The Ultimate WordPress Local SEO Guide to Boost Rankings

Are you struggling with WordPress local SEO and getting your site noticed in local searches?

SEO can be tricky, and local SEO has its own set of challenges. But here’s the good news: we’ve been helping small business owners win at SEO for years. We know what it takes to rank in the search results and get more traffic to your website.

Local SEO is more than just using the right keywords. It’s about attracting potential customers who live right around the corner.

In this article, we will show you the ultimate WordPress local SEO guide to get your website noticed by your local customers.

The Ultimate WordPress Local SEO Guide to Boost Rankings

What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO is a type of search engine optimization (SEO) that helps local businesses get found by users searching online.

For example, if you run a pizza place in your area, then local SEO can make your business appear at the top of relevant search engine results pages (SERPs).

Example of a local search engine results page

Search engines use algorithms to understand a user’s location and offer relevant local search results. They look at the person’s IP address, the search query, and business listings to associate businesses with specific locations.

With this information, search engines can then show results that are most relevant to the person’s location and needs.

Optimizing your online presence for local searches can help you drive more organic traffic and attract potential customers in your area. This is why local SEO is an important digital marketing strategy for small businesses.

What Are Local SEO Ranking Factors?

Local SEO ranking factors are what search engines look at when they are deciding which local businesses should appear at the top of search results.

Here are some key factors that influence local rankings:

  • Google Business listing – This free Google tool allows businesses to manage their online presence across Search and Maps. Having your company listed here will make it easier for users to find you.
  • Reviews – Comments from customers are like social proof. They can influence local search rankings because they show potential buyers that other people have had a good experience with your business.
  • Relevance to search query – This means making sure your business information and content match the searcher’s keywords.
  • NAP consistency – Short for Name, Address, and Phone number, it’s important that these details are consistent across all your online platforms to avoid confusion.
  • Proximity to the searcher – This refers to how close your business is to the person doing the search. Search engines often rank businesses closer to the searcher.

Other standard search ranking factors, such as website performance, high-quality content, and user experience, can also affect where your web pages rank on search engine results pages.

Now, let’s look at some of the best WordPress SEO practices to rank for local searches. You can use the quick links below to navigate through our tutorial:

1. Create a Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile, also known as Google My Business, is a free and powerful tool that can help your business appear in local organic searches.

It acts like a digital storefront that appears on Google Maps and Search results when people look for businesses like yours in their area.

Here’s an example:

Example of Google Business Profile

By claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile, you can provide potential customers with key information about your business, like your address, phone number, WordPress website, and opening hours.

To create a Google Business profile, head over to and click ‘Manage now.’ Then, sign in with your Google account.

Clicking Manage Now in Google Business Profile website

Once signed in, you can start by entering your business name. Google will then search for existing listings.

If yours doesn’t appear, then you can select ‘Create a business with this name’ to continue.

Creating a new Google Business Profile

The next step is to choose one of these business types: online retail, local store, or service business. The onboarding steps for each business type may look a bit different from one another.

Once you have made your choice, click ‘Next’.

Choosing a business type in Google Business Profile

If you picked ‘online retail’ in the previous step, then you will now enter the web address of your online store.

You can skip this step if you have not made an eCommerce site yet.

Adding your online store to Google Business Profile

Now, it’s time to choose a business category. Simply type in what type of product or service you offer in the field, and some options will start appearing.

Then, click ‘Next’.

Entering the business category in Google Business Profile

At this stage, you can enter your business address.

To complete this step, fill out your country/region, street address, city, state/province, and zip code. Then, hit the ‘Next’ button.

Entering the business address in Google Business Profile

Based on the address you enter, Google may suggest some business listings that are already in their directory but have yet to be claimed.

If you don’t see any listings related to your business, select ‘None of these’ and continue to the next step.

Similar businesses found by Google Business Profile

Now, a map will appear. Here, you will have to drag the pin onto your business location. This will help users find your business with Google Maps.

Once done, click ‘Next.’

Positioning the map marker in Google Business Profile

The next step is to enter your contact phone number.

If you don’t have one yet, then just skip this step. You can also read our expert pick of the best business phone services if you need some recommendations.

Adding a phone number in Google Business Profile

You have now successfully created a business listing on Google.

To go ahead with updating your business details, click ‘Continue’ on the screen below.

Continuing to edit Google Business Profile

First, you must verify that you actually own and manage the business. Google automatically determines the verification method based on the business information you’ve provided so far.

If you want to verify your business at another time, just click ‘Verify Later.’

Getting verified in Google Business Profile

Now, depending on your business type and category, you will have to enter additional information in the next onboarding steps.

For example, if you run a restaurant, then you will have to specify your business hours and dining modes and add photos of your establishment.

Once you have completed all that information, you will see an option to claim a $500 Google Ads credit. With this, you can advertise your business so that it appears at the very top of local searches (above organic search results).

