Kubernetes Cluster Automated Upgrade in Jelastic PaaS

Flexibility, accelerated development and delivery, improved scalability and high availability are the main reasons companies are adopting Kubernetes (K8s) technology. But managing and keeping the system up to date can be so complex for organizations that they need to hire a separate department just to handle everything properly.

With Jelastic’s Kubernetes automation you can improve DevOps productivity and focus on your business aims rather than fighting infrastructure complexity. In this article, we will cover how to streamline the Kubernetes cluster lifecycle via delivering upgrades automatically.

Using Shipa to Automate Kubernetes Object Creation

If you’re like most developers, you don’t have a ton of spare time (and perhaps also not much desire) to learn how to create and maintain Kubernetes objects. Where developers are required to manage Kubernetes, slower application delivery is often the result. In these scenarios, platform and DevSecOps teams must also work to support developers’ Kubernetes efforts, and cope with ever-greater chances that deployed applications will suffer from misconfigured objects. Platform teams are usually tasked with creating an extra platform layer as well, adding to costs and making maintenance and scaling more difficult (while also increasing the potential for failure).

Take a scenario in which you deploy a single 3-tier application. This requires maintaining a dozen Kubernetes objects, creating a container image of your application, and optimizing the container OS for storage, security, compliance, and more. Enterprise IT must carefully consider the time it takes for developers to deploy and operate the application, scale clusters, and create Kubernetes objects and YAML files. They must also factor in the tools they use for security monitoring, the frequency with which they must write Ansible and Terraform scripts, and whether they have time to focus on cloud infrastructure APIs.

Kubernetes Service Discovery

Discover Kubernetes Service Discovery.

Modern applications rely on microservices to remain scalable and efficient. Kubernetes provides the perfect environment for microservices to exist and work together with the tools and features it offers. As each part of the application gets placed in a container, the system as a whole becomes more scalable.