubernetes (K8s), an open source container orchestration system, has become the de facto standard — and the key enabler — for cloud-native applications, and the way they are architected, composed, deployed, and managed. Enterprises are using Kubernetes to create modern architectures composed of microservices and serverless functions which scale seamlessly.

However, two years of working with Kubernetes for enterprise applications, and large-scale production deployments have taught us valuable real-world lessons about the challenges of Kubernetes in the enterprise, and what it REALLY takes in order to make it ready for prime time and enable organizations to safely bet on Kubernetes to power mission-critical enterprise application. Large and complex enterprises that have invested in container-based applications often struggle to realize the value of Kubernetes and container technology, due to operational or day-two management challenges. In this post, we share seven fundamental capabilities large enterprises need to instrument around their Kubernetes investments in order to be able to effectively implement it and utilize it to drive their business.

In-House vs. Managed IT Support: How to Capture The Most Benefits

The bar for IT support is already high. New-gen startups have made exceptional digital customer experience their central selling point, challenging more traditional companies to keep up the stakes.

However, delivering that support also requires significant capital investments – both financial and human. The wrinkle? Companies now spend billions in recruitment to find the right talent, only to have to replace that talent in a year or so. According to a recent LinkedIn report, the tech sector has the highest turnover rate in every industry sector – 13.2%. Yes, even higher than retail. Even at that giant Amazon, the average tenure of an IT employee is one year.