Performance Evaluation of Python

In a class, some students are multi-talented and score well in all the spheres — sports, academics, and debates. There are some students, who are only good in sports and not in academics. And we have a lot of students who are good at none. So where does this smart, handsome boy named Python belong to?

We need to evaluate the performance while looking at the different capabilities and accomplishments before making a performance card. So let's check the calculations.

How to Use NVIDIA GPU Accelerated Libraries

Neural Network

How To Use NVIDIA GPU Accelerated Libraries for AI

If you are working on an AI project, then it's time to take advantage of NVIDIA GPU accelerated libraries if you aren't doing so already. It wasn't until the late 2000s when AI projects became viable with the assistance of neural networks trained by GPUs to drastically speed up the process. Since that time, NVIDIA has been creating some of the best GPUs for deep learning, allowing GPU accelerated libraries to become a popular choice for AI projects.

If you are wondering how you can take advantage of NVIDIA GPU accelerated libraries for your AI projects, this guide will help answer questions and get you started on the right path.

The 7 Best Open Source AI Libraries You May Not Have Heard Of

It's easy to get pulled into using popular platforms like TensorFlow and PyTorch, but there are a number of other great open-source resources that can help you in your AI research.

The truth is there is so much interesting work and so many brilliant new tools being developed on a daily basis in open-source artificial intelligence. It can be difficult to keep up with the ever-accelerating developments in AI and deep learning.

The Most Popular Angular UI Libraries To Try in 2021


Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript web frameworks. Angular's approach to organizing the programmer's work involves hiding the execution of various service operations in the depths of the framework, giving the developer convenient tools built on the basis of internal mechanisms. Angular, like React, encourages the use of components and splitting the application interface into small reusable chunks.

We’ve made a list of libraries for Angular, which you may find useful in your next or current project. Most of them are designed for Angular2+, however, some of them are suitable for older versions of the framework. One of the advantages here is that you can extract individual components from Angular libraries and use them in a project without installing the entire library.

RAML Tutorials for Beginners and Experts [Videos]

What Is RAML?

RAML is Rest API Modeling Language, based on YAML, for describing your APIs. It is basically used to describe your API, which can be easily readable by humans and computers. It basically focuses on describing your API resources, methods, parameters, media types, etc.

Here is a video tutorial explaining how to write basic RAML.

The Future of Open Source

Learn more about the future of open-source software.

The world of open-source software seems to be going through a period of soul-searching. On the one hand, individual maintainers have retracted packages, causing disruption for the communities that depended on those packages. On the other, software-as-a-service providers are making more money from some applications than their creators.

This is all happening in a world where businesses depend on open-source to operate. It doesn't matter whether you're an individual launching a startup with PHP and MySQL, or a multi-national replacing your mainframe with a fleet of Linux boxes running Java. Your business depends on the work of people that have their own motivations, and those motivations may not align with yours. I think this is an untenable situation, one that will eventually resolve by changing the nature of open-source.

Writing a Java Library for 2 AM

Writing a Java library for 2 AM is easy with hrorm

We are spoiled by Java. For almost any programming task, you can imagine there are many freely-available, open-source projects you can choose from. If I was managing a team and they came to me suggesting that we write our own ORM framework, I would send them home and tell them to come back when they sobered up.

You may also like: Introducing Hrorm: A Simple, Declarative, Type-Checked ORM

Nevertheless, when I was working on a personal project beginning last year, I could not find what I wanted, and so I began hrorm. I've written some articles about hrorm (for example, here) that describe some aspects of hrorm. In this article, I want to talk about some of the questions I faced in writing hrorm, and why I made some of the choices I did.

Checking the .NET Core Libraries With the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer (Part Three)

See what's inside the .NET Core Libraries

In the third article in our three-part series, we further discuss the results of checking the .NET Core Libraries' source code with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer. Part one of the series can be found here, part two can be found here

You may also like: .NET Core 3.0 Preview Now Available.

Issue 41

Going back to constructors with unused parameters: