Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Choose Your Process Wisely

Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Choose Your Process Wisely

The word "Process" within Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is very vital and utmost care should be taken and we should choose our process wisely. The right selection of the same determines the make or break of successful RPA implementation. The observation is RPA projects don't meet the Return Of Investment (ROI) expectations only due to the wrong choice in selection of the process.

With so much hype around RPA the customers or business leaders with limited awareness of RPA often end up selecting wrong one's as part of their debut RPA implementation. The wrong choice of process doesn't yield them the expected ROI leaving them dejected. Looking at their lower ROI even other Business Leaders tend to loose the confidence in RPA implementation.

Choosing process wisely what does that mean. Let's first understand your key purpose or objective while doing RPA implementation and what is that you as a Business Leader want to achieve.

(a) Are you trying to introduce RPA only to reduce the employee head count?

(b) Are you looking forward to simplify or automate the process to increase productivity?

(c) Are you looking forward to automate only the complex process?

Before we can address these questions let us be clear in understanding what contributes in wrong selection of RPA process.

(a) If your process logic or business rules they keep on changing often with increasing regularity then such process does not fit to be a good candidate in RPA process selection. New business rules means re-configuration each time the business rules or logic changes.

(b) If your process has dependency on government or regulatory changes which do keep changing often then such process too won't yield the optimum ROI as far as RPA implementation goes.

(c) If your process has low volume of data or if your process selected is one that runs just once in a given year (E.g. Annual Appraisal of Employees) such process don't give the best ROI results or equate in man hours saving.

Before you get into the heart of the process understanding it would be ideal if we first do an Initial Process Assessment and determine which process fits the best with the above few pointers in mind.

To sum it up - Choose your process for robotic process automation wisely - Those process that are rule based, stable, having high volume data and where business rules don't change often.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are part of the computer science field. Both terms are correlated and most people often use them interchangeably. However, AI and machine learning are not the same and there are some key differences that I will discuss here. So, without further ado, let's go into the details to know the difference between AI and machine learning.

Artificial intelligence is a machine's ability to solve tasks that are commonly done by intelligent beings or humans. So, AI allows machines to execute tasks "smartly" by imitating human abilities. On the other hand, machine learning is a subset of Artificial intelligence. It is the process of learning from data that is fed into the machine in the form of algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence and its Real-World Benefits

Artificial intelligence is the science of training computers and machines to perform tasks with human-like intelligence and reasoning skills. With AI in your computer system, you can speak in any accent or any language as long as there is data on the internet about it. AI will be able to pick it up and follow your commands.

We can see the application of this technology in a lot of the online platforms that we enjoy today, such as retail stores, healthcare, finance, fraud detection, weather updates, traffic information and much more. As a matter of fact, there is nothing that AI cannot do.

Machine Learning and its Process

This is based on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt through experience. Machine learning can be done by giving the computer examples in the form of algorithms. This is how it will learn what to do on the basis of the given examples.

Once the algorithm determines how to draw the right conclusions for any input, it will then apply the knowledge to new data. And that is the life cycle of machine learning. The first step is to collect data for a question you have. Then the next step is to train the algorithm by feeding it to the machine.

You will have to let the machine try it out, then collect feedback and use the information you gained to make the algorithm better and repeat the cycle until you get your desired results. This is how the feedback works for these systems.

Machine learning uses statistics and physics to find specific information within the data, without any specific programming about where to look or what conclusions to draw. These days' machine learning and artificial intelligence are applied to all sorts of technology. Some of them include CT scan, MRI machines, car navigation systems and food apps, to name a few.


In simple words, artificial intelligence is the science of creating machines that have human-like properties of reasoning and problem-solving. And this allows machines to learn and make decisions from past data without explicit programming. In short, the goal of AI is to create intelligent machines. And it does that by combining machine learning and deep learning etc


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Upgrade from Fedora 28 to Fedora 32

Hi everyone!

i have Fedora 28 (with xfce) installed on my laptop. As Fedora 28 is now an old version, I'd like to know if there is a way to upgrade directly to Fedora 32, with no risk (I mean no data loss, in particular my /home dir)..

Can you help me?

In any case I've put an iso of Fedora 32 on a DVD, but I'm scared to try intsall it from the DVD and lose my most important data.

What is your advice(s)? Thanks in advance dear fellows!

