Agile Localization: What Is It and How Is It Managed?

Today everything that can be agile is going agile. Agility has become a bonafide IT mantra for every process in the software development life cycle. Localization, as an essential part of product creation, is no exception.

Localization is often treated as an after-thought. Only when the development and testing are finished do teams start to think about localizing their software. However, when you relegate the localization step to the last minute, you risk missing deadlines and, worse, releasing a product that is not quite ready for worldwide launch. 

App Localization in Ten Steps

Localize your apps!
You may also like: The Only App Localization Tutorial You Will Ever Need

According to predictions of the analytical platform App Annie, interest in mobile apps will enjoy stable growth over the next four years. If you’re considering bringing your app to new markets, this is the time to do it.

During my two years as the localization manager, I came to understand that localization has its own rules, and knowing them can help you adapt any product for a new market quickly and competently. These principles will be useful for anyone who wants to localize an app but doesn’t know where to start.

Localization in Angular Using i18n Tools


In this article, we will learn how to make our Angular app available in different languages using i18n and localization. We will create an Angular application and configure it to serve the content in three different languages. We will also deploy our app to Google Firebase and see how localization works in real-time.

We will use Angular 7 and VS Code to develop our application. Take a look at the application output.