Micronaut JPA Application Performance in AWS Lambda


In this article, we will be looking into how we can deploy a Micronaut application using GET, PUT, and POST, which can be called using an API Gateway. Then we will compare its performance when deployed with JVM runtime and as a native image.

We will also be focusing on creating an application that can be deployed on AWS Lambda and then calling the application as if it's being called using an API Gateway. 

All About Lambda Functions in C++ (From C++11 to C++17)

Lambda functions are quite an intuitive concept of Modern C++ introduced in C++11, so there are already tons of articles on lambda function tutorials over the internet. But still, there are some untold things (like IIFE, types of lambda, etc.) left, which nobody talks about. Therefore, here I am to not only show you lambda function in C++, but we'll also cover how it works internally and other aspects of Lambda.

The title of this article is a bit misleading. Because lambda doesn't always synthesize to function pointer. It's an expression (precisely unique closure). But I have kept it that way for simplicity. So from now on, I will use lambda function and expression interchangeably.

Alexa Skill With TypeScript

Alexa Skills can be developed using Alexa Lambda functions or a REST API endpoint. A Lambda Function is Amazon's implementation of serverless functions available in AWS. Amazon recommends using Lambda Functions despite the fact that they are not easy to debug. While you can log to a CloudWatch log, you can't hit a breakpoint and step into the code.

This makes the live-debugging of Alexa requests a very hard task. In this post, we will implement a custom Skill for Amazon Alexa by using TypeScript, npm, and AWS Lambda Functions. This skill is basically a Hello World example. With this post, you will be able to create a custom Skill for Amazon Alexa, implement functionality by using TypeScript, and start your custom Skill both from your local computer and from AWS. This post contains materials from different resources that can be seen in the Resources section.

How to Transform Any Type of Java Bean With BULL


BULL (Bean Utils Light Library) is a Java-bean-to-Java-bean transformer that recursively copies data from one object to another. It is generic, flexible, reusable, configurable, and incredibly fast.
It's the only library able to transform Mutable, Immutable, and Mixed beans without any custom configuration.

This article explains how to use it, with a concrete example for each feature available.

Book review – Supercharged Python, by Brian Overland and John Bennet

If you have been following beginner or even intermediate guides on Python and are starting to feel the need for more advanced learning; this book may be the one you have been looking for.

According to the authors, this book was written for those who already know the basics of Python but want to deepen their knowledge and skills. While being targeted to people who already know the fundamentals of Python, it still includes a quick review in the first chapter. It briefly discusses fundamentals like variables, operators, data types, basic I/O, if/elsewhilefor, function definitions and arguments, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, and the distinction between global and local variables. This initial chapter is presented as being an optional reading, as its contents are pretty basic, but the authors recommend that the reader takes a minute or so on the last to pages, which cover the global statement.

How to Build a Serverless App With Vue, Azure Functions and FaunaDB Part 1

We don't be needing this in this tutorial

Serverless Functions/APIs are best used when building static websites. Static websites are still relevant in many purposes, including a company portfolio page, meetup group page, product pages, or blogs, to name a few.

When developing such apps, the use of a full-blown backend API (ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP) is excessive and unnecessary. Usually, your app performs simple tasks, such as sending out a few emails, handling form submission, and managing a few records in a database.

Demystifying Lambda in VPC and Its Confusing Error

Suddenly, my AWS Lambda function stopped working. Upon invocation, not a single line of code was executing, and I was just getting this error from the console:

"Calling the invoke API action failed with this message: Lambda was not able to access EC2's API using the Lambda Execution Role to set up the Lambda function."

Using IoT and Serverless: Tackling Global Issues

 Image title

“The Internet of Things is an industry that has not exploded the way many thought it would”, is the opening line of Matt Werner’s reputed article DZone’s 2019 Guide to Internet of Things (IoT). Werner, who is now publications manager at Devada, most aptly describes the industry as one that brought along with it a lot of hope but failed to deliver on them at the scale anticipated almost a decade ago. One of the major expectations of IoT was its ability to solve pressing social and economic issues of humanity. That was because of IoT’s ability to incorporate technological aid with governmental and institutional efforts in tackling issues impaling global societies.