Claiming Google Ads credits

You will also see an option to sign up for Google Workspace, which is a software kit that includes professional Google Mail, Drive, Calendar, and other Google products.

With this, you can create a professional business email address with a custom domain name.

Signing up for Google Workspace

And that’s it. If you decide to verify your business right away, then Google will review your business profile integrity within 7 days of your verification. After that, your business listing will be visible on Google.

Pro Tip: Besides Google Maps, Apple Maps is another popular mapping platform people use to find local businesses. Our guide on how to optimize your site’s SEO for DuckDuckGo includes a handy tutorial on how to add your business to Apple Maps.

2. Install a WordPress SEO Plugin With Local SEO Features

Having a Google Business Profile is a great first step, but it’s not the only tool in your local SEO toolbox. A WordPress plugin with local SEO features can also help your website rank better in Google search results.

While Google My Business focuses on your business listing, SEO tools and plugins can help optimize your website content for local searches.

Many plugins offer features specifically designed to improve your local ranking, like adding schema markup to your website. Also called structured data, schema markup gives search engines more information about your business in a clear and organized way.

By adding schema markup, you are not just helping search engines crawl, index, and rank your website. You are also making the information about your business in search results clearer and more interesting.

This can make your website stand out more in search results, which can improve your website’s click-through rates.

Here’s an example of a snippet you may find when looking for ‘Joe’s pizza NYC’:

There are many SEO plugins for WordPress websites, but our favorite is All in One SEO (AIOSEO).

This WordPress plugin makes it easy to set up your local business schema without using code.

Click the Activate Local SEO button

For more information about using AIOSEO’s local SEO features, you can read our guides below:

3. Add Google Maps to Your WordPress Site

Besides setting up your local business schema, you can also use AIOSEO to add your business’s Google Maps listing to your WordPress site.

This doesn’t mean that adding Google Maps to your website will suddenly put your site at the top of search results. But it can increase your chances significantly in a few ways:

  • Local SEO signals – Embedding a Google Map on your website strengthens local SEO signals to search engines. It tells search engines your business has a physical location, which is crucial for local searches.
  • User experience – Having a map on your website improves the user experience by allowing people to easily see your location and plan their visit. This can keep visitors engaged on your site for longer.
  • Social proof – Google Maps reviews can serve as social proof, showing potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your business. This can increase trust and encourage more people to visit your website.

You can read our article on how to add a Google Maps store locator to WordPress for more information.

Enter Your Store Location as a Query in the Map Section

Alternatively, you can check out our guide on how to embed a Google Map in a contact form. This tutorial can be useful if you want to include the map in your contact information page.

Additionally, you could also create an interactive map on your WordPress website or landing page. This will help users plan their travel to your physical address.

4. Do Local Keyword Research

Before you jump into creating content, it’s essential to understand what people in your area are actually searching for online. Local keyword research is an important SEO strategy that can help you achieve this.

Unlike regular keyword research that focuses on global search terms, local SEO targets specific keywords with a local focus, like ‘best pizza near me’ or ‘pizza delivery [your city].’

To get started with local keyword research, you don’t need to be an expert. There are many keyword research tools available, like WPBeginner’s Keyword Generator Tool.

All you need to do is enter a keyword, like your business category and your location. After that, the tool will come up with keyword ideas that you can include in your content later. Here’s an example using ‘pet sitters Seattle’:

Keyword ideas from WPBeginner's keyword generator

We see that the tool has suggested ‘best pet sitters Seattle.’ You can use this keyword when you create the copy for your homepage or other pages so that they show up for those search terms.

You can also include details like pet sitting rates or certification because, based on the keyword ideas, people are interested in this information.

If you want to use a more advanced tool, then check out Semrush. This tool helps you discover relevant keywords and their search volume and shows you their ranking difficulty based on location.

Here’s an example when you type ‘pet sitters’ into Semrush and limit the location to Seattle, WA:

Using Semrush to find target local search keywords

You can see that Semrush gives you information about how easy it is to rank for the keyword in its ‘Keyword Difficulty’ section.

If you scroll down, then you will also see keyword ideas that you can use in your website content.

For example, you can use ‘trusted pet sitters’ or ‘in-home pet sitters’ to make your website appear on those local search queries if that’s what your target audience uses.

Semrush's keyword ideas

Just read these guides for more detailed information:

Creating website content for local search means writing articles specifically for your local audience. This goes beyond just mentioning your location on every web page of your WordPress blog.

Imagine you run a pet store. In addition to listing your products on your website, you could create a blog post on ‘Top Dog Parks in [Your City]’ or ‘Common Dog Walking Mistakes in [Your City].’

This type of content positions you as a helpful resource for locals and strengthens your connection with the community.

Examples of local SEO content in SERPs

There are many benefits to creating local content. First, it attracts potential customers who are already searching for related topics. Second, it lets you showcase your expertise and build trust with your target audience.

