Making Machine Learning More Accessible for Application Developers


Attempts at hand-crafting algorithms for understanding human-generated content have generally been unsuccessful. For example, it is difficult for a computer to “grasp” the semantic content of an image - e.g., a car, cat, coat, etc....… - purely by analyzing its low-level pixels. Color histograms and feature detectors worked to a certain extent, but they were rarely accurate for most applications.

In the past decade, the combination of big data and deep learning has fundamentally changed the way we approach computer vision, natural language processing, and other machine learning (ML) applications; tasks ranging from spam email detection to realistic text-to-video synthesis have seen incredible strides, with accuracy metrics on specific tasks reaching superhuman levels. A significant positive side effect of these improvements is an increase in the use of embedding vectors, i.e., model artifacts generated by taking an intermediate result within a deep neural network. OpenAI’s docs page gives an excellent overview:

Building an Intelligent News Recommendation System Inside Sohu News App

With 71% of Americans getting their news recommendations from social platforms, personalized content has quickly become how new media is discovered. Whether people are searching for specific topics or interacting with recommended content, everything users see is optimized by algorithms to improve click-through rates (CTR), engagement, and relevance. Sohu is a NASDAQ-listed Chinese online media, video, search, and gaming group. It leveraged Milvus, an open-source vector database built by Zilliz, to build a semantic vector search engine inside its news app. This article explains how the company used user profiles to fine-tune personalized content recommendations over time, improving user experience and engagement.

Recommending Content Using Semantic Vector Search

Sohu News user profiles are built from browsing history and adjusted as users search for, and interact with, news content. Sohu’s recommender system uses semantic vector search to find relevant news articles. The system works by identifying a set of tags that are expected to be of interest to each user based on browsing history. It then quickly searches for relevant articles and sorts the results by popularity (measured by average CTR), before serving them to users.

Convolutional Neural Network – How to Code Some of the Critical Steps

While I was writing my custom program, I realized that some of the functions could be a little tricky to handle. I tried to make this article not just another article on how CNN works or the mathematics behind it, but more about some of the techniques on how data is structured/formatted while it moves from the convolution layers to maxpool, to the fully connected layer, and back again.

I will take an example to explain how the convolve, max pool, FC, and backpropagation datasets will look with details on some of the key functions