Laravel Validation and Custom Rules

Hi, I’m Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder, and CTO at Inspector.

Data validation is one of the fundamental features of any application and it is something developers manipulate almost every day. The value a software provides to users is often a function of the quality of data it is able to manage. Laravel ships with a lot of predefined validation rules you can immediately use in your controllers. 

Differences Between Laravel and Yii

Ask any seasoned web app developer about their choice of programming language, and they are sure to mention PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As per Builtwith, 3,090,319 live websites are still using PHP. However, when it comes to developing massive projects without lag or stability issues, developers tend to use frameworks, and PHP has two remarkable frameworks: 1) Laravel and 2) Yii. Both frameworks have a lot of followers in terms of full-grown communities globally, and there may be questions arising about which to choose.

What Are Laravel and Yii?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web-based or web application development initially created as a better alternative to Codeigniter. It is known for MVC Support, articulated ORM systems, reliability, modularity, and uncomplicated coding rules. Some of the key features of Laravel Framework are:

Using SingleStoreDB as a JSON Document Database


Continuing our series on the multi-model capabilities of SingleStoreDB, we'll discuss SingleStoreDB's support for JSON data in this article.

We'll build a small inventory system to model an online store that sells various electronic equipment. This example is derived from an excellent tutorial available on DigitalOcean. We'll apply that tutorial to SingleStoreDB, and we'll see that it is effortless to store, retrieve and query JSON data using SingleStoreDB. We'll also build a quick visual front-end to our inventory system using Laravel and PHP.

How to Make an Ajax Call in Laravel


In this article, we will go through the main steps of making an Ajax call in the Laravel framework. To understand this article, the reader must have a basic understanding of HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel framework, and MySQL database.

What Is Ajax

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for making asynchronous calls to the server. It is a particular way of using JavaScript language for downloading data from the server in the background. Ajax allows us to dynamically update part of a web page without making the user wait, thus improving the overall user experience. It is now an integral part of modern web development and helps in creating rich, user-friendly websites. 

How To Extend Laravel With Driver-Based Services

Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer and CTO at Inspector.

In this article I talk about a Laravel internal feature not mentioned in the official documentation called "Driver Manager". It can completely change the way you design and develop your application solving critical architectural bottlenecks, allowing you to build large systems built around decoupled, independent and reusable components.

Symfony vs Laravel: Why Symfony Is Better Than Laravel

When it comes to web development, PHP frameworks are the most frequently chosen solutions. Even though there are numerous PHP frameworks available, Symfony and Laravel are the most frequently used ones. There are numerous reasons for their popularity and these range from excellent code to allow developers to create amazing apps.

In order to help you choose the right PHP framework for your next project, we compared both Symfony and Laravel to assist you in your decision-making.

Demystifying the Repository Pattern in PHP


In this article, we will talk about the Repository Pattern and how we implemented it in our Laravel application to solve a scalability problem. The Repository Pattern is one of the most discussed patterns due to a lot of conflict with ORMs. Many developers think that not all ORMs are suitable for this type of design.

We discuss this topic in details below explaining why and how we implemented it in our application.

How to Use Laravel Macro With Example?

Macro is a powerful feature of the Laravel framework. Laravel Macros allow you to add custom functionality to internal Laravel components.

In this post, we will be looking at how we can use Laravel Macros and which classes can be used to define Macros.

Compelling Reasons to Go for Laravel Development Services

If you're looking to develop a website or PHP application, you might be looking for different frameworks and get confused. There are many of them, but the most compelling one is Laravel.

Laravel is emerging rapidly and supporting innovative features, consequently, for more efficiency and faster application development. With the help of Laravel Development Service, you can achieve the new high in success by developing the flawless website of the future.

Laravel Sanctum SPA API Authentication: Part 1

Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight package to help make authentication in single-page or native mobile applications as easy as possible. Where before you had to choose between using the web middleware with sessions or an external package like Tymon's jwt-auth, you can now use Sanctum to accomplish both stateful and token-based authentication.

Installing Laravel Sanctum

First, let's actually install the package using Composer:

How to Accelerate Application Performance With Smart SQL Queries

Why So Many Performance Issues Are Caused by the Database

We often forget that each request is not independent of other requests. If one request is slow, it’s unlikely to affect the others… right?

The database is a shared resource used by all processes that runs in your application. Even just one poorly designed access can hurt the performance of the whole system.

Create Custom Laravel Helper Methods

Hi All, this is Adi, with another Laravel article. I wanted to take some time to explain what Laravel’s Helper methods are and how you can create your own ones. I was never a big fan of creating my own custom helper methods when I started with Laravel, but with time, I have started using them more often and these days there’s no Laravel project without customer helpers.

Let’s get started.