You can then optimize these blog posts using on-page SEO techniques like including relevant keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and image alt text.

This increases your chances of ranking higher in local search results when people search for those keywords.

If you use AIOSEO, then you can use the TruSEO On-Page Analysis to see whether you have used enough relevant keywords in your content, title tags, and meta descriptions for your page to rank for your target keywords.

Focus keyphrase score

You can also use the Headline Analyzer to see if your article’s headline is enticing enough for people to click and read the content.

Here’s an example:

AIOSEO headline analyzer

If you want to learn more about content optimization, then you can read these articles below:

6. List Your Business in Local Business Directories

Listing your company in local business directories is a very important step for local SEO. It involves registering your business with various platforms that are recognized in your local area, making it more visible online.

This visibility can lead to increased traffic to your website, higher engagement, and ultimately, more leads and sales.

Doing this can also improve your search engine rankings for local searches.

This is because directories often provide a link to your website, which acts as a form of link-building. Search engines view high-quality backlinks from relevant websites as a sign of trustworthiness.

There are general directories like Yelp and Google Business that every business should be on. That said, you should also consider your local industry associations or review platforms because they can put you in front of potential customers in your area.

Additionally, local newspapers and websites sometimes feature establishments in articles like ‘Best [Your Industry] in [Your City]’ or guides to your area. Try contacting them to see if they’d be interested in writing about your business.

Example of a city guide article that helps with local SEO

If you are curious to see if there are any sites that already link to your business website, then you can use a backlink checker tool to do that.

Also, ensure that your business’s name, address, and phone number are the same across your website and all of the other directories you list in. Inconsistencies can confuse search engines and customers, potentially leading to a loss of trust and visibility.

For instance, if your business name is ‘Baker’s Delight’ on your website but ‘Bakers Delight Bakery’ on your Google Business Profile, then search engines might not recognize them as the same entity.

7. Get Customers to Leave Online Reviews

Besides getting listed on local directories or review sites, you should also encourage your customers to leave online reviews on those platforms.

Customer reviews are digital word-of-mouth recommendations. They can improve your local SEO by increasing the number of mentions of your business online. This way, search engines and other potential customers see your company as trustworthy.

At the very least, you should get customers to rate and review your business on Google. When people search for things like ‘best cafe in Seattle,’ Google often shows businesses with high review ratings in the local results.

Example of Google listing the top-rated cafes in their SERPs

Reviews on Yelp, Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, and other sites are valuable, too. These platforms attract people who are really interested in your industry, so your business gets seen by potential customers who are a good fit.

Social media reviews on Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram can also help your local SEO as people often look there for recommendations.

Once you have collected some customer reviews, we recommend displaying them on your website with the Smash Balloon Reviews Feed plugin.

This way, people who find your site through search will see great feedback from others, making your business seem more reliable and trustworthy.

You can check out these guides on displaying customer reviews for more information:

8. Don’t Forget About User Experience

Even with strong local SEO, a user-friendly website is key to converting visitors into customers. Here are some ways to improve your website’s experience:

  • Clear and easy navigation Make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for. A clear navigation menu with simple categories and relevant internal links helps people navigate your site quickly.
  • Mobile-friendly design Most people search on their phones, so you need to ensure your website looks good and functions well on all desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Fast loading speeds – Nobody likes a slow website. Best practices like optimizing your images and code can significantly boost your WordPress site’s performance.
  • Relevant and up-to-date content – Keep your website content fresh and informative. Include valuable information about your services, pricing, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • Strong calls to action – Tell visitors what you want them to do on your website. Clear call-to-action buttons like ‘Book Now’ or ‘Contact Us’ can boost conversions.
  • Technical SEO – At the very least, your website needs to have an SEO-friendly URL structure, an XML sitemap, an SSL certificate, and a proper canonical URL in its header to avoid duplicate content issues.

9. Track Your Website Performance Regularly

Just like any marketing strategy, local SEO needs progress monitoring. Tracking key website metrics helps you see how your SEO efforts are performing and identify areas for improvement.

Here are a few key metrics to track for local SEO:

  • Website traffic – See how many people are visiting your website and how much is coming from organic search.
  • Local search rankings – Monitor your rankings for relevant keywords in local searches. Tools like Google Search Console can show you where you appear in local search results.
  • Conversion rates – Track how many visitors take desired actions on your website, like contacting you or booking an appointment. This helps you measure the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors into customers.
  • User engagement – Track how visitors interact with your website. Look at metrics like bounce rate (how many people leave right away) and average time spent on site. Low engagement suggests your website content is not informative enough.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking these metrics. However, its reports are very detailed and can get confusing.

If you want to use Google Analytics for WordPress sites, then we recommend installing MonsterInsights.

This analytics plugin can integrate Google Analytics with WordPress, making it easier to monitor your website’s performance directly from your dashboard.

