The Value of Machine Unlearning for Businesses, Fairness, and Freedom

Our work as data scientists is often focused on building predictive models. We work with vast quantities of data, and the more we have, the better our models and predictions can potentially become. When we have a high-performing model, we continue to retrain and iterate, introducing new data as required to keep our model fresh and free from degrading. The result is that the model’s performance level is largely retained and we, therefore, continue delivering value for users. 

But what happens if restrictions around a data set or individual data point are introduced? How then do we remove this information without compromising the model overall and without kicking off potentially intense retraining sessions? A potential answer that is gaining interest, and that we would like to explore, is machine unlearning. 

Intelligent Cloud: Machine Learning Integration in the Cloud

Today, artificial intelligence-powered machine learning (ML) and data analytics solutions are high in demand by companies in almost every area, whether it’s the financial sector, power industry, retail, healthcare, technology, or telecommunications. ML allows companies to work through a massive amount of raw data to extract actionable information. It equips businesses to understand their targeted audience better, automate their operations and production, align customer demand, and predict future business development with reliable results to make conversant decisions.

However, implementing ML technologies and algorithms like decision trees, logistic/linear regression, KNN, etc., remained a big challenge for businesses. Given that it is a costly affair with elaborate infrastructures, subject matter experts, high computing and processing power systems, etc., to leverage ML technologies and solutions in the business infrastructure.