Publish Log From Naked Mulesoft Deployment to Graylog


In this article, I discuss what Graylog is and how to perform a Naked deployment to a MuleSoft configuration in order to send a log to Graylog. 

MuleSoft Features

MuleSoft supports configuration and dependencies in log4j to publish logs to Graylog from CloudHub and Naked MuleSoft deployments.

7 Best Log Management Tools for Kubernetes [2020]

You may be wondering why you should bother with Kubernetes' log management tools?

Kubernetes dominates the container orchestration market and is often used to host microservices. Each instance of a microservice generates large numbers of log events that can quickly become difficult to manage.  But worse, when something goes wrong, finding the root cause can be tough due to the complex interactions between services and the near-infinite number of possible failure modes. This potential for trouble has fueled the popularity of log management tools for Kubernetes.

Implementing Scalyr’s PowerQueries

Older log management solutions grew up with complex query languages, including huge libraries of “commands” to manipulate and visualize data. These complex languages make advanced tasks possible but are difficult and cumbersome even for everyday tasks. Only a handful of users ever really know how to use the language, and they typically have to undergo extensive training and certification in order to be productive.

With the benefit of experience, we were in a position to create a clean-sheet design that supports powerful data manipulation with a relatively simple language. The result is PowerQueries: a new set of commands for transforming and manipulating data on the fly. In this article, we’ll talk about how we were able to accomplish this without sacrificing performance.