For example, you can track how many visitors come from Google Search, how they interact with your site, and which pages they visit most.

MonsterInsights page insights reports

Furthermore, if you connect Google Analytics with Google Search Console, then you can check out the Search Console report to see your top 50 search terms right in WordPress.

This way, you won’t have to switch between platforms to check your SEO analytics.

For more information on SEO analytics, check out these guides:

WordPress Local SEO: Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we have covered some local SEO best practices, let’s answer a few frequently asked questions about the topic:

How long does local SEO take to work?

Local SEO can start showing results within a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors like the competitiveness of your local market and the quality of your SEO efforts.

For more information, check out our article on how long website SEO takes to show results.

Who should use local SEO?

Local SEO is beneficial for businesses that operate in a specific geographic area, such as restaurants, plumbers, or local retailers. It’s also suitable for businesses that want to attract customers from a certain region.

Which is better: local SEO or paid search?

Local SEO is cost-effective and builds a long-term online presence, while paid search ads can provide immediate visibility and targeted results. Ideally, it’s best to use both for a strong online presence.

Does blogging help local SEO?

Yes, blogging about relevant local content can improve your website’s rankings and establish you as an expert in your industry.

Is local SEO still relevant?

Absolutely. More and more people search online before buying locally to make informed decisions and choose the best business for their needs. Local SEO helps people find you by making your online presence more visible to your target audience.

We hope this article helped you learn about WordPress local SEO tips and tricks you can use to boost rankings. You may also be interested in our ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide and our expert pick of the best WordPress hosting providers to host your business website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post The Ultimate WordPress Local SEO Guide to Boost Rankings first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Alternatives to Google Business Profile Websites (Compared)

Are you looking for alternatives to a Google Business Profile website?

Google has announced that it will start turning off all the free websites made for Google Business Profile users in March 2024. Unless you migrate to an alternative website, then visitors will see an error message when visiting your site.

In this article, we will share some of the best alternatives to Google Business Profile websites.

Alternatives to Google Business Profile Websites

Why Do You Need a Google Business Profile Website Alternative?

Creating a Google Business Profile is an easy way to make sure your business appears in local search results. It provides potential customers with your contact information, directions to your locations, and a link to your website.

Previously, Google offered to create free small business websites for Google Business Profile users that included all the information in your profile. 21.7 million business owners took them up on the offer.

However, Google announced that it is shutting down all Business Profile sites from March 2024 onward.

While your actual business profile will remain intact, the associated Google website will stop working. Until June 10, 2024, Google will redirect your website visitors to your profile, but after that, anyone trying to visit your site will see an error message.

To avoid this, you need to find a different solution for your website.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the best Google Business Profile website alternatives for small business websites.

1. WordPress


WordPress is the world’s most popular website-building platform and powers over 43% of all websites on the internet. It’s easy to customize and gives you complete control over your site.

Note: Keep in mind that there are two types of WordPress. Here, we are talking about the self-hosted For more details, you can see our article on the difference between and

While the WordPress software is free, there are costs involved in building a WordPress website such as a domain name and web hosting. This can be as little as a few dollars a month.

If you want your new website to be simple and minimalistic like your Business Profile site, then there are plenty of one-page WordPress themes to choose from, like the one in this screenshot.

One-Page WordPress Theme

However, you might prefer to take the opportunity to add additional important pages such as a contact page, disclaimer page, privacy policy page, terms of service, and more.

You can also add additional features to your site by installing some must-have WordPress plugins for business websites. These let you add business features to your site like contact forms, landing pages, popups, newsletters, automations, and much more.

WPForms Simple Contact Form

If you want to rank on local search results pages, then you should also install All in One SEO (AIOSEO), which is the best search engine optimization plugin on the market.

It will let you quickly add business hours, multiple location schema, and a store locator to your WordPress website. These features improve your site’s local SEO and help nearby customers find your business in the search results.

AIOSEO local business information preview

If you want help migrating your site to WordPress, then check this out: How to migrate Google Business Profile Site to WordPress.


  • Complete control over your website
  • Add the features you need using plugins
  • Choose a theme with the look and feel you want
  • Plugins let you rank for local SEO


  • Slight learning curve
  • You need to manage your own website

Why we chose WordPress: WordPress is used on 43% of the world’s websites and gives you access to SEO plugins that can help your business get found online. You can use WordPress to create a new website that grows with your business.

2. Wix


Wix is a popular, cloud-based website builder. It lets you easily build your website using drag-and-drop and is used by over 3.6% of all websites.

It’s a good solution if you only need a simple website like the one you already have on Google, but you may outgrow its features as your business grows.

When we created a test site on Wix, we discovered that after you choose an initial design, there is no easy way to change templates to give your site a fresh look.

Wix Drag-and-Drop Builder

While Wix doesn’t offer the same range of plugins as WordPress, it does have an online market that offers over 300 apps for adding features like booking forms, marketing, and online payments.

