4 Essential KPIs for Software Teams to Track Their Productivity

If you’re project managing a software development team, you’ll know all too well the trials and tribulations that come with the very nature of the job. 

Because software development is all about adapting and developing software to be the very best it can be, there are inevitable highs and lows in the process.

How I Used Hotglue and Databox to Monitor All My KPIs in One Place

Being able to visualize your company's KPIs (key performance indicators) is one of the most essential components of understanding your business. But monitoring them across many different platforms can be an absolute hassle.

You have to check how many users are visiting your site via Google Analytics, how users are interacting with your site through Mixpanel, and how your recurring revenue is trending in Stripe. I hated having to deal with this for my business, so I decided to find a solution that would let me see all of this data in one place.

KPIs for APIs: How They Are Used in The Real World [Video]

APIs are an essential component of today's digitalization and digital transformation efforts. But how can you define and measure the status and success of individual APIs, API landscapes, API programs, and API platforms? Eric Horesnyi, Catalyst at Axway, conducted a study of real-world key performance indicators (KPIs) that large organizations are using for their API initiatives.

No organization would create and offer products without having a plan for how to manage them, and the very same thing is true for APIs.

KPIs for APIs

In order to manage APIs effectively, it is important to treat them as products, or rather, to make APIs part of the product management practice. And while KPIs are not the only thing necessary for managing APIs as a product, it is important to have them so that there are clear objectives about what should be achieved, and clear ways of how to measure progress and success.

Mastering API Analytics for API Programs: The Developer Funnel

You have an API program that developers are adopting, but unsure how much. How long does it take for a new integration to move to revenue generation? If you came from a web or mobile product management background, you may already be familiar with mobile product analytics to measure app engagement and retention. Growing APIs have similar KPIs to measure the success of your API program. This article will talk more what you should be measuring and how to leverage that information.

The Developer Funnel

While traditional customer funnels will consist of just a marketing and sales funnel component. However, APIs as a product where customers and partners include developers have what is called the developer funnel or integration funnel. The developer funnel is after the marketing funnel and before the sales funnel and has three core stages:

Splunk Connected Experiences: The Power of Splunk Wherever You Are

With an always-on life—and one where your systems are also ‘always on’—you need to be able to act and even interact with your data to run your business day-to-day. We’ve already heard and continue to hear from customers the need to follow or stay plugged into their KPIs when they’re away from their desks. In response, Splunk’s engineering teams are doubling down on building new capabilities in mobile and augmented reality (AR) to bring your data to where you are—in the palm of your hands (that’s where you want it, right?). Through Splunk Connected Experiences (whose capabilities include the Splunk Cloud Gateway, Splunk Mobile, Splunk TV, and Splunk AR), we're making these game-changing advances available to apply to your most pressing business challenges.

Within the manufacturing industry, the AR revolution has already begun its early stages. There are low-hanging fruit opportunities to use AR to impact productivity gains on the factory floor, assist with visibility into the real-time health of machine assets, and coordination of field logistics. And as we continue to hear the refrain of the challenges associated with collecting and merging data from different systems, that’s where Splunk’s original secret sauce comes in to make all these new capabilities a seamless addition to your analysis.