Magnetic 3D Grid Interaction with Content Preview

Today I’d like to share another thumbnail to full view animation with you. This time we have an initial grid with thumbnails that move with the mouse in 3D and have a magnetic effect including a little tooltip on hover. Once clicked, all items animate out, giving way to a content preview with more details.

The grid interaction looks as follows:

Here’s how the grid to content animation looks like:

I really hope you find this useful! Thanks for visiting!

The post Magnetic 3D Grid Interaction with Content Preview appeared first on Codrops.

Preview to Full Content Page Transition

Today I’d like to share a small transition effect with you. It’s an animation for a preview item that becomes the full page with an article. This kind of animation concept is really interesting for blog/magazine layouts. It’s a bit tricky because of the page being scrollable, but managing it with some overflow properties makes it work.

The preview item consists of an image and a special rounded button that has a magnetic hover effect that makes the text transition.

Once clicked, the content appears and the circle moves up, where the main title animates in.

And this is how it all comes together:

I really hope you enjoy this and find it useful!

Thank you for checking by!

The post Preview to Full Content Page Transition appeared first on Codrops.

Magnetic Buttons

It has been a long time since we explored some button styles here on Codrops! But after seeing a really nice one on Cuberto, I wanted to explore some ideas and share them with you.

The main idea of these buttons is that they are magnetic and follow the mouse pointer. Along with that, there’s lots of room to play with some interesting hover animations. A very nice thing to explore is the motion of an additional element like a shadow or another line. The parallax effect created by moving the button’s elements differently, gives a nice twist to the animation.

Here we play with a border animation.
This circular button fills with a solid color.
A shadow element creates some depth.

I really hope you like them! Can’t wait to see your ideas 🙂 Share them with us @codrops or @crnacura.

The post Magnetic Buttons appeared first on Codrops.

A Glitchy Grid Layout Slideshow

I love experimenting with irregular layouts. I wanted to try to take this custom “background” grid one level further and add a stack-like navigation effect. I liked how it turned out but there was some Jazz missing. It was calling for some dramatic effect, like a glitch animation! So I added it and it was the missing bit indeed.

So, here it is: a glitchy grid layout slideshow with a magnetic link effect and a quick, stack-like animation when navigating.

Here’s the initial view:

When clicking on one of the navigation buttons, there’s a quick stacking animation:

When hovering over the “Enter” button, a glitch animation happens on all the images and texts. This is how it all comes together:

I really hope this comes in handy as a starting point for your ideas! Let me know what you think @codrops or @crnacura 🙂

The post A Glitchy Grid Layout Slideshow appeared first on Codrops.