It also offers tools that help you optimize your website for search to attract more organic traffic.

There is a free version of Wix, but we found it quite limited in features, and it displays ads. You can also upgrade to a Pro plan to get more features, but this can become quite expensive.

Read our detailed comparison of Wix vs. WordPress for more information.


  • Its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to build a website quickly
  • Web hosting is included


  • You can’t choose a different hosting provider
  • The free version is quite limited and displays ads on your website
  • Pro plans can become expensive

Why we chose Wix: Wix is a popular website builder that is a good option for people who prefer a simple business website similar to their Google Business Profiles site.

3. is another popular website builder for small businesses. Its affordable pricing plans make it an attractive alternative to Wix.

Like Wix, it has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop website builder and plenty of templates to choose from. That makes customizing your website design very easy. templates

Wix’s plans include web hosting, a free domain name, a business email address, website security and backups, SEO and analytics, and other powerful website tools. They also offer affordable custom web design services separately.


  • Easy to use drag-and-drop website builder
  • Affordable pricing
  • Pre-made website templates
  • Web hosting is included


  • You can’t choose a different hosting provider
  • No free plan

Why we chose is both affordable and easy to use. It’s a great Google Business Profile website alternative for business owners who are looking for a relatively simple website.

4. Squarespace


Squarespace is an easy-to-use premium website builder known for its great designs. Around 2.1% of all websites on the internet are built with Squarespace.

It uses a block editor for content creation similar to the Gutenberg editor in WordPress. When we tested it, we found it easy to add images, videos, and audio files. However, the editor doesn’t save your work automatically, so you will need to remember to do that yourself.

Squarespace editor

It offers customizable templates that let you get started building your site quickly. You can also add new features to your website using Squarespace extensions, though these are more limited than what is available for WordPress.

You can read our detailed comparison of Squarespace vs. WordPress.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Web hosting is included


  • You can’t change to a different hosting provider
  • Costs more than shared hosting plans
  • No free plan

Why we chose Squarespace: Squarespace offers a secure hosting platform with an easy-to-use interface that lets you build a website with great design.

5. Weebly


Weebly is a beginner-friendly website builder with loads of great designs. It’s a page builder that lets you create a website without coding skills.

You’ll find built-in support for contact forms, photo galleries, sliders, and more. Weebly also offers different free and paid applications to add additional features to your site, but the selection is more limited than with WordPress.

You can choose from dozens of website designs as a starting point for your website, and edit your content using a live page editor. You can also build and manage your website using a mobile app.

Weebly Website Builder Interface

Weebly is particularly suitable for creating beautiful but small websites. It makes it easy to get started with a website, but you may find that over time, your needs outgrow what it offers.

There is a free plan, but it is quite limited and displays ads. Most business users will find their paid plans more suitable.

Read our detailed comparison of WordPress vs. Weebly for more details.


  • Easy to use
  • Dozens of website designs
  • Free and paid applications add new features
  • Web hosting is included


  • You can’t change to a different hosting provider
  • The free plan is limited and displays ads

Why we chose Weebly: Weebly is a beautiful website builder known for its simplicity. It’s most suitable for small websites such as those you typically find as Google Business Profile websites.

6. Carrd


Carrd provides an easy way to create simple, single-page websites. It’s a great choice if you just want to recreate your Google Business website away from the Google platform.

You choose a template as a starting point, and dozens of business profile templates are included.

Carrd Template

You can then customize the template using simple tools and a drag-and-drop interface.

The free plan is all you need to create a business profile website as long as you are happy to display a little Carrd branding. There are also paid plans that remove the branding and allow you to use a custom domain.


  • Very easy to use
  • Perfect for creating a simple single-page profile website
  • The free plan is suitable for most users


  • Not suitable for more complex websites

Why we chose Carrd: Carrd is a simple and free way to create a single-page profile website.

7. Google Sites

Google Sites

Google Sites is the best choice if you simply want to recreate your Google Business Profile website and remain in the Google ecosystem.

You can use its block-based editor to add text, images, contact information, business hours, and more. The Google Sites template gallery also offers a handful of small business templates that will help you get started.

Google Sites Content Editor

However, after testing Google Sites, we only recommend it for the most basic websites. If you wish to customize your new website’s appearance or add new features, then you will be much better off with an alternative like WordPress.

For more details, please read our detailed comparison of WordPress vs. Google Sites.


  • Allows you to remain in the Google ecosystem
  • Suitable for basic websites


  • Not suitable for more complex websites

Why we chose Google Sites: Google Sites lets you create a basic website while remaining in the Google ecosystem.

What Is the Best Google Business Profile Website Alternative?

For most businesses, the best alternative to a Google Business Profile website is WordPress. This is especially true if you want to build a website that can grow with your business rather than remain a simple profile site.

You can choose from thousands of WordPress themes to create a unique look and feel for your website, including single-page themes, business themes, and corporate themes.

