Develop Multi-Value Applications With Modern Source Code Managers

Legacy Version Control Tools for Multi-Value Application Development

The legacy version control tools are specific to the multi-value programming controls BP libraries and DICT files on the PICK operating system environment. Checking out code from a BP library is usually known as the locking process because files get locked by the developer for the time of their code change request. This leads to the sequencing of processing code change requests because the files that the developer intends to modify are locked and copied to the development stage.

Let’s use an example to well explain this concept. Let’s consider five staging levels, such as development, QA, UAT, pre-production, and production environments. The developer is required to move their code changes through these staging environments. The developer checks out the elements from the production BP library to the development BP library and begins to work on modifying the elements.

Application Modernization and 6 R’s

Enhanced functionality, rapid innovation, increased efficiency, reduced operational and infrastructure costs, more scalability, improved overall experience, and resiliency ... It's like a door to unlimited possibilities has been unlocked with the cloud. 

Shifting your business' apps to the cloud has numerous advantages, including those outlined above. The problem is that many firms don't grasp that leveraging the cloud's benefits requires a little more than just application transfer. 

Low-Code Application Development and Its Importance for Businesses

From eCommerce to the Internet of Things, technology has driven change in almost every aspect of business — prompting owners and managers to remake, rebuild, and reconstruct the way they run their operations (Ismail).

While most companies feel reluctant to make the change (Beede et al), the rising popularity of low-code application development is paving opportunities for enterprises to digitize their operations, automate their workflows, and more (Gartner).

Application Portfolio Rationalization and R-Lane in the Cloud Era

Take a look at these decision-making methods for cloud migration

During discussions with many of my colleagues, I realized the need for (a) clear demarcation between Application Portfolio Rationalization (APR) and R-Lane, (b) the association of R-Lane with APR, (c) right positioning of APR and R-Lane and (d) role of modernization in APR and R-Lane.

While all these topics spinning around rationalization, they differ only in when and where rationalization is taking place. Let us consider the following three scenarios to better understand these trending terminologies. 

Enterprise DevOps: Bridging the Journey from Now to Next

Don't wait to cross the enterprise DevOps bridge when you get to it.

Digital transformation is driving the demand for swift innovation and the evolution of new technologies and business models. It is tempting to embrace both at any cost. The software industry seems obsessed with “the new,” but large enterprises have already made big investments in a world-class infrastructure that manages and controls risk, compliance, and security.

DevOps Challenges in 2019 and How to Overcome Them

As DevOps is becoming mainstream, multiple teams ask themselves where they should begin with DevOps adoption, what challenges they are going to face along the way, and how to resolve those challenges. Every year more and more companies are expected to move from traditional waterfall approaches to DevOps.

Many software development companies look at DevOps as a pinnacle of what a company can reach in terms of effectiveness, which is a little bit hard. Addressing challenges can reduce your productivity substantially while an adaption to DevOps approaches resulting in diverse automation tools and lack of coordination among development processes.

Lessons Learned from A Legacy Serverless App

Keeping in mind the growing multi-cloud trend, developers should start working with more than one provider. However, this can mean leaving your comfort zone, and not everyone likes the idea of doing that. Recently, I’ve done this and would like to share my experiences with you. I believe they are useful, regardless of whatever cloud platform you are using/are going to use.

We have a legacy serverless application hosted on Azure Functions. There were some issues with it:

Challenges and Tips for Taking Legacy Systems to the Cloud

Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with Alan Shimmel from about some of the challenges and tips for cloud-ifying legacy applications and on-prem infrastructure.

For many modern companies, growth often means growing through acquisition. As organizations become larger, it often makes sense to acquire existing companies who are already creating the solutions they need than try to build them from scratch. However, this can often create a variety of conflicts and challenges—one of which is around infrastructure. For other companies that have grown more organically, it often can be difficult to modernize their legacy systems and bring their technology stack into the 21st century.

Making Multi-Speed IT Work for You

Every organization strives to be high-performing, and in today’s business landscape, it’s a goal that depends on digital transformation. The reality of the matter is that various parts of businesses grow and adapt their IT savviness at different times and at varying speeds. But in the quest to move faster, adapt more quickly and embrace being software-defined for success, what does digital transformation actually look like when IT is pulled in multiple directions?

In an ideal world, innovation calls for agility and speed; however, most enterprise organizations are cursed – or blessed – with legacy systems that still have a shelf life and need to operate alongside the introduction of other more modern components. Developers working in established sectors like banking or telecoms, for example, understand this situation well, being in industries that are embracing mobile banking and connected cars, yet are also still dealing with legacy systems of record. These systems have little interoperability, can be written in what’s tantamount to a foreign language for developers today and can be unpredictable due to their age.