The Art of Deploying a Service Mesh

Service mesh is the next logical step to overcoming security and networking challenges obstructing Kubernetes deployment and container adoption. Check out the benefits of deploying a service mesh here.

With the increased adoption of Microservices, new complexities have emerged for enterprises due to a sheer rise in the number of services. Problems that had to be solved only once for a monolith, such as resiliency, security, compliance, load balancing, monitoring, and observability, now need to be handled for each service in a Microservices architecture.

Continuous Profiling in Kubernetes Using Pyroscope

Developers typically need to look at performance bottlenecks in production applications to determine the cause of the problem. To do this, you usually need information that can be collected through logs and code tools. Unfortunately, this approach is usually time-consuming and does not provide enough details about the underlying problem.

A modern and more advanced approach is to apply and use profiling techniques and tools that highlight the slowest application code, that is, the area consuming most of your resources.