Java vs. Go Microservices – Load testing (Rematch)

When Go first appeared in November 2009, we didn't hear much about it, and our first interaction happened in 2012 when Go version 1 was officially released by Google. Our team decided to convince our customer to use it for its project, but it was a hard sell, and the customer rejected our recommendation (mostly due to lack of the knowledge in their support team ). 

Lots of changes have happened since that time: popularization of Docker, microservice architecture, Go maturing more as a programming language (without any changes to its syntax). So, my brother and I decided to take another look at Go, and our journey began. We started reading official documentation, tutorials, blog posts and articles about Go, especially ones where authors shared their experiences of migration from Java to Go or comparison Java with Go, as at that moment, we'd been using Java for 15+ years. 

JSON Path Usage for Gatling Tests

As Loadium gives support to the Gatling tool, we thought it would be great to give some tips about Gatling’s data extraction strategies. The purpose of a Gatling test is not different than Apache JMeter test, and that is performing a load test on your application. For a realistic performance test, you need to use dynamic data. To overcome this challenge, you need to extract data from a JSON, XML, or HTML file. Let’s take a look at jsonpath expression usage with some examples.

How to Extract Data With JSONPATH

We are going to use JSON Placeholder web services for JSON Path example.