There are also plenty of business plugins that will add the features you need.

Besides that, you can choose a WordPress hosting plan that suits your budget. This can be as little as $1.99 per month.

However, if you want to create a simple website and avoid some of the maintenance involved in hosting your own site, then hosted website builders like Wix,, and Squarespace are also good choices. These are initially easier to set up, but they won’t grow with your business in the same way that WordPress will.

Finally, if you are looking for a free option to set up a simple business profile site, then Carrd and Google Sites will achieve that, but go no further.

FAQs About Business Profile Websites

Here are answers to the questions we’re asked most often about business profile websites.

When is Google discontinuing its Google Business Profile websites?

Google will turn off all the free websites it created for Business Profile users from March 2024.

Once Google shuts down your website, it will redirect your website visitors to your Google Business Profile until June 10, 2024.

After that date, unless you have migrated to a new website, anyone trying to visit your website will see a ‘404 not found‘ error message.

For more details on what you need to do, please see our guide on how to migrate a Google Business Profile website to WordPress.

What is a business profile website?

A business profile website is an online space where you can showcase your company’s identity, values, and offerings to potential customers and clients.

It is an online hub where you can make a good first impression and provide essential information about your business.

What should a business profile website contain?

A business profile website should clearly state your company name and describe what you do. It should also include contact information so potential clients can get in touch.

You may want to add an About Us page to share your story and mission, and a services section or landing page where you can provide more information about what you offer.

It’s also a good idea to have a clear call to action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step, such as subscribing to your newsletter, asking for a quote, or browsing your portfolio.

How can you further enhance a business profile website?

You can showcase your expertise on your website by adding testimonials from happy customers or building a portfolio of your previous work.

You can also create a blog or news section to share valuable information and establish yourself as an industry expert.

Finally, you can demonstrate credibility by featuring client logos and any industry awards you have received.

Best Guides for Growing a Small Business Website

Now that you have seen the best alternatives for Google Business Profile websites, you may wish to see some other articles related to growing a small business:

We hope this tutorial helped you find the best alternatives for Google Business Profile websites. You may also want to see our guide on how to migrate from a Google Business Profile website to WordPress or our expert pick of the best social media plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Alternatives to Google Business Profile Websites (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Google Is Shutting Down Business Profile Sites: 5 Things to Do

Google is shutting down more than 21.7 million websites created with Google My Business.

These were free small business websites that Google offered to users when they created a Google Business Profile.

All of these websites will be turned off in March 2024, and users visiting those sites will be redirected to the Google Business Profiles associated with those accounts.

Let’s talk about how this change may affect your business and what you can do to not lose valuable online traffic.

Here are the things you need to do before Google shutdows Business Profile sites

Here is a list of topics we will cover in this article:

What Is a Google Business Profile Site?

A Google Business Profile helps businesses appear in Google’s local search results with detailed information, including directions, business hours, phone numbers, and a link to visit the business’s website.

Local search results example

Local searches have increased almost 500% over the past few years. According to Google, almost 78% of searches for a local business end up in a physical visit within a week. (Source: ThinkwithGoogle)

This makes it essential for businesses to appear in local search results, and the easiest way to do this is by creating a Google Business Profile.

When you create a Google Business Profile, Google gives you the option to add your website. Previously, businesses that didn’t have a website were offered to create a free one instantly using the information in their Google Business Profile.

Many small businesses took advantage of this option and created these free websites. This drove them traffic, leads, and in-store visits from local searches.

Why Migrate Your Google Business Profile Site?

Google Business Profile sites will be shut down in March 2024. These were small, single-page sites that Google offered free to users when they created a Google Business Profile.

Google business profile website

Once this service is closed, users will be redirected to the Business Profile page until June 10, 2024. After that, users visiting your site will see a page not found error. This will make your business look less professional and legitimate.

More importantly, it will affect the conversions you get from local searches. If you don’t have another website to replace the Business Profile site, then potential customers may not be able to learn everything they want to know about your company before visiting it. Unfortunately, this could lead to them choosing a competitor instead.

What to Do Before Google Business Profile Site Shutdown

If you are among the millions of businesses who used the option to create a Google Business Profile site, then here is what you need to do before Google shuts down the service.

Step 1: Make a Website You Own and Control

Google has a long history of shutting down services and products. Remember Orkut, Google+, and, more recently, Google Domains? There is a long list of products and services that have been shut down, and you can see Google Graveyard for a full list.

That’s why you need to make a website for your business that you own and control.

You will be able to display your website content in local search results. And since you have full control, you can drive even more traffic to your business.

The best way to do this is by using WordPress. It is the world’s most popular website builder, used by over 43% of all websites.

Note: When we say WordPress, we are talking about, also known as self-hosted WordPress. This is not to be confused with, which is a web hosting service. To understand the difference, just see our guide on vs.

