The Most Popular Angular UI Libraries To Try in 2021


Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript web frameworks. Angular's approach to organizing the programmer's work involves hiding the execution of various service operations in the depths of the framework, giving the developer convenient tools built on the basis of internal mechanisms. Angular, like React, encourages the use of components and splitting the application interface into small reusable chunks.

We’ve made a list of libraries for Angular, which you may find useful in your next or current project. Most of them are designed for Angular2+, however, some of them are suitable for older versions of the framework. One of the advantages here is that you can extract individual components from Angular libraries and use them in a project without installing the entire library.

4 Mistakes That Prevent Your Java APIs From Having More Users

When you have more people using your Java APIs, your projects grow and naturally you become a better engineer. You become more likely to increase your incomes and join great new projects. It also enables people to get their jobs done faster. So it’s a win-win situation.

To keep those people who already use your API and attract more, you need to eliminate these 4 mistakes.

3 Principles for Java Engineers to Stay Up-to-date With Technology

Java Engineers can adopt several strategies to stay up-to-date with technology. One of the most natural ones is by developing frameworks and libraries. By doing that, they often find themselves in one of these two situations:

  1. Any significant change in their code would break their client’s applications. So, they struggle with releasing extra features. Most of their releases comprise only minor bug fixes.
  2. Although they often release versions containing extra features, their clients never upgrade. Upgrading to the recent version would take too much effort, and the clients don’t have the time for that.

If you find yourself in one of those situations, you need to know the 3 principles that sustain great frameworks and libraries. Applying these principles in your APIs will put you on the path to staying up-to-date.