Seven Kotlin Libraries for Android Developers

After the official launch of Kotlin by Google for Android app development, many developers have taken a keen interest in the language. According to researchers, Kotlin has become so popular that it has replaced the developer’s number one choice, Java, and is surely the future of Android apps. 

In this article, we’ll discuss major Kotlin libraries and help developers choose the right one for their needs.

A Bootiful Podcast: Interview With Kotlin Team Engineer

Hi, Spring fans! In today’s installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) sits down with JetBrain’s Roman Elizarov (@relizarov). Roman works on the Kotlin team and, among other things, focuses on asynchronous programming with things like coroutines. This interview was a very detailed dive into the opportunities for asynchronous programming for Spring developers using Kotlin, especially in light of the new coroutine support coming in Spring Framework 5.2.