Delete files matching pattern

Earlier today, I was in need of an easy way to delete files that mached a specific format within a series of folders. For the case of this example, let's say all CSS files. I discovered I could do it with:

find . -name '*.css' -delete

The . represents the current folder and below. Unfortunately you can't use rm -r because it doesn't recursively check for file names matching a pattern.

Install pip command in Mint

I have to install the Django package to my mint distribution. I want to accomplish this by using pip command but can not find the pip command. How can I install the pip command ? Thanks

Cronjob is running once, but reports are generating twice


Hope you all are doing fine

I have one admin server which is being used dedicately to run cron jobs on hourly basis, fetching the details from Database which is in a different server.These cronjob are run on every hourly/5 minutes basis depending as per end user requirement.
The cron jobs are basically reports which end users need for their records

OS version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 where the cronjob is set

Now the tricky point:
1)Since last week, everything was getting run once, but when we query the database we are seeing duplicate entries for each cronjobs and the reports are published twice

2) Also, even when I have disabled/removed/changed the timestamp from crontab, we still see the duplicate entries on the database.

Need to find out why this is happening and its remedy,Can anyone guide please.


Unable to choose GRUB menu choice after reboot

I've discovered a weird problem with my Linux Mint-system (Linux Mint 18).
After rebooting my system (or restarting as well) I got the GRUB menu, but my keyboard is not responding...
So I have to wait for the timeout to get my system booted.

The keyboard is wired to the computer through an USB-connection. So it's not wireless.
And it works OK as soon as my system has booted.. (?).

I have installed/loaded Linux kernel 4.4.142, 4.4.143 and 4.4.145.
When running kernel 4.4.142 Virtualbox and VMWare Workstation works as it should, but when I try to use 4.4.143 or 4.4.145 they both refuse to load.
So I want to be able to choose which kernel to run depending on what I want to do.. :-)

Connecting to Mariadb with Libreoffice

I am trying to establish a connection between LibreOffice ( and Mariadb (10.1.29)/mysql. I have researched various resources on the web but am stuck not being able to establish a connection

preliminary steps taken:

  • the file mariadb-java-client-2.4.0.jar is downloaded from
  • JRE is installed and enabled under LibreOffice Tools > Options > Advanced
  • in that Advanced tab, Class Path is set with mariadb-java-client-2.4.0.jar (I have tried with a path /opt/mariadb-java-client-2.4.0.jar and /home/<my user name>/mariadb-java-client-2.4.0.jar)

Based on web site and youtube tutorials, the next steps are to connect via LibreOffice Base. Using the wizard:

  • Connect to an existing database MySQL is chosen from the dropdown
  • after clicking Next >>
  • Under some video and how-to tutorials, there has been a third option of Connect directly... Is this a further clue that something is not set properly?
  • I choose Connect using JDBC...and click Next >>
  • I provide the database name, the server (have tried localhost and and port number 3306
  • for the MySQL JDBC driver class I change the string to org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver according to
  • upon clicking Test Class, a dialog with The JDBC driver could not be loaded appears

I have used JDBC connections before under LO 3.x and MySQL before Mariadb came along. Ultimately, I want to use a connection to my database for further analysis of the data using Calc. Is this still possible? If my memory is not failing me, it is possible to open a Base registered database within LO Calc.

Sending Files to a printer in Solaris Unix

 Hello, my name is John McPherson. I work as a contractor for the DOL, and I am trying convert some code I maintain in an application to send output files to a printer. Right now, the code( a bash script) just slowly prints the output file on the screen, and the customer wants to have it sent to the printer instead. I work on a 64-bit Oracle( Sun) system with Solaris 11 as the Operating System. I have tried the command

     lpr -h -l $showfl

in the bash script, but that just errors off without printing. I kept searching online with google search, and found the command

fmt -u -w 200 $showfl | lpr

but that also just errored off without printing. I finally found a Solaris man page on google that listed all of the system commands, and I could not find the lpr or fmt command on the man page. I have to think that Solaris allows the user to send files to the printer, and I am just missing something when I try to update the bash script. Note that in the width specification of my second attempt, I have a large number. That is actually correct, these output files do have a lot of columns, and I am trying force the printer to print the output as landscape, not portrait. I was using the -h and -l options to block printing a banner page, and have the printer just print the output as it was sent. If anybody can help me get these output files to print from Solaris 11, it would be greatly appreciated.