AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux for a new server

I watched both grow , from their early beginnings , because our current servers are on CentOS and of course I am not happy with where CentOS has gone.
Because the CentOS lesson , I have been really caution and I am a little bit too worried from witch one from those to select. If you have build in a server in top of an OS a tons of others systems you CAN'T just change the OS. You just migrate to a new server with whatever that means (it is not just the cost , consider the burden to the Sales & Demand dpt. to make all users to use a new serve in their outlook or what ever their are using)
I will not list the advertised pros for each one of them in relation to the other ( to be fair an LLM can summarize pretty well press releases even if you ask one vs the other). And notice that I am leaning to AlmaLinux.

But ... If you imagine AlmaLinux as an entity , then that entity is living out of resources from CloudLinux. There is nothing bad about that , it is not their's (CloudLinux) property nor can they can influence the AlmaLinux future path (I hope). But if CloudLinux bankrupts , or just stops supporting AlmaLinux what happens ? Will AlmaLinux still be there ?

And there there is Rocky Linux , witch seems great. And the sales point is that the human that is under CentOS is also under Rocky. And exactly this is the reason I am not leaning towards Rocky. Why couldn't the same play that happened with CentOS repeat with Rocky ? Some entity (big company or a crazy billionaire) buys it out and make your version non upgradable as it is, except of course if you pay a stream something and be a forever customer that they can bill you as match as they like.

What is your view in this dilemma ?

What is the best dedicated server

Essentially, there is no best hosting provider for everyone, there is only the provider that is best for you, that is, the provider that best fits your web hosting needs within your budget.

The lowest cost is not always the best option

Your website is often the face of your business online, so the lowest cost for a server doesn't always work out, as hard-earned savings can sometimes turn into soft money headaches. I mean, you might see comparison servers with huge price differences, so what's the problem? Whether it's customer support or hardware quality, budget dedicated servers come at a price.

Support infrastructure really matters

You must consider the infrastructure that supports your server. If you rent a high-performance server but the provider's network is constantly down for hours at a time, that money is essentially wasted. Not only will this affect your organic ranking on search engines, it will turn away visitors and hinder future sales.Hosted or unmanaged

Servers that cost a few hundred dollars usually don't include customer support, so if you have trouble installing the operating system or scripts, you're on your own. If you're not good at managing servers, it's best left to the professionals.

Location and latency matter

Location does matter as it affects latency. What you need to consider is the primary geographical location of your target audience. The time it takes to download your website is critical, especially if you are running an e-commerce website or a gaming server. There are free third-party websites that measure website speed, such as GTmetrix. Always ask for a test IP address so you know ahead of time what your website visitors connection speeds will be.
Other considerations

Other questions to consider might be: does the vendor offer DDoS protection, do they offer IPv6 addresses in addition to IPv4 addresses, what kind of disk array solutions do they offer, do they offer SSD drives as well as larger HDDs , what port speeds are provided, how much bandwidth is allowed, whether they will customize the server for you, etc.

How does the firewall on the Linux system work?


iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -X
iptables -t nat -X

iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp -s --dport 22 \
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d --dport 25 \
-j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -p tcp -s \
-j SNAT --to-source

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -p tcp -s --dport 80 \
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -p tcp -s --dport 443 \
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -p tcp -d --dport 25 \
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

With this firewall script, I'm needing to answer this question:
For the following four groups of iptables commands, explain:
the overall effect of each group of commands, and
the purpose of each command within the group.

  1. lines 12 and 18,
  2. lines 13 and 19.
  3. lines 21, 32 and 34.
  4. lines 23, 28, 30 and 34.

Custom Media Server

So I've had a media server for a while using Plex as the software with a Terra Master as the hardware. I've become dissatisfied with both for various reasons and I'd like to make my own, but I'm also open to Plex alternatives recommendations. What I want to do is replace the Terra Master with a small frame computer running Linux rather than the Linux based Terra Master OS. When using Plex I just launch the Plex app on my roku TV and it find the Plex server in my house. But if I create my own media server I don't know that the best way of building, or getting my media server user interface on my TV. I don't want to use a keyboard/mouse connected to my servers that's simply displaying on my TV, rather, I want to be able to continue to just use a remote, preferably the Roku remote but I'm open to using a 2nd remote for the media server. Also, what the best way to build an interface? As much as I hate PHP and web development, building a PHP driven page to list my ripped movies seems like the simplest approach. If I wanted to make sure the movie streamed via UDP over TCP, I also have no idea how I would accomplish that. Any suggestions. I think I'm done with Plex, or at least I hope to be. Thanks.