Why Use WordPress for Your Business Website?

WordPress is the most powerful yet easy-to-use website builder on the market. Here are some of the reasons for choosing WordPress:

  • It is free and open-source and has been around for 20+ years.
  • Websites you create using WordPress are fully controlled and owned by you.
  • It is infinitely extendible. You can use it to make a 1-page website, or you can use it to create a full-fledged online store.
  • It has thousands of design templates, tools, and plugins to choose from.
  • Lastly, it is very SEO-friendly and you can use it to get even more traffic from Google search results.

Need more convincing? Take a look at our explainer on why you should use WordPress.

Getting Started With WordPress

WordPress itself is free to download and use, but you’ll need a domain name and web hosting to run it.

These things used to be quite technical for average users, but luckily, they are not anymore.

You simply need to sign up for a web hosting account and purchase a domain name, and they will have a 1-click WordPress installer ready for you.

Web hosting typically costs around $7.99 per month (paid annually), and domain names start at ($16.99/year).

This is a significant investment, especially considering you didn’t pay anything to create your Google Business Profile site.

Luckily, the folks at Bluehost are offering a generous discount on hosting with a free domain name. This deal will help you get started at just $1.99 per month.

Bluehost is one of the biggest hosting companies in the world. They are also one of the officially recommended WordPress hosting providers.

Simply go to the Bluehost website and click on the green ‘Get Started Now’ button.

Bluehost website

Next, you’ll be asked to choose a hosting plan.

Basic and Choice Plus plans should be quite enough for a small business website.

Choose a hosting plan

Click ‘Select’ to choose your plan and continue.

After that, you will need to pick your domain name, or if you have a domain name already, then you can use that.

Bluehost choose your domain name

A domain name is your website’s name and the address that users will enter in their browser to visit it (e.g. or

💡Tip: Try our free business name generator tool. It will help you quickly generate dozens of ideas for your domain name.

After choosing your domain, you will be asked to fill in your account information and finalize the package.

You will see some additional options on the screen under Package Extras. You can uncheck all of them as they will increase your costs. You can always add them later if needed.

Bluehost uncheck extras

After that, enter your payment information to complete the purchase.

Bluehost will now create your hosting account and send you an email with login details.

Once you log in to your Bluehost hosting account, they will automatically install WordPress for you.

You can just click on the ‘Edit Site’ button to log in to WordPress and start working on your website.

Login to WordPress by click on the Edit Site button in Bluehost

Bluehost will walk you through the initial setup, and you can follow the on-screen instructions to create your website.

For more details, you can see our complete WordPress installation tutorial.

Step 2: Set Up Local SEO for Your Business Site

Local SEO is a set of techniques used to improve a business website’s visibility in local search results.

It sounds a bit technical, but it isn’t. Let us explain a bit.

Basically, you just need to add your business information to your website using markup.

This markup is added to your website’s code in a special format, and search engines like Google can then find and use this data. This allows search engines to show your company in the search results to people who are looking for businesses like yours.

Luckily, you don’t even need to write this markup code. There are excellent tools that help you add that data to your website and optimize it for local SEO.

We recommend using All in One SEO for WordPress. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that allows you to easily optimize your website for local SEO easily.

All in One SEO website

Note: You’ll need at least the Plus plan of the plugin to unlock the Local SEO features.

First, you need to install and activate the All in One SEO Plugin. For more details, see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will show you a setup wizard. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

AIOSEO Setup Wizard

After finishing the setup, head over to the All in One SEO » Local SEO page in your WordPress dashboard.

You will be asked to ‘Activate Local SEO’ by clicking on the button.

Activate Local SEO

All in One SEO will now download and activate the Local SEO addon.

After that, you will end up in the Locations tab.

Now, if your business has multiple locations, then you can turn the ‘Multiple Location’ toggle to ‘Yes’.

Adding business location information

For more details, see our tutorial on how to add multiple locations schema in WordPress.

Scroll down a little to the Business Info section.

Enter your business information

Here, you will need to provide general information for your business, including its name, logo image, type of business, complete address, phone number, and more.

Next, switch to the ‘Opening Hours’ tab to enter your business hours.

AIOSEO business hours

Ensure that the ‘Show Opening Hours’ toggle is set to ‘Yes’ if you want to display business hours on your website.

Scroll down a little and then add your business hours.

Add business hours in AIOSEO

After that, you can switch to the ‘Google Maps’ tab.

You’ll need a Google Maps API key if you want to display your business location in Google Maps on your website.

Enter Google Maps API key

Just click the ‘Learn More’ link for instructions on how to get the API key.

Finally, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to save your settings.

Displaying Your Business Information on Your Website

All in One SEO will automatically add the schema markup to your website’s code, making it discoverable by search engines.

You can also display your business information on your website to make it visible to visitors and customers.

Simply edit the page where you want to display it and then click on the [+] add block button on the edit screen.

