Internationalizing Your Lightning Web Component (LWC)

To state that everyone maintains at least one pet peeve is not an exaggeration. Years ago when I used to watch "That 70's Show" I felt like the Red Foreman character was a bit over the top with his opinions, pet peeves, and things that seemed to irritate him without warning.

Now, several decades later, the older version of me can relate to his pearls of wisdom. Well, one or two pearls, maybe.

Decorators and Mixins in Lightning Web Components

It's safe to say that every modern web application these days relies to some degree on three foundational web standards: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While HTML has largely stabilized since the HTML5 standard, both CSS and JavaScript continue to evolve to meet developers' and users' needs.

The evolving nature of these three technologies has lead to the introduction of web components, a cross-browser solution for building complex web apps. On top of this open source standard, Salesforce developed Lightning Web Components (LWC) as a fast, enterprise-grade wrapper around vanilla web components. The result is a thin, performant, and feature-packed framework built entirely on the open web.

Running Concurrent Requests With Async/Await and Promise.all


In this article, I'd like to touch on async, await, and Promise.all in JavaScript. First, I'll talk about concurrency vs. parallelism and why we will be targeting parallelism in this article. Then, I'll talk about how to use async and await to implement a parallel algorithm in serial and how to make it work in parallel by using Promise.all. Finally, I'll create an example project using Salesforce's Lightning Web Components where I will build an art gallery using Harvard's Art Gallery API.

Concurrency vs. Parallelism

I want to quickly touch on the difference between concurrency and parallelism. You can relate concurrency to how a single-threaded CPU processes multiple tasks. Single-threaded CPUs emulate parallelism by switching between processes quickly enough that it seems like multiple things are happening at the same time. Parallelism is when a CPU has multiple cores and can actually run two tasks at the exact same time. Another great example is this:

How to Quickly Build a Progressive Web App Using Lightning Web Components

Earlier this year, a post came out on the Salesforce Developers Blog, entitled “How to Build Progressive Web Apps with Offline Support using Lightning Web Components.” During the post's discussion about using Lightning Web Components (LWC) to build progressive web apps, it mentioned push notifications. My interest was piqued. How simple would it be to use LWC to build an app for push notifications? It turns out  —  really simple.

A Quick Review:  What Is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

While a PWA can be used in a web browser like any standard web application, the PWA's power comes from users being able to “install” the PWA to their desktop or mobile device, just like a native app. What you end up with is a kind of pseudo-native app  —  built and run with standard web-app technologies, but enhanced to do things like caching for offline access and push notifications.

A Full Stack Dev’s First Impressions of the Salesforce Platform, Part 2


In Part 1, I completed an overview of Salesforce, the Salesforce platform, and its no/low-code options. Now, let’s get to the meaty part (at least for developers) – developing with code! After that, I’ll share some overall impressions of the platform.

What Does It Look Like to Develop With Code?

There are quite a lot of Salesforce-related packages and frameworks, but the first two trailheads introduce you primarily to the fundamentals: the Lightning Component framework, Apex, and Visualforce.

AURA vs Lightning Web Components


The new platform is a breakthrough in terms of leveraging web standards. But if you’re a developer who’s new to the salesforce world, or if your org is contemplating a shift from Aura to Lightning Web Components, this article aims to get you a little closer to the answers you need for UI development.

The Basics

For those who are not familiar, the Lightning component framework was launched in 2014 by Salesforce to enable large scale client-side application development on the web. It came with its component model and its modular programming model. From an application perspective, the Lightning Component framework is a UI framework that you can use to develop SPAs (Single Page Applications) for mobile and desktop devices. A Salesforce Developer builds lightning components and a Salesforce administrator assembles the lightning components and creates a lightning page.