Practical IoT Hacking: The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Th

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Practical IoT Hacking: The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Th

The definitive guide to hacking the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) -- Internet connected devices such as medical devices, home assistants, smart home appliances and more.

Drawing from the real-life exploits of five highly regarded IoT security researchers, Practical IoT Hacking teaches you how to test IoT systems, devices, and protocols to mitigate risk.

The book begins by walking you through common threats and a threat modeling framework. Youll develop a security testing methodology, discover the art of passive reconnaissance, and assess security on all layers of an IoT system. Next, youll perform VLAN hopping, crack MQTT authentication, abuse UPnP, develop an mDNS poisoner, and craft WS-Discovery attacks.

Youll tackle both hardware hacking and radio hacking, with in-depth coverage of attacks against embedded IoT devices and RFID systems.

Youll also learn how to:

Write a DICOM service scanner as an NSE module

Hack a microcontroller through the UART and SWD interfaces

Reverse engineer firmware and analyze mobile companion apps

Develop an NFC fuzzer using Proxmark3

Hack a smart home by jamming wireless alarms, playing back IP camera feeds, and controlling a smart treadmill

The tools and devices youll use are affordable and readily available, so you can easily practice what you learn. Whether youre a security researcher, IT team member, or hacking hobbyist, youll find Practical IoT Hacking indispensable in your efforts to hack all the things

REQUIREMENTS: Basic knowledge of Linux command line, TCP/IP, and programming

The Millionaire Guide On Dlinkrouter.local To Help You Get Rich?

A user can change the Routers IP address using the web interface of the Dlink router. Go to the Router Settings tab of the Advanced option and assign a new IP address through the IP address field. The IP address that a user will configure using the IP address option will be used to access the default web interface of the dlinkrouter.local window. You may also have to adjust the network settings of your computer to access the network of the router.

How do I setup my Amped Wireless Extender?

Only users with the correct Wireless settings can connect to your routers network. Until or unless a network is open, no user can connect to a routers network if he doesnt have the correct wireless credentials. Wireless credentials of a network consisting of the SSID name and Wi-fi password used by a user to connect to the routers network. You can also hide the network name from the Wi-fi list using the Hide SSID option from the Wireless settings of the interface.

PolkitErrorTextual Authentication Agent

How to fix the following polkit error:

***Error creating textual authentication agent: Error opening current controlling terminal for the process (`/dev/tty'): No such device or address (polkit-error-quark, 0)

Linux doesn’t run

When I boot into linux (Ubuntu, I'm not sure which version, a recent one) I get this error:

Oh no! Something has gone wrong.
A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a system administrator.

I understand that I should boot from a DVD or USB-stick. But that doesn't work so well on this machine, it's an old one. Let me say, I'm going to try all that soon.

I installed Arch Linux on a laptop with a dead battery. RF-Kill hard block.

Recently I installed Arch Linux on a laptop with a dead battery. It must be plugged in at all times for it to work. My plan was to keep it plugged in.

I did not realize that rfkill exists to prevent the wifi from using the last bit of battery power in the event it runs very low on a laptop.

I can't prove it here, but I have got the WPA2-PSK to work. The system sees it, but there is a hard block from rfkill on it. Again, probably because it sees that the battery is out of power.

Using "lsmod": iwldvm -> iwlwifi -> cfg80211 -> rfkill.

Is there a way to stop iwlwifi from calling rfkill? Or can I fool the system into ignoring that it is a laptop or that the battery is dead?

My university internet doesn’t work on kali Linux

how is this possible that my university internet works on my window but it doesnot works on virtual machine even my virtual machine have bridged internet connection with my windows. I have installed kali linux in my virtual machine and i was trying to kickout everyother member on the internet but my university internet doesn't work on virtual machine