Search for AIOSEO Local and then add the local SEO blocks to your page.

AIOSEO local SEO blocks

You can then use the WordPress block editor to style or rearrange those items.

Don’t forget to update your page and preview your changes.

AIOSEO local business information preview

For more details, see our guide on how to use the WordPress block editor.

Step 3: Add Your New Website to Google Business Profile

Once you have created your new website, you can add it to your Google Business Profile.

To do that, you need to visit the Google Business Profile website or search Google with your exact business name.

Edit Google Business profile

This will bring up a popup with your business information.

Scroll down to the Website section and replace your old website address with the new one.

Add your new site

Now, visitors who click on the ‘Website’ link in your Google Business Profile will be directed to your new WordPress website instead of the old Business Profile website.

Step 4: Create Landing Pages for Your Google Ads (Optional)

Google previously offered free ad credits to businesses when they added their sites to Google Business Profile.

If your ads were bringing users to your old Google Business Profile site, then you may want to send them to your new WordPress website.

Now that you are using an actual website builder, you can also create attractive landing pages for your Google Ads campaigns.

The easiest way to create professional-looking landing pages is by using SeedProd. It is an easy-to-use drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress.


Note: There is also a free version of SeedProd. However, we recommend upgrading to the paid version to unlock more features.

SeedProd comes with 300+ page templates to use as a starting point. After that, you can use its drag-and-drop interface to design your ad landing page.

A SeedProd landing page template

For more details, you can see our guide on how to make a Google ad landing page in WordPress.

Step 5: Redirect Your Custom Domain

By default, Google hosted Google Business Profile sites on URLs like:

Some businesses started using their own custom domains and simply redirected them to their Google Business Profile sites.

Depending on where you registered your domain name, you will need to sign in to your domain registrar website, undo that redirect, and point it to your new WordPress site.

On the other hand, if you want to start using that domain as the primary domain for your new WordPress site, then you need to point it to your hosting provider’s nameservers.

Simply log in to the domain management area and look for ‘DNS & Nameservers’. We are showing the settings in screenshots, but it looks pretty much the same across all domain providers.

Here, you will see nameservers pointing to your domain registrar. You need to remove those entries. change nameservers

After that, click on the ‘Add Nameserver’ button and add your new hosting provider’s nameservers.

For instance, if your WordPress site is hosted on Bluehost, then your nameserver information will look like this:

For more details, please see our guide on how to change domain nameservers and point it to a new host.

Once you have changed the nameserver information, it may take some time (between a few hours to two days) for those changes to propagate across the internet.

Bonus: Make the Most Out of Your New WordPress Site

Now that you have set up your WordPress website and added it to your Google Business profile, you can start customizing your site.

Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Choose a WordPress Theme

WordPress gives you access to thousands of themes (website templates). Many of them are free, and you can install one of them to instantly transform the appearance of your website.

Browse free WordPress themes

See our article on how to choose the perfect theme for your website for more details.

However, it may get quite confusing when you have this much choice. To avoid this, you can take a look at our curated lists of WordPress themes that are hand-picked by our WordPress experts:

Once you’ve picked one, simply follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to install a WordPress theme.

2. Create Important WordPress Pages

WordPress comes with two default content types, posts and pages. While posts belong to a blog, pages are used to create a site’s structure and layout.

You can start adding pages by going to Pages » Add New Page in the WordPress admin area.

Add new page

For instance, if you run a small plumbing services business, then you may want to add an About page, a Services Page, and a Contact page.

For more information, see our list of essential pages to create on a WordPress website.

We also recommend adding blog posts so that you can get more traffic to your business website. You can see our guide on how to start a WordPress blog for more information.

3. Install Necessary Plugins

Plugins are like apps for your WordPress website. They allow you to add extra functionality and new features to WordPress.

For a small business website, here are some must-have plugins:

  • WPForms – You will need it to create forms that users can submit on your website. These include a contact form, booking forms, appointments, and more. Plus, you can also use WPForms to accept online payments.
  • All in One SEO – We have already mentioned it above, but it’s worth repeating here. This SEO plugin allows you to optimize your website and get free traffic from search engines.
  • MonsterInsights – It helps you see how many users are coming to your site, where they are visiting from, and what they do on your site. It connects WordPress to Google Analytics and unlocks a treasure trove of data that you can use to make informed decisions for your business’s growth.
  • Duplicator – It is a powerful WordPress backup plugin that allows you to create automatic backups and store them on the cloud. Most importantly, it helps you easily restore your website from backups.
  • For more plugin recommendations, just take a look at our list of essential WordPress plugins for business websites.

We hope this article helped you learn what you need to do to protect your business when Google Business Profile sites shut down. Next, you may want to see our guide on how to grow your business online or take a look at our complete WordPress SEO handbook to get more traffic to your new website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Google Is Shutting Down Business Profile Sites: 5 Things to Do first appeared on WPBeginner.