Advanced Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a distributed cluster technology that manages container-based systems in a declarative manner using an API. There are currently many learning resources to get started with the fundamentals of Kubernetes, but there is less information on how to manage Kubernetes infrastructure on an ongoing basis. This Refcard aims to deliver advanced-level quick, accessible information for operators using any Kubernetes product.

How to Create Your Own Kubernetes Custom Resources

As a platform for managing containerized services and workloads, Kubernetes is incredibly modular. Modularity is more than just a theme; even controllers and resources that are native to Kubernetes are now being built as custom resources and controllers, all for the sake of expanding the platform’s modularity to the next level.

Of course, Kubernetes custom resources are not new to the platform. Custom resources are handy for when you need to extend the basic Kubernetes API and add new, specific features to your cluster. Custom Resources are not the only options when it comes to adding new features, but creating your custom resources is the perfect